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Ok, so I have been away and rather sporadic here, my apologies. Think of it this way, if I am doing the blog, I am not playing. You can think of it that way... seriously. But you won't always be right. Things are kind of crazy here at the moment. Not bad crazy, just in the house busy crazy. I have been playing, but have not been really putting my all into it. I will again, things will settle.
I did play my violin and viola yesterday. That was fun. My Soloist viola really sounds great.
Well, I have to get busy, again.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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Well, I had to restring one violin and tune up a other this morning. It has been a super cold winter, hence the het has been on more. I never had pegs loosen up before. We upped the humidifier a notch.
One of my violins, the G string peg hot really loose and the string just unwound completely. The A string also became really loose. The other two strings were just a bit out if tune. Those strings were on quite a while, and the G string looked like limp spaghetti, so I out in a new set of strings.
My Fiddlerman Concert Deluxe held up pretty good. It was just a little out of tune. The pegs were still solid in place and turned as they should. I usually have trouble with non-geared pegs, but the pegs on this Fiddlerman Concert Deluxe are really. o trouble at all. Those strings were fairly new, so I left those strings on. The fiddlerman Strings that I use on that violin last quite a while.
My violin that my Grampa made held up beautifully. It has geared pegs and there was just normal tuning required.
This got me to thinking. Yes, I started thinking again, and no comments from the peanut gallery.
The two violins with regular pegs either had strings completely unwind du to the dry air affecting the pegs, or a little more tuning tan usually required. The one violin with the geared pegs, was normal. Makes complete sense, if you think about it. The geared pegs are stable. The pegs, themselves do not move. I imagine over years, they may have to be redone, but they are stable in dry air. Don't let that fool you about the glue, etc. holding the violin together in dry air, though.
It also demonstrated how well the gear pegs are made and fitted in the Fiddlershop instruments.
That is is, Ms blog. I am hoping to get some serious cello in. I played my violins after the strings were all changed and instruments tuned up. I wish that I did not enjoy all three, violin, viola and cello, so much. If I really preferred one of the other two overwhelmingly, I could focus on that one. Oh well, I am having fun with all three.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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Well, Ms Bog,
I did my cello this morning. I weeded out some exercises that didn't seem to work for me.
I kept the following
Cassia Harvey Fourth Position For Cello - Pages 2-5. Along with exercises, it has versions of Ode to Joy and French Folk Song written to use the 4th position shifting. I like those versions, actually.
Cassia Harvey Fourth Position Study Method - pages 11-13. This uses shifting and using the 2nd finger in each string's 4th position. ie A string 1st finger in 4th is the E, 2nd findger would be the F natural. This is a little more difficult because my index finger(1st finger) is stronger than the middle finger (2nd finger). Along with exercises, these pages include, A nice little Folk Melody written by Harvey (a very good exercise, too), A short version of Rigadoon that is very challenging, and The Blue Bells of Scotland.
I am also still working on, "You'll Never Work Alone - adding shifts where I think they are appropriate.
I wanted to play Berceuse by F. Schubert but my elbow and shoulder got sore.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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Hi, Ms Blog,
I did my cello this morning. I have changed up my lesson a little. I did the 2nd finger in 4th position exercises.
Cassia Harvey's Folk Melody that uses the 2nd finger in 4th position. I followed that with Cassia Harvey's Rigadoon that uses shifting and a switch from the A string down to the G string. I never do that smoothly. Her version is shortened from Suzuki's book s it seals with specific exercises.
I have decided not to work on The Blue Bells of Scotland as a whole. It is not a long or difficult piece, even with the shifting added by Cassia Harvey. What I want to do is spend more time working on my string crossing, bowing and shifting in the first section that is played through twice. I want to make it nice and smooth. After i get this first prt smooth, I will work on the middle to end.
I then played through the You'll Never Walk Alone.
I have waited to do F. Schubert's Berceuse.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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I continued with the whittled down pieces and exercises, this morning. I think this is much better.
