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Fiddlerman's Bile Em Cabbage Down International Youtube Project
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Fort Lauderdale
August 1, 2012 - 12:08 am
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Cool guys. I like what I'm hearing. That means at least 3 more parts :-)
Terry, just do your best and I can always fit you in the video. It's not about being great, it's about playing together as a unity. Doing something for fun in a group.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


August 1, 2012 - 6:58 am
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I'm working on part 4 as well.  I had to install midi and etc on this computer and I'm still not sure I can get a good video take, but we'll see what we can do.

I was having a little extra fun because I figured I'd do the team spirit thing and play from score.  One of the easy parts, what the heck.  But I looked and saw this: 

Screenshot-MuseScore-Bile-Em-Cabbage-Down-violin4.pngImage Enlarger

Ummmm.. yeah.  Little tricky figuring out that timing on the fly.. But I was working on it.


Then a couple days ago I noted you actually had pdf of the scores, and so I downloaded #4 and found out it looked like this:

Screenshot-violin4.mus-Bile-Em-Cabbage-Down-violin4.pdf-Mozilla-Firefox.pngImage Enlarger

Oh.  Ok!  LOL  Yeah, we can play that. Not that I'm afraid of a few "dots", mind you, but that first score was looking like an awful lot of dots for what was sounding like a couple half notes.  


It didn't occur to me that the score on the midi would be different.  Those 64th note rests and rather interestingly tied notes in the midi file's score were.. shall we say "giving me some pause".  Seeing those I was thinking "I must be waaay behind the other beginners around this place.."

Anyway, I'll turn in at least audio for part 4, but I am trying to get video figured out for this project.  I don't usually do much with video, and I don't have a webcam, but my digital camera does video and the test runs I've done at least seem ok.  

I also have been working on an accompaniment with Appalachian ("mountain") dulcimer by playing against the full 4 part version of the midi.  At least if I can get video figured out, I plan on recording/sending that as well and you can see if it is something you want to use.

"Been working on it, Boss."

"This young wine may have a lot of tannins now, but in 5 or 10 years it is going to be spectacular, despite the fact that right now it tastes like crude oil. You know this is how it is supposed to taste at this stage of development." ~ Itzhak Perlman

Fort Lauderdale
August 1, 2012 - 11:17 pm
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I can use almost anything. Timing is the biggest issue I have.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


August 2, 2012 - 9:51 am
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Fiddlerman said
 Timing is the biggest issue I have.

Me too. I was hoping to get you my parts last Sunday, but the click track is my nemesis right now! As soon as I get a take that ends with the click track I will sprend it to you. (and yes, I checked - my click track has the right number of measures)



Honorary advisor

August 2, 2012 - 3:36 pm
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Probably a lot of people are away on vacation so maybe why people are slow to sen in videos.  Unfortunately I am not set up right now to record video of myself playing.  But if I can I'll try and assemble an audio clip and send it out.  In addition to playing with the orchestra once a week and practicing every day I also have my consulting work and college course + study time.  However, if I can manage to do a recording over the next day or so I'll send it over. I would like to contribute at least something to the project.

Russia, Tatarstan rep. Kazan city

August 2, 2012 - 5:18 pm
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Fiddlerman said
For those of you that didn't have time to do it. I'm taking away your excuses and extending the deadline for one more weekend. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that did it. Thank you!!!

Waaaa! THANK YOU!!!!

I was really surprized when someone told me that it's 2th today!surprised I was terrified fainting-1344 that i'm too late for the project... I have a day off only on 5th - so i'll record it!

THANKS! YooooooHooooo!


Fort Lauderdale
August 2, 2012 - 11:09 pm
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Great Naska. What would a group project be without you. smile

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Plano, Texas

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August 3, 2012 - 7:26 am
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Come heck or high water, we'll be getting a video done tonight or tomorrow. 

Plenty of heck lately ... high water might be a nice change of pace.dazed

Fort Lauderdale
August 3, 2012 - 11:25 am
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That's the spirit Keith. I knew I was right for extending the deadline.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Coleshill, Warwickshire

August 4, 2012 - 4:58 pm
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How the hell am I supposed to concentrate on this with what's happening in the Oympic stadium?

