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October 17, 2023 - 1:13 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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(1958 thru 1976) - The last great idea in Classical Music?  


Surprising beautiful!


Tones, Drones and Arpeggios - The Magic of Minimalism Part 1 

Part 2 


List of Minimalist Composers (Wikipedia) 

I was happy to find "Yann Tiersen" on the list - LOVE HIS WORKS!!! 

Posted some of my favorite music of his in the Haunting Music From French Composers Thread

Tiersen's music is influenced by the classical training he received as a child, by American and British punk subculture, and by the music he used to listen to as a teenager. His musical style is deceptively easy to recognize but difficult to define. It varies greatly from one album to another and with time. His melancholic music and composing techniques mix classical and folk music elements with pop and rock ones. His delicate but deeply emotional style has been linked to Frédéric Chopin and the other great masters of Romantic music, and also to Erik Satie, the colourful figure of the early 20th century Parisian avant-garde whose work was a precursor to later artistic movements such as minimalism, repetitive music, and the Theatre of the Absurd. Tiersen is also compared to one of the most influential composers of the late 20th century, the American minimalism, classical–contemporary classical, and ambient music composer Philip Glass, and to British minimalist music composer, pianist, librettist and musicologist Michael Nyman, known for the many film scores he wrote during his lengthy career and who is the reason for Tiersen to be often called the Gallic Michael Nyman.  (Wikipedia)

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