I also forgot to mention, yesterday Idid my Fiddlerman Soloist viola. It went well. I tried the technique for 1st finger in 4th position that I was doing on my cello. Obviously, it was different in the way it was played. I would have been in big trouble if I stood the viola up on it endpin. Especially given it is only a 15 1/2" viola. I then played my viola pieces. So far, the Holstein Freedom Chinrest is working out just fine.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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Well, Ms. log,
This morning Imdid my cello, Michael G. I have moved on to using what I have learned so far with the Cassia Harvey position book with some Suzuki songs. In that light, I am doing the three songs in her book that were covered with the 2nd finger in 4th position and dropped the exercise parts. I am also doing F. Schubert's Berceuse. I then added a couple songs from Suzuki book 2. I am going to decide between the 2 pieces so I don't have too much to work on.
Tomorrow, I am hoping to spend some time with the Micheal G, but I want to concentrate mostly on my Soloist Viola. I need tp set up a regimen for the viola, like I have for Michael G.
I might have to change Michael G's strings soon. I want to put it off as long as I can. They aren't too bad right now.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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This morning I did my viola. I have selected some songs to use for my lessons. I have to weed a couple out because there are too many to be able to really work on anything in depth. Here is what I have:
Suzuki 1: Song of the Wind, May Song
Suzuki 2: Boirrée by G.F. Handel
From Manfred Schmitz, A Little Pop Music - Eine Kleine Pop-Musik: Hallöchen! / Hi!, Am Morgen / In the Morning, Abschied / Farewell, Kleiner Harlekin (I) / Little Harlekin (1)
The Manfred Schmitz book is a German Publication. It is a nice viola book with 96 songs. The preface is in German and followed by English. This book has many songs of different keys and rhythms. I don't know where I got it. I think it was actually given to me by the guy I purchased an electric violin from. He gave me a cello book and violin books, also. I was not able to play any songs in this until recently, so I must have improved.
These selected songs have their individual difficulties. The 2 Suzuki Book 1 songs, I will use for warm up. They are pretty straight forward foe me. I can just have fun and loosen up.
The Boirrée by G.F. Handel does have the E stretch on the A string, and 8th notes. There is also the G# that is in a run of 8th notes. There is also one section that goes down to the G string for a couple notes. The Suzuki songs are all D and A strings. I rarely get a work-out on the G and A strings of my viola or cello. But, it is only B C D B A then it is back up to the G on the D string and it only does that once. So, ot mich use of the G string.
Hallöchen! / Hi! has staccato notes. It is all D and A strings.
Am Morgen / In the Morning, is mostly done on the G string with one note on the C string and ends with a G, maybe 2 measures in the D string.
Abschied / Farewell appears to be all D string with a little A string, nut it is key of F (? - just has a B flat). But, since, from what I see, there is not one B flat in the entire 17 measures. Lowest is a D and highest is an A. It does have a difficult count with the 8th notes and tied notes.
Kleiner Harlekin (I) / Little Harlekin (1), uses all 4 strings about equally. There aren't any 8th notes, but there are staccato notes. It is the common C# and F# used so much in songs for learning. It does have the occasional G# on the G string.
I think the Abschied / Farewell, Am Morgen / In the Morning, Hallöchen! / Hi! can be eliminated. We will see how that goes.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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Yesterday's viola playing did not go well. But that happens.
I did not do any playing today. I had things to get done. I might be able to, later.
Hopefully, tomorrow, will be a food day.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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I played my viola for about 30 minutes. I actually did 15 minutes on my Fiddlerman and another 15 minutes on my other viola. Wasn't too bad. I really don't have very good finger placement memory, so I might have to add tapes back on. This is for my pleasure and tapes do not bother me. I don't enjoy sliding around to try to find a note. I can't really learn that way.
Yes, I just heard all the screeching tires stopping, or squeaking bows as they go crazy on the strings upon reading this statement. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 But, I need to enjoy myself, and not be concerned about what others think of taping. I am not playing in front of an audience, I am playing for the enjoyment of one, Mouse. I do understand why those with the hopes of ever becoming proficient, and/or playing in front of others are so anti-tapes, but I am not in that group. Plus, we each learn in our own way.
Hmmm, maybe I am a rebel MOUSE!
The Bumblebee Flies!
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I constantly try to remind myself that I am playing for my own enjoyment, it takes the stress out of playing. Lets face it everything in life really should be for your own pleasure, each to their own.
