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Setting Up and Using "Watches"
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May 30, 2021 - 2:28 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
Forum Posts: 5448
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I was asked how to set up a topic "Watch" and decided to do a "How-to" set up a "Watch".

A "Watch" is set for topic threads you are following and want to know when there is a reply. Unlike a subscription, you will not get an email notification. You will know a topic you are watching was replied to when you log in. In the top right area before the actual forum comments begin, there is a "Watch" box. There will be a number in red showing how many watched topics have been replied to. Select that box and you can access those posts.

To set a watch on a topic thread you are creating, before you submit the post, select "Options" below the text box and then select to watch, then select to submit. An alternative is to submit the topic and then select to in the options below the text box.

To "Watch" a topic thread that is already in the forum, whether started by you or another member, simply select to watch that topic with the "Watch" option below the text box.

When a topic thread is already being "Watched", you will see "Stop Watching" as an option below a text box. To stop watching that topic, select that "Stop Watching" option.

You can manage your watches, stop them,  in your profile. You can remove them all using the "Watch" option above the forum posts where the number of watches replied to appears in red, but you can't just remove one "Watch". To remove selective "Watches", you can access them from your profile to  select specific watches.

Remember, you will not be alerted about topic activity with email notifications with a "Watch" setting.


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The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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