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How many of you are coffee addicts - fanatics?
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Fort Lauderdale
June 27, 2011 - 11:06 am
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Sounds great. Happy that you stopped by to say hi.thumbs-up

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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June 28, 2011 - 12:07 am
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No violin today. In to work at 7am, work til 10pm. They are putting us up at the Hampton Inn. Love the pillows in this place! They have some foam, and some feather pillows. Got a room to myself for a change, being senior lineman has it's perks. I only wish I had my violin, I have been humming and whistling Amazing Grace all day. picturing my fingering and moving my right forearm in bowing motions when no one is looking. My crew thinks I am losing my mind. Lots of coffee today, got some in a cardboard box from Starbucks, got about 10 cups out of it. We have a microwave on our truck. The big styrofoam cup would not fit in the microwave, had to perform surgery. Very ugly cup...lol. Be Safe!


Albuquerque NM

June 28, 2011 - 12:54 am
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I'm not a musician yet, but i can't live without coffee! I get the native New Mexican, beans that are hand roasted with Pinon nuts, It is some of the most delicious coffee i have ever drank. lol Its the one thing i splurge on. 

Fort Lauderdale
June 28, 2011 - 2:01 pm
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I don't blame you guys. I just got back from Montreal and couldn't wait to make MY OWN fresh 3-4 day home roasted Ethiopian coffee freshly grounded right before I pull a shot from my ECM Giotto Espresso machine. It's the one thing that I don't think I will ever quit.


"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
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Queensland, Australia

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August 2, 2011 - 1:26 am
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Ok, I'll keep this one going because coffee is one of my favourite addictions.  I always grind my beans fresh, but haven't tried roasting for myself, I don't know how.  I'm very particular about my coffee, and never ever accept the offer in someone's home, unless I know for a fact it's good, because they will usually drop some powdered stuff in a cup and drown it in boiling water.  Now that's what's known as BAD coffee.  drooling

I don't go for the 'milk is poisonous' theory, I believe our bodies were uniquely engineered to consume lots of different foodstuffs, not necessarily grass.  But I really don't think Coca Cola was one of them, lots of people still manage to digest it, though I'd definitely put it on my list of poisonous substances.  (Never ask a nurse what Coke is good for if you've got a weak stomach.)  I can't eat meat, though I'd never lecture someone on the well-known harmful effects to the gut.  If someone wants to eat it, and it doesn't make them sick, then it's ok.

Interesting to find some raw foodies here as well.  The most healthy five years of my adult life were when my diet was around 90% fresh fruit.  (10% coffee).  People lectured me daily that I would die of malnutrition without the extra protein, iron, calcium, etc etc etc.  But I survived and all that time I felt absolutely great.  Circumstances have changed and I'm lazy, so my diet has suffered somewhat, and I don't feel nearly as well as I did then.


If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right.

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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August 2, 2011 - 5:40 am
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I think laziness and apathy are probably more lethal than bad food, drugs, drinking, and smoking. At least in  the USA. Fattest people in the world, damn proud of it.



Fort Lauderdale
August 2, 2011 - 11:20 am
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David Burns said:

Fattest people in the world, damn proud of it.

LOL - that is hilarious.

@ Robyn - I don't think that cows milk is poisonous in every country, but the regular milk here in the US is. If you buy organic, it is much better though I don't think humans need it. Apparently there are acceptable levels of urine, feces, blood and puss found in our regular processed milk. Also antibiotics, hormones and over 50 measurable toxins.

I didn't believe it when I first heard this but was worried enough about it to do some research. On the other hand, there is no guarantee that the information that is available is accurate either.

I'm just like you when it comes to coffee. I won't drink just any coffee offered to me. I am extremely picky and know exactly what I like. My favorite single estate is Ethiopian - Yirgacheffe.

Someday if you want to try it you can roast your own coffee in a pan if you have good ventilation or in the oven. The important thing is that you keep it moving when it starts turning color. Plenty of sites that give instructions on roasting coffee. The easiest way is to get a coffee roaster. 

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


August 2, 2011 - 3:54 pm
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My family background is Italian.  I have been drinking espresso since I can remember.  I think my mom was probably putting in my bottle.  Just kidding!!!!! I just love the smell. I think all music lovers love coffee.  All my friends who play instruments love their coffee.  My mom usually takes us to Starbucks before we get together and jam on our violins. 

Fort Lauderdale
August 2, 2011 - 4:32 pm
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I'm actually half Italian and I really think my mom must have gaven me coffee as a baby too.rofl

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


August 3, 2011 - 2:18 am
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Lol  at DD and Fiddlerman! My daughter did have caffeine as a newborn. They gave it to her so she would be alert enough to keep breathing. We sometimes told other people that she is a double expresso baby since they have to double the doses for her (because of her breathing issue, she stayed in a NICU for five weeks).

I love the smell of coffee. when I was little, my mother used to roast coffee beans, it smelled really good, but as kids, we were not allowed to drink coffee. I don't know why, but we do drink tea, though.

Back home, my family is famous for strong coffee, one time a teacher of mine said to the whole class, "If you go to her house, be sure to water down the coffee they offer you, one cup of coffee from their family is equivalent to three." I still drink strong coffee, so sometimes I find other people's coffee waterly.

I didn't really taste coffee until I was almost 20, liked it but not addicted to it. I became addicted when I was a student in Iowa. I quit after a year for a year or so then went back to it. I was poor, still am, so I could only afford the powder that Robyn would not taste.

