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Looking for information in Luthier Michael Golonok, Cleveland, OH
Saw a cello made bu Michael Golonok in Cleveland. It is exquisite! Beautiful flaming sides and back, lovely front and scroll. Wonderful sound. Now I am curious about him as I have never heard his name mentioned before.
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July 25, 2019 - 9:59 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Has anyone heard of Michael D Goronok, Luthier? I know he made cellos in Cleveland, OH. I believe he is a Russian immigrant, but not sure. I know that at some point he sold his business to Cleveland Violins. I don’t know if he continued making cellos after he sold his business.

I have seen a cello made by Michael Golonok recently. It is absolutely gorgeous. It is an absolute work of art. The flame on the sides and back is beautiful. The front is gorgeous, as is the scroll.

The sound was simply lovely, the upper registers were so sweet and the lower strings had such power and fullness.

I was told his cellos retain or grow in value. The one I saw is advanced to professional level cello. That would explain its wonderful sound and beautiful quality.

Since seeing it, I have been trying to get information on the Michael Golonok Soloist Edition Cello.

Have any of you heard of him, seen any of his lovely cellos, etc.? I am very curious. Never heard any mention of him before. I would assume he made violins and violas, but what I saw was a cello, so that is what I am wondering about. It was a 2002 Soloist Edition made in Cleveland, I believe they said it was made by Michal Golonok, not a workshop.

I did send off an email to Cleveland Violins to see if they knew anything a out Mr. Golonok. Whether he is still alive, making cellos, etc? The little info I found, and it was a little, sounded like he was still in Cleveland, or at the time that few sentences was written.

Thanks. Sure am nosy, aren’t I?

The Bumblebee Flies!

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July 26, 2019 - 10:50 am
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Just a little internet research looks like the Goronok cellos are American made and began about 1997.  And it looks like you are correct, these are higher end quality cellos.  The prices I have seen are north of $10,000.  

I did read a comment on the Internet Cello Society forum about Goronok about their sound as "...different under the ear than they do away.... more so than many cellos. Both of them sounded extremely metallic and edgy under the ear, though 10 feet away they sounded great."

Well, I don't know if this is much help to you.  And unfortunately I don't know a lot about cellos.  

I always consult my local luthier for all my questions about string instruments.  He is extremely knowledgeable.

- Pete -

my own little world

July 26, 2019 - 11:05 am
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I can still find info online for Goronok String Instruments in Cleveland, but it seems to be outdated information. One luthier that might know more about him is Peter Horn. He's a local and been around forever. I think his website lists his cell number. Emailing is no use for him personally unless his sons respond for him now, but he will answer his phone.

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July 26, 2019 - 11:25 am
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@Pete_Violin I think we found the same thread in the same forum. 😂 I actually did play it and it sounded great when I played. It was not scratchy. The sounds were smooth and beautiful. The upper registers we so sweet. The lower were powerful and warm. There was no metallic sound, even under the ear. I couldn’t figure out what the person in that thread was talking about when stating it sounded different under the ear. It was beautiful! When I listened as a cellist played, it was beautiful, too. Maybe it was her strings and setup.

Later last night I did find Cleveland Violins, the company that purchased Golonok’s business. I had to find the link in a round about way, but did stumble upon it. I used their question form and asked them about it. It is a beautiful cello and sounds fantastic.

Thanks HP and Pchoppin.

The Bumblebee Flies!

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July 26, 2019 - 6:37 pm
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Got my information. Michael Golonok went back to Eastern Europe after selling the business to Cleveland Violins. After he moved back to Eastern Europe they lost track of him. Hence, no new information. Cleveland Violins is now owned by Yan Bin Chen. Mr. Chen said these Michael Golonok cellos are highly sought after.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


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July 26, 2019 - 6:47 pm
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I love instruments that have a cool story behind them!

My violin actually was made in China but it is called a Bourree Cathedral.  My luthier picked it up in a warehouse somewhere in California...

He still remembers my violin and how he obtained it.  He knows all about the wood it is made of and where it is from.  He matched the strings its tone and he put in the bridge.  I just love knowing the story behind it.

- Pete -

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