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The BIG Deal About Little Notes!
18th Century grace notes.
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March 31, 2023 - 8:24 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Just kills me how people get so stuffy & opinionated when it comes down to the all the 'rules' of Art & Music style, but it's been that way throughout history - VERY serious! 

So, I suppose it's no surprise much controversy arose when composers, at the end of the Baroque Era, decided to start notating grace notes - ornamentation that was usually left for musicians & singers to improvise. 



Appoggiatura (Orchestra of The Age of Enlightenment).



April 2, 2023 - 3:20 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I've been thinking about how appoggiaturas relate to Irish & Scottish Folk music published at this time, but might also be relevant to other Country's published Folk Music.  Most of us just rely on learning by hearing what we perceive as 'the norm' for genre style characteristics, but things change when handed down mouth to mouth, ear to ear, over generations. 

From the List of Principal Collections of Irish Music (from 1725 to 1887), Library Ireland:

The earliest published collection of Irish & Scottish tunes was Neale's in 1726 (Dublin). 

The 1st published collection of O'Carolan tunes was 1747. 


427 Special Collections of early printed music (The Glen Collection) - the National Library of Scotland


Want to know what the music scene was like in Dublin at the end of the Baroque Period?  It's pretty interesting!

Chapter 26 of William H. Grattan Flood's "A History of Irish Music"


I'm always interested in what may have been originally intended, but it seems to me the knowledge of current notation trends would not only be important for a composer (if they actually notate their own work), BUT also for whoever collects the tunes, arranges or edits them for print - cause I suspect education varied & things get altered. 


May 26, 2023 - 3:36 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I had forgotten I'd already posted some info here about Appoggiaturas - guess it REALLY didn't sink in at the time (for me), so moved this thread. 🥴


This has really opened my eyes to how differently 'ornamentation' might've been considered in early music!

Saving this from Katie's thread: 

I said:

I was surprised to learn that an 'Appoggiatura' might be played very differently depending upon what Era it was composed & who composed it (Wikipedia) - besides what genre it falls under!  Really surprised to read that their time value can also depend on how long the principle note is!  Wow, interpreting how discernible that might be (?) 😳 ...never heard anyone talk about it. 

What makes things worse, I think, is when (what looks to be) an 'Appoggiatura' - is really an 'Acciaccatura', like in most traditional folk music!

Anyway, think I've found a very good reference site, with concise explanations of the different kinds - and excellent examples (from 8notes.com): 

The Appoggiatura: A Guide to Ornamentation

The Acciaccatura: A Guide to Ornamentation

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