I have never been in army, but I would drink any coffee. I cannot afford to roast my own coffee beans, grind my own coffee beans, brew my own coffee, $ wise. So powder again:). In the morning, i couldn't afford the time to brew coffee, so powder it is. At work during my morning break, I would brew a pot of coffee for those who also love/need coffee with whatever is available. We sort of take turn to bring in coffee so you get all kinds of coffee:) sometimes good, sometimes okay coffee, some time bad coffee. One time, there was only one kind of coffee left and seemed to have sat there for ages but still smell good, and i made it. Boy, it was the worse coffee I have ever had -- egg nog coffee.

One of my professors used to ask me, "Do you take your coffee black or white?" I couldn't decide then, because I like them both but now I think white. With instant coffee, i heat up a cup of milk and dump a heaped teaspoon of the powder in. With brew coffee, i made the coffee really strong, then heat up 1/2 cup of milk and pour it the coffee. I usually drink my coffee really hot (when I order it from starbuck or coffee bean, I have to ask them to make it super hot). I could also drink it luke warm or icy cold (especially on a hot day).

I try to limit my coffee intake to two 8oz cups per day, preferably before 12 noon because caffeine tends to stay in my system for 12 hours. If I had too much, I would wake up many times a night, if I had it too late, i would have hard time falling asleep.

Last but not least and hopefully this is not too much information: When my daughter was born, the nurse told me that it is okay to have coffee when I nurse her and coffeine in breast milk probably helped her to keep breathing as well (so maybe she was a triple expresso baby) so I kept drinking coffee. It's true that whatever you eat or drink goes to the baby, too. If I drank too much, my daughter would not sleep well as well!

Enjoy your coffee!

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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August 3, 2011 - 5:58 am
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I can drink coffee any time of day, and still sleep. I can sleep anywhere, in trucks, on floors. Strange as it sounds, sleeping on asphalt in the middle of a hot summer night is very relaxing when you are exhausted. I use my rubber glove bag as a pillow, and the heat from the asphalt is soothing to tired muscles. When you have worked very hard for 14 or 16 hours and you get a little break a half hour on the pavement is very rejuvenating. Safety first. Make sure you block the area off where you are sleeping with orange cones. I use the truck I am driving to block some of the area and put the keys in my pocket.



Fort Lauderdale
August 3, 2011 - 8:12 am
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14 - 16 HOURS ????? Where can I find a worker like you?

Don't sleep too close to the truck in case someone is not paying attention or falls asleep, drunk, whatever, should happen to drive straight into your truck.

Do you sleep on your sides? I can't imagine laying flat on my back on the pavement.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


August 3, 2011 - 3:25 pm
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David, I agreed with you that laying on asphault do feel great! When I was three or four, my older siblings and I went and laid on the road, on our back, I still remembered the warmth I felt till these days! BTW, that was back when maybe 1 out of 100 families owned a car and everybody stayed home after dark.

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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August 3, 2011 - 4:27 pm
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I don't do it in the road! A nice quiet parking lot at 3 or 4 am, and the asphalt is warmer than the air. For the most part I sleep on my back on the asphalt, but at times I wake up on my right side.

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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August 3, 2011 - 4:32 pm
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Fiddlerman said:

14 - 16 HOURS ????? Where can I find a worker like you?

Don't sleep too close to the truck in case someone is not paying attention or falls asleep, drunk, whatever, should happen to drive straight into your truck.

Do you sleep on your sides? I can't imagine laying flat on my back on the pavement.

That is not even the end of the shift, it is just a "break" waiting for a line to be de-energized or delivery of a transformer etc. I broke my own personal record this spring, 32 hours straight, I was awake for 38 hours. Drove home and got 4.5 hours of sleep and went back and worked 22 hours. It is the first time I tried 5Hour Energy. It does exactly what it says, no jitters, no crash later. It just clears the cobwebs, you feel normal, like you do after a nights sleep.


Honorary tenured advisor

August 18, 2011 - 6:47 pm
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I enjoy coffee daily too. Although, I've never roasted my own beans. I'd definitely like to try it sometime. I love doing things "from scratch" whenever I can.

David Burns
Winfield, Missouri

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August 18, 2011 - 9:43 pm
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SaraO said:

I enjoy coffee daily too. Although, I've never roasted my own beans. I'd definitely like to try it sometime. I love doing things "from scratch" whenever I can.

Off the coffee topic, I see you are in Michigan. I lived in Highland for 2.5 years. That is a little North and West of Detroit. I recently spent a week in Western MI doing storm restoration work. I wish I could remember the name of the town!



Fort Lauderdale
August 18, 2011 - 11:18 pm
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If you roast your own coffee beans you may get addicted. It is so much better.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


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August 18, 2011 - 11:52 pm
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I've never roasted my own coffee either. I drink at least 1 cup to over a pot every day. I'm one of those people that can drink coffee all day and still get a good nights sleep. I drive anywhere from 150 to 300 miles a day and good cup of coffee and sometimes a power nap keeps me going. Coffee Rocks. coffee2coffee1


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August 19, 2011 - 10:47 am
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Fiddlerman said:

If you roast your own coffee beans you may get addicted. It is so much better.

I believe it! I've been baking my own bread with the help of my bread machine for the last 8 or 9 months, and now I can't stand cheap, store-bought bread.

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