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Meet “cdennyb” from Fiddlerman’s “Fiddle Talk” forum
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King for a Day, Peasant for many

March 28, 2012 - 6:29 pm
Member Since: February 13, 2012
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you know guys, I thought and thought about which picture to send FM to post here and I just couldn't decide. I then figured since the fiddle, errr violin... is thought of as elegant and higher class than other things, I had to do a suit and tie. 

It just didn't look dignified me wearing a pair of dirty levis and a Harley tee shirt trying to look all sophisticated. LOL

@ ftufc: My nearest neighbor is about a 1/4 mile away... well within range... LOL

@ Kevin: You know Kevin... if things work out like I want them to, maybe in a year I'll be selling off all this stuff I've accumulated over the last 50 years, buy a catamaran and hit the high seas to do some traveling and diving before I can't.

Image Enlarger

"If you practice with your hands you must practice all day. Practice with your mind and you can accomplish the same amount in minutes." Nathan Milstein

Fort Lauderdale
March 28, 2012 - 7:00 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Image Enlarger[/caption]

• Please begin by telling us anything you would like to about yourself. Age, place of birth, residence, etc.
I’m 56, born and raised here in Oroville, Ca. and have lived in the same house since I was in 1st grade. I have 3 kids, the youngest boy lives in Modesto with his girlfriend and daughter. The oldest boy is about 20 miles away with his GF and my daughter (22) is living about 30 miles away working at Enloe hospital and studying to be a plastic surgeon.

• What made you decide to play the violin?
I’ve had an interest in playing for many, many years. There was an old German fiddle in the rafters of the garage/shop for decades and no-one ever really played it…separated top & bottom, lack of strings, a sound-post rolling around inside, a bridge all warped… About 10 yrs ago I bought a Chinese student model off e-bay and thought I’d give it a try. Without any kind of instruction, no internet to help, I soon lost interest and it stayed in the closet ever since. I’ve watched several you-tube videos of David Garrett and I…


"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Lost Fiddler
Dallas Texas

Honorary tenured advisor

March 28, 2012 - 9:00 pm
Member Since: October 12, 2011
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Thanks for the interview ,nice to meet you CD, by golly you look like a violinist!

No matter where you go, there you are!

Fort Lauderdale
March 28, 2012 - 9:37 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

He really does. LOL

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Fort Lauderdale
March 28, 2012 - 10:43 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439


"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

King for a Day, Peasant for many

March 29, 2012 - 2:47 am
Member Since: February 13, 2012
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the posts are in the wrong order and two are missing from the top.
 Kevin's post and ftufc post...and my answer post with the picture of the cat.

"If you practice with your hands you must practice all day. Practice with your mind and you can accomplish the same amount in minutes." Nathan Milstein

Coleshill, Warwickshire

March 29, 2012 - 5:04 am
Member Since: December 15, 2011
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Nice article Dennis, I didn't realise you and General Custer were twins lol

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

Michigan, USA


March 29, 2012 - 7:04 am
Member Since: January 21, 2012
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Nice profile, Dennis, very interisting hobbies. I used to dive the shipwrecks in the Great Lakes and in Nassau, love scuba diving, but the most exiting time I ever had (with my pants on) was to jump out of an airplane, I did that for a few years prior to the scuba thing.

I hope you get your "Cat", what a fun time you will have sailing the ocean blue.

Fort Lauderdale
March 29, 2012 - 8:19 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Dennis had the misfortune of having his interview posted and disappear in the move from one host to another. I had to redo it and his answer didn't make much sense. A few replies vanished as well. I was not able to restore those since the back-up was made a few hours before the move.  All in all though the move happened pretty smoothly all things considering.thumbs-up

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Coleshill, Warwickshire

March 29, 2012 - 10:35 am
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I've got my Yachtmaster (theory) and Dayskipper license if that gin-palace of yours is looking for crew!