Ms Blog,
This morning I did my viola. It is odd that playing the 15 1/2" viola is making it easier to play the 15 3/4" viola. I know there is only a 1/4" difference, but that extra stretch is massive for me. The kore I play the 15 1/2", the easier the 15 3/4" is to play. It is just the way it is, 😁.
I also just finished doing my cello. I have changed up the lesson songs. I am moving away from Cassia Harvey for a little while. I am taking what I learned from her for the fourth position on cello and applying it to my current pieces I know. In that line, I have applied it to What a Wonderful World, the Berceuse that I added.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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I am on a roll. I did my cello, viola and violin today. The violin was just for fun with songs that I already know and did not offer anything new, but the practice was good.
Again, today, I found the larger viola easier to do after doing my smaller viola. I think I am probably looser. I am glad this is happening. I prefer mellow songs on that viola because it is a little darker than the other.
I love the sound of my cello. It even sounds pretty good , at times, when I play it.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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So, I have added the Bourrée by G.F. Handel to my cello. My main lesson songs are The Berceuse by F. Schubert. I was going to add the Bourrée before but thought I was not ready. I have discovered a lot to learn from this song, and they are things I am trying to work on. This, with Berceuse, really covers what I need right now. Both have opportunities for 4th, crossing strings, dynamics and double stops. When these are almost natural to be able to do, I will delve further into my Cassia Harvey book.
I don't think that I had the confidence to add Bourrée before.
My viola and violin are coming along. It seems to work out pretty good when I do cello, viola, and then violin. I start with giving my cello, Mikey G, a hug.
I am always amazed by how different everything sounds, based on the bow I use, even if the bows I use are the same material, ie pernambuco. It is most visible, or hear-able, in my 2 cell bows. It always surprises me. If I really like the sound of the sweeter bow for a tune, and I am using the other bow that has a bolder sound, it is also harder for me to play that tune. I am not sure if it is a bad idea to switch, or force myself to learn to use that bow on that piece. I guess it depends on my focus during that session?
The Bumblebee Flies!
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@mouse said "..I am not sure if it is a bad idea to switch, or force myself to learn to use that bow on that piece. I guess it depends on my focus during that session?"
If you have them why not use them when thats what makes you happy or enjoying playing? It may be a study in technique or something for you to figure out what it is that youre hearing in the different bows, but i dont think theres a thing wrong with moving back and forth between bows. Ive noticed since I have the viola im liking the tone of a heavier bow right now. i still like the feel of my light bow..and its what i generally play with.
@ABitRusty I am going to use one bow and work my way though the pieces with one. Once I am comfortable and able to get through the entire piece, I will use the other on the same pieces, after that.
The issue is, that I find it hard to use the bolder sounding bow in areas where I want a sweeter light sound. I find it hard to use the sweeter sounding bow in areas I need a bolder heavier tone. Those two "feelings" most often appear in one piece.
So, I need to figure out how to make the older sweeter bow sound bolder. I need to figure out the pressure and speed I need to achieve that so I can use that bow for an entire piece.
I need to figure out the pressure and speed I need for the newer bolder a bow to achieve the sweet lighter mood needed for pieces that have both bold and sweet sections.
I asked Fiddlerman about it. The older bow is sweeter, most likely because the wood is older and better wood. The newer bow is stiffer, and, obviously, newer wood. I definitely can feel that added stiffness that bow has. I am comfortable holding both. I am going to concentrate on the bowing for a while and use the Berceuse and Bourrée for it. They both have fingerings I also need to work on, as well as the bowing.
By the way, when did you get a viola?
My plan to do my cello, viola and violin today did not pan out. My 2 granddaughters Facetimed this morning before the one went to school and the other went to preschool. The younger one requested another card. I make them. They really liked the Valentines Day cards I made them and the younger one wanted another. I include stickers and she also asked for a full sheet of stickers. Then she said she wanted the card to be different. Therefore, I spend the day going through my card dies, stamps and paper, designing a card for them each. I try not to repeat designs for them, so it took a while to figure out what to do. I have the parts cut and mostly glued together. I have to finish them tomorrow. When the girls request something that I can do, I do it. I can't wait to he able to see them again.
Tomorrow, I hope to get back on track.
The Bumblebee Flies!
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