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Instroduction. Just joined.
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June 9, 2023 - 1:02 pm
Member Since: October 4, 2021
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Hi Paul, and Welcome!

My story is similar to yours. Like you, I came to the fiddle from mandolin. I have been fiddling for two years now, working on building my skills bit by bit. Learning to play turned out to be more challenging than I imagined, especially bowing. I was certainly aware of the conventional wisdom that violin is the most difficult instrument to learn, but of course I figured that I could short-circuit the process through good attitude, hard work etc etc. 

Well, I learned that there is a reason that the conventional wisdom is the conventional wisdom -- it’s true! Haha, the joke’s on me! Fiddle really is difficult, and improvement comes slowly. But once I recognized that, it was easy to adopt a “slow & steady” approach. I work on fiddle almost every day, making sure not to overdo it. I want to avoid frustration and potential burnout. And, lo and behold, every once in a while something wonderful pops out of my fiddle! And the longer I go, the more often that happens!

Along the way I have had a few lessons, some more useful than others. But I consider myself to be mainly self-taught, and that makes learning fiddle especially interesting and rewarding. If I’m becoming a better fiddler it’s because I made it happen!

This forum is a great resource. As you have already seen, the members are friendly and helpful; I enjoy their “company” very much. And I have learned a great deal from the people of this forum. The folks here have helped me think about numerous issues that come up as part of my fiddle project. I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone here, and especially to Fiddlerman, who sets the positive tone on this site.

I hope that your experience here is as productive and enjoyable as mine.


Fort Lauderdale
June 12, 2023 - 3:32 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Thanks so much both Paul and Strabo. 😁
@Paul C - I've heard the Mel Gibson thing many times before. 🤣

This is me about 20-30 years ago at a celebrity costume party. I actually won first place out of like 100 people. lol

Pierre-Mel-Gibson-lookalike.jpgImage Enlarger

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"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Paul C
June 13, 2023 - 7:54 am
Member Since: May 31, 2023
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Strabo said
Hi Paul, and Welcome!

My story is similar to yours. Like you, I came to the fiddle from mandolin. I have been fiddling for two years now, working on building my skills bit by bit. Learning to play turned out to be more challenging than I imagined, especially bowing. I was certainly aware of the conventional wisdom that violin is the most difficult instrument to learn, but of course I figured that I could short-circuit the process through good attitude, hard work etc etc. 

Well, I learned that there is a reason that the conventional wisdom is the conventional wisdom -- it’s true! Haha, the joke’s on me! Fiddle really is difficult, and improvement comes slowly. But once I recognized that, it was easy to adopt a “slow & steady” approach. I work on fiddle almost every day, making sure not to overdo it. I want to avoid frustration and potential burnout. And, lo and behold, every once in a while something wonderful pops out of my fiddle! And the longer I go, the more often that happens!

Along the way I have had a few lessons, some more useful than others. But I consider myself to be mainly self-taught, and that makes learning fiddle especially interesting and rewarding. If I’m becoming a better fiddler it’s because I made it happen!

This forum is a great resource. As you have already seen, the members are friendly and helpful; I enjoy their “company” very much. And I have learned a great deal from the people of this forum. The folks here have helped me think about numerous issues that come up as part of my fiddle project. I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone here, and especially to Fiddlerman, who sets the positive tone on this site.

I hope that your experience here is as productive and enjoyable as mine.



Thank you Strabo. I can relate to every thing you're saying, including not overdoing it. That happens more than I care to admit.  People on here have been very friendly for sure. Great site and great resources. I rehearse daily as well and one in awhile something wonderful emerges.  I'll post more as I have more to post. Thanks again, Paul

Paul C
June 13, 2023 - 8:00 am
Member Since: May 31, 2023
Forum Posts: 36
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Fiddlerman said
Thanks so much both Paul and Strabo. 😁

@Paul C - I've heard the Mel Gibson thing many times before. 🤣

This is me about 20-30 years ago at a celebrity costume party. I actually won first place out of like 100 people. lol

Pierre-Mel-Gibson-lookalike.jpgImage Enlarger


That's awesome!!! And I'm sure it had it's perks.  Beats the heck out of being a Steve Buscemi look-a-like.

Fort Lauderdale
June 14, 2023 - 1:37 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439
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Paul C said

That's awesome!!! And I'm sure it had it's perks.  Beats the heck out of being a Steve Buscemi look-a-like.

I'm sure that Steve Buscemi does ok. 😁

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Paul C
June 16, 2023 - 7:30 am
Member Since: May 31, 2023
Forum Posts: 36
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I'm sure Mr Buscemi does very well.
I shouldn't have mentioned him in my earlier post. That was wrong.
He's actually one of my favorites from Adam Sandler's crew.

June 18, 2023 - 3:59 pm
Member Since: June 9, 2023
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Paul C, we joined at similar times :) (and thank you for posting a welcome reply in my thread).


My real name is Jo by the way.

I did learn a little bit the piano 10years ago up to grade 3 ABRMS (that is still beginner stages) and also the Double Bass but then as I work so many hours under the sun I felt I could not get really good at any of my instruments and I have a big personality trait where I like to 'give it all' and apply myself and have this goal of reaching top (or very near the top) capabilities in anything I do....so I dropped the piano and double bass and kept violin going, probably the wrong thing to do as violin is real monster of an instrument to become advanced on it!!!!  I often think I will never achieve advaced stage but then I 'slap myself on the face' and remind myself of my old motto 'never give up' (as if you give up then it will certainly never happen), so here I am I keep trying, I am still 'very far' from liking how I play or being able to play well anything I like but I have to keep trying :D

so let's keep trying :)

Paul C
June 19, 2023 - 3:15 pm
Member Since: May 31, 2023
Forum Posts: 36
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Nobodysdriving said
Paul C, we joined at similar times :) (and thank you for posting a welcome reply in my thread).


My real name is Jo by the way.

I did learn a little bit the piano 10years ago up to grade 3 ABRMS (that is still beginner stages) and also the Double Bass but then as I work so many hours under the sun I felt I could not get really good at any of my instruments and I have a big personality trait where I like to 'give it all' and apply myself and have this goal of reaching top (or very near the top) capabilities in anything I do....so I dropped the piano and double bass and kept violin going, probably the wrong thing to do as violin is real monster of an instrument to become advanced on it!!!!  I often think I will never achieve advaced stage but then I 'slap myself on the face' and remind myself of my old motto 'never give up' (as if you give up then it will certainly never happen), so here I am I keep trying, I am still 'very far' from liking how I play or being able to play well anything I like but I have to keep trying :D

so let's keep trying :)


Hi Jo!  Sounds like you've got all the right stuff to succeed! Just gotta keep on keepin on. I wish you all the luck with your violin journey. Nie to meet you! -Paul

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