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April 8, 2022 - 8:14 am
Member Since: April 6, 2022
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I'm Jim and 68 years old and just started playing violin after a lifetime of playing guitar.
Going fretless is challenging!!! LOL!!

While I love the sound of my Les Pauls thru a Marshall, listening to Hillary Hahn, Gil Shaham or Itzhak puts me right over the top! 

It's good to be here.


April 8, 2022 - 8:26 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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@Doc-Ivory Welcome to the forum!

Yep, fretless is a major challenge. You might be able to identify when you are flat or sharp, having a background in music, and that will help. Me? Forget it! Sometimes I can, sometimes, I can't tell the difference, unless it is way off. I was getting the hang of it for a while, did happy dance, and then lost it. I do persist,mtjough, cello, viola and violin. Mainly cello, as it is easier for me, but not very portable.

It's good to be here.

It is good to have you here. 

I am creating a new Welcome Letter for new members and will get one off to you s soon as I have it finished. 

In the meantime, if you look at the menu bar above the forum, you will find a wealth of information provided by Fiddlerman. Please, feel free to go there. He is all about teaching and helping new violinists. If you have a question, just go to the learning section and ask away. Good tip, make sure your topic title reflects what your question is about. If you have more than one question, tis best to start a new topic for each so that your replies son't get too confusing. 

Welcome to the forum!

Mouse 🐭

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


April 8, 2022 - 10:26 am
Member Since: September 30, 2014
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Welcome to the world of fretless instruments, and the forum, glad your here.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


April 8, 2022 - 2:43 pm
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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welcome doc, if anyone can help in any way everyone on here will do.


April 9, 2022 - 12:21 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Doc-Ivory -  


Welcome to the Fiddlerman Forum! 

I think you're in good company here! 

Quite a few members started with guitar and many of us started later in life! 

This coming June, I'll reach 3 years learning to play my 5-string Violin (plus my recently new 5-string Viola) and I'll turn 66.  I couldn't have done it without this forum & it's members. 

Can't wait to hear about all the music you want to learn!

I'm sure you'll find everything you need here - especially support, while you start on this new journey! 



- Emily


April 9, 2022 - 12:32 am
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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hello Doc !  welcome aboard!


April 9, 2022 - 11:52 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Doc-Ivory -

Just got the time to take a peek at your bio! 

I hope you'll still be pursuing the Blues on the fiddle! 

For myself, only started looking into more about Blues Violin this last year and I want to learn more.  Just had a workshop yesterday, with Jeremy Kittel, part of which was using the Blues scale to create variation for Bluegrass tunes - seems so natural! 

We have a Jazz/Blues heading here that could use help - be great if you have anything to add that could be helpful for other violinists/fiddlers.  Fiddlerman does have some great tutorials, also.

Jazz and Blues

Have you seen this thread? 

12 Bar Shuffle - Worldfiddler Composition

ABitRusty is learning clawhammer banjo right now (doing VERY well) - I've just gotten my hands on a couple 5-string banjos (one is travel size), but haven't started learning, yet. 

Relating to your flight time - my Father & Brother had fixed-wing licenses.  My hours at the stick were all 'unofficial', during my time in the Air Force & later the Army, as a helicopter mechanic/crew chief/flight engineer - I did get to fly an old 'Chipmunk' once! 

Glad you're here!


Advanced member
April 13, 2022 - 7:08 am
Member Since: April 6, 2022
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ELCBK said
@Doc-Ivory -

For myself, only started looking into more about Blues Violin this last year and I want to learn more.  Just had a workshop yesterday, with Jeremy Kittel, part of which was using the Blues scale to create variation for Bluegrass tunes - seems so natural! 

Jazz and Blues

12 Bar Shuffle - Worldfiddler Composition

ABitRusty is learning clawhammer banjo right now (doing VERY well) - I've just gotten my hands on a couple 5-string banjos (one is travel size), but haven't started learning, yet. 

Relating to your flight time - my Father & Brother had fixed-wing licenses.  My hours at the stick were all 'unofficial', during my time in the Air Force & later the Army, as a helicopter mechanic/crew chief/flight engineer - I did get to fly an old 'Chipmunk' once! 

Glad you're here!


Well,  thank you!!!
How a 60+ year old rocker and blues guy got into banjo, mandolin and now, violin is beyond me but I'm enjoying it!! See what retirement does to you? LOL!!

I had no idea there was such a thing as Blues violin, I do need to check it out. THANKS!!!



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April 13, 2022 - 7:26 am
Member Since: April 6, 2022
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By the way, I "touched up" my bio.
Yeesh, my spelling and grammar have gone to hell in a handbasket.. LOL!



April 13, 2022 - 9:20 am
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Doc-Ivory said

By the way, I "touched up" my bio.

Yeesh, my spelling and grammar have gone to hell in a handbasket.. LOL!



please dont worry about spelling and grammer too much.  Im usually entering post on a phone keyboard and sometimes am considerate enough to perform the necessary edits to make it readable.  Its good to not be the only one with those posts.



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April 13, 2022 - 9:39 am
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Hey ABitRusty!

I dunno, something happened when I retired, all my dang writing skills went to hell.



my own little world

April 13, 2022 - 9:51 am
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Welcome to the forum, @Doc-Ivory coffee2 Nope, no worries about typos. My iPad gives me the most headaches with making mistakes, lol.

My first fiddle teacher is kind of a bluesy fiddler. Her band falls into an Americana-bluegrass-blues (very light on the bluegrass)  genre. 

World's Okayest Fiddler
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