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Bhangra Dance & Music - Addictive Rhythm!
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May 22, 2024 - 1:29 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@stringy -

Your Morris Music Thread started me on a journey of rabbit holes in Indian music today! 

ALL BECAUSE OF THIS VIDEO from the 90's BBC sitcom, "Goodness Gracious Me" - with a recurring character, 'Bhangraman'!


I'd been meaning to get back to Indian music for a while, anyway - so this was great!  First, I had to find out what 'Bhangra' is! 

It was originally a Punjabi folk dance for Spring Harvest - the cultural area spans both sides of the India/Pakistan border.  Starting out as a vigorous dance for men - all about the rhythm & beat of the 2-headed drum (dhol).  Kept it's roots, but evolved with popular music starting in the 60's & hit the UK in the 70's. 

[The dhol] Struck with a heavy beater on one end and with a lighter stick on the other, the dhol imbues the music with a syncopated (accents on the weak beats), swinging rhythmic character that has generally remained the hallmark of bhangra music. 

The dance & rhythm seems to work it's way into other music as well! 




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