In part 4, do we count the 4 bars as on the click track before we start playing?
I'm having trouble doing a count in to make it easier to tie in the start like we did on Pirate

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

California, the place of my heart
August 4, 2012 - 6:53 pm
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Okay Pierre...

I sent my file.bunny_pole_dancerbunny_pole_dancerbunny_pole_dancerbunny_pole_dancerbunny_pole_dancerbunny_pole_dancerbunny_pole_dancer.. violin 5..  pathetic right.... Hope you like it... haha... I might have screwed it up..... It was fun doing it. My nephew walked in on me and thinks his aunt is bonkers.. I had a time constraint as hubby is on his way home and I had to get it done..because he will really think I have lost my head.  :)

Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato


August 4, 2012 - 7:00 pm
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Terry, quit your wankerin and just do the damn thing  roflolroflol

I just finished the crap that will be called "My Contribution" and am pulling out the only pieces that actually resemble music and will send to FM in about two hours.  Yeah, it will take me that long to find anything useable, and I'm juicin up my creative spell with a few Bud's,,, so it should be really good!!!!!  Haaaaaaaa

Coleshill, Warwickshire

August 4, 2012 - 7:40 pm
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Haha go on then.
Now, where's my Stella Artois?cheers

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

Amarillo, Tx

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August 4, 2012 - 11:05 pm
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It is definetly coming down to crunch time.  I had a 12 hour round trip today so was unable to get my vid done.  After church tomorrow, count me in.  It'll be horrible, but at least it'll be (somewhat) agreeable to the pallet. (maybe)

"Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its entire life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein

Plano, Texas

Honorary tenured advisor

August 4, 2012 - 11:31 pm
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I can't believe I'm actually sending the video that I am to Fiddlerman, but I did say, "come heck or high water." There was plenty of heck, too - most of it mine.

My wife, bless her, had almost never picked up a violin prior to this project, but she was game for violin 5 (with a fair amount of coaxing). Son#1 wanted in, as well but we couldn't find a way to get the click-track into three separate ears simultaneously. Much technical difficulty (broken tripod and phones going off) and umpteen-dozen takes later, it was obvious that the first take was the best (such as it was), and the rest went rapidly downhill from there.

We made a separate attempt at recording for Son#1, but he wasn't satisfied with any of his takes, and wasn't going to be content with Viola 5 - so he threw in the towel. It was a noble effort on his part, anyway. Just not anything publicly available for view.

My video-editing software was being persnickety, so I couldn't trim the end the way I wanted, and frankly thought it was funny the way we blew through the ending.

I hope Pierre can edit it into some semblance of usefulness. Otherwise, just hide us deep in the mix.


Fort Lauderdale
August 5, 2012 - 12:31 am
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Thanks Toni and HC for the videos.

Keith what is your wifes name? I need to give credits at the end :-)
Great job EVERYONE!!

Can the person who sent this video "bilem part 1.wma" That is the exact name and it was only 4 MB's big, PLEASE identify yourself. I only see that it came from Sprend and not who it is. I need to know for credits at the end. Also, only sound on this one, no video.....

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Soguns Black Violin
Oslo - Norway

August 5, 2012 - 5:24 am
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Hey hey I finally sent it to you Pierre. All 4 parts, hope it help :D

It's really nice to join this project... my only problem is internet here in Vietnam is so slow =.=... took me like 3 hours to complete upload everything to you.


As I say my video was too heavy to load it in Sprend so I uploaded it to youtube insteed. Maybe you can download and use this video :D



I've take a look at all the post and video... This Project will be AWESOME FOR SURE cheerscheers Cheers everybody

Best regards


Violin - My Life - My Style - My love

Coleshill, Warwickshire

August 5, 2012 - 6:08 am
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Haha, good one Minh,hats_off
Looks like you had a load of fun doing that one

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

Plano, Texas

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August 5, 2012 - 9:12 am
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Fiddlerman said

Thanks Toni and HC for the videos.
Keith what is your wifes name? I need to give credits at the end.

Her name is Keli. Due to how often it gets misspelled, she tells people "Keli- One K, One E, One L and One I."

Michigan, USA


August 5, 2012 - 11:42 am
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@ Minh..... YOU ROCK.   clapdancing

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