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

Russia, Tatarstan rep. Kazan city

March 29, 2012 - 3:38 pm
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Dennis said:

What do you work with?
- A bunch of morons…

BaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaa!!! Lovely! rofl

Good picture! Now i can say: I've seen Dennis in a suit =)duncecap

Nice to meet You, cdennyb! laugh

Laguna Beach

Pro advisor

March 29, 2012 - 10:19 pm
Member Since: June 16, 2011
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Great pic and story Dennis. I love the water but don't ask me to dive under like you do. I love to surf but I freak out when the waves try to swallow me. When I lived in the midwest my brother, dad and I had a boat called the "happy hooker" that we would stay on for days in the great lakes. Let me know when you get your cat and if it's ok to join you on a journey!

King for a Day, Peasant for many

March 29, 2012 - 10:56 pm
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Terry said
Nice article Dennis, I didn't realise you and General Custer were twins lol

Custer was a blond... I have brown hair...roflol

"If you practice with your hands you must practice all day. Practice with your mind and you can accomplish the same amount in minutes." Nathan Milstein

King for a Day, Peasant for many

March 29, 2012 - 11:00 pm
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myguitarnow said
... Let me know when you get your cat and if it's ok to join you on a journey!

I suppose you could follow along on the internet, I'm sure I could post a 'sailblog' for you to follow and dream about. LOL

"If you practice with your hands you must practice all day. Practice with your mind and you can accomplish the same amount in minutes." Nathan Milstein

Fort Lauderdale
March 30, 2012 - 8:08 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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The blog will be cool and especially if you bring your fiddle and play on the streets at every stop. smile

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Queensland, Australia

Honorary tenured advisor

June 5, 2012 - 11:44 pm
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Wow ... you've really done a magnificent job on that old fiddle ... does it sound as good as it looks?  Congratulations!


If you think you can, or you think you can't, you're probably right.

King for a Day, Peasant for many

June 6, 2012 - 4:07 am
Member Since: February 13, 2012
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Robyn.fnq said
Wow ... you've really done a magnificent job on that old fiddle ... does it sound as good as it looks?  Congratulations!


Actually, it sounded like dog crap when I first finished it. Had steel core strings.

Then I changed the bridge design by first sanding it down from a 6.5mm thinkness to my current 3.78mm, (about 4 different attempts at getting what I wanted), then I changed the strings, (Went to Zyex, made a BIG difference), then I moved the soundpost (about 20 times) and then I got fed up trying to make it better and just made a new post... worked great and only took 6-7 moves to get it perfect! Keep in mind each change took on an average of an hour to complete and test.

I use a sound analysis software to confirm making any changes made the sound better. So,

It sounds incredible now... but it did take a LOT of tendious meticulous detail work, like sanding the bridge and using tiny diamond files to re-shape the openings in it for instance. The placement of the bridge is supposed to be at 12-7/8" from the nut face but mine actually sounds better at 12-15/16" and... yes it makes a difference, even a 1/16". I was amazed as well. I moved it 23 times in one day to get it perfect... took quite awhile to achieve perfection.

So, your answer is yes, it sounds even better than it looks... but being battle worn has a certain appeal I guess... "chicks dig scars"....lol

"If you practice with your hands you must practice all day. Practice with your mind and you can accomplish the same amount in minutes." Nathan Milstein

Fort Lauderdale
June 6, 2012 - 1:36 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439
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What does dog crap sound like? ROFLOLWTO!!!!!!!!

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Coleshill, Warwickshire

June 6, 2012 - 1:46 pm
Member Since: December 15, 2011
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Fiddlerman said
What does dog crap sound like? ROFLOLWTO!!!!!!!!



either "splat" or "badoink" depending on the diet.


Nooooo! too much informationdevil

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

Kevin M.
Nicholson, Pa

June 6, 2012 - 3:00 pm
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TerryT said

Fiddlerman said
What does dog crap sound like? ROFLOLWTO!!!!!!!!



either "splat" or "badoink" depending on the diet.


Nooooo! too much informationdevil


That really depends on weather you step in it with shoes on or bare foot.  The sound changes as it squisses between your toes.

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