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Hi from total beginner LinDee
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March 8, 2022 - 9:05 pm
Member Since: March 8, 2022
Forum Posts: 51
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Hi group,

Just a quick note to introduce myself.  Just joined 'Fiddlerman' after browsing the site - definitely LOTS of great material for a beginner like myself.

So, my name is LinDee, I am older than I care to admit and I have just begun teaching myself the fiddle.  I have a had couple of 'false starts' over the last few years, but I am determined that this will be 'the time!'  I have NO experience - that is, I never took band in school or had any music lessons as a child.  I did take a beginner group class in piano in college, as well as a music appreciation class.  So many years ago that I have forgotten whatever I might have learned.  I proudly offer that my piano instructor was extremely encouraging, saying I had lots of talent and was a fast learner - but I was forced to sell my piano so that was that...

Totally looking forward to this new venture in my life.  Amazing how much information you can find on the internet and I notice this site is often referenced by other sites :)


Greater Chicagoland

March 8, 2022 - 9:34 pm
Member Since: April 16, 2021
Forum Posts: 1591
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Welcome to a great group. I just started learning the viola 10 1/2 months ago and this forum has given me the support and guidance that I needed to continue learning. I'm almost 79 years old and many others here are in the gray hair league, while others are youngsters who put up with us!

The old curmudgeon!


March 8, 2022 - 11:01 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
Forum Posts: 8088
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@LinDee -  


Welcome to the Fiddlerman Forum! 

Sounds like you'll fit right in!
Have you been able to use some of the Fiddlerman tutorials, yet? 
Many other tutorials and help
posted throughout all the threads here, too. 
Think you'll find time passes pretty quickly here - I blinked my eyes and can't believe I've been playing a little over 2½ years, now. (lol) 
I was going to ask you what music you like, but I see your answer (in the other thread) is Bluegrass! 

Glad you joined us! 



- Emily


March 9, 2022 - 12:05 am
Member Since: September 30, 2014
Forum Posts: 2177
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Welcome to the forum,  lots of late starters here,

Enjoy the journey, play the songs/music that makes you want to play 


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


March 9, 2022 - 4:53 am
Member Since: August 23, 2020
Forum Posts: 2095
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Welcome to the site, violin is a very rewarding instrument to learn and brings lots of pleasure(as well as tantrums)    ;) everyone here is friendly and will answer questions if they can, we are all in the same boat, though there are some excellent players on here.

Fort Lauderdale
March 9, 2022 - 12:11 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

LinDee said
Hi group,

Hi LinDee

Just a quick note to introduce myself.  Just joined 'Fiddlerman' after browsing the site - definitely LOTS of great material for a beginner like myself.

Thanks for checking us out. 😁

So, my name is LinDee, I am older than I care to admit......

That can be anything from your teens to over 90..... 🤣
Also, most of us can relate.

......and I have just begun teaching myself the fiddle. I have a had couple of 'false starts' over the last few years, but I am determined that this will be 'the time!'  I have NO experience - that is, I never took band in school or had any music lessons as a child.  I did take a beginner group class in piano in college, as well as a music appreciation class.  So many years ago that I have forgotten whatever I might have learned.  I proudly offer that my piano instructor was extremely encouraging, saying I had lots of talent and was a fast learner - but I was forced to sell my piano so that was that...

I believe that you will stick to it this time. I've done the same thing with the guitar but seriously never devoted time to it. Maybe some day..... First I have to find some spare time.

Totally looking forward to this new venture in my life.  Amazing how much information you can find on the internet and I notice this site is often referenced by other sites :)

You are right. The World Wide Web is full of fantastic information just waiting for us to absorb and enrich our lives. As well as not so fantastic information. LOL

Looking forward to seeing your posts and hearing about your progress.
Welcome to the forum!!!!!

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


March 9, 2022 - 1:38 pm
Member Since: November 10, 2018
Forum Posts: 329
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Welcome @LinDee. You'll be comfortable here I'm sure. Have fun with your violin journey!


March 9, 2022 - 6:29 pm
Member Since: June 24, 2020
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@LinDee  Welcome to the Forum! Good folks here to help you out on your musical adventuresmile

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

March 9, 2022 - 11:48 pm
Member Since: March 8, 2022
Forum Posts: 51
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Mark said
Enjoy the journey, play the songs/music that makes you want to play 


very good advice Mark, thanks, LinDee

March 9, 2022 - 11:50 pm
Member Since: March 8, 2022
Forum Posts: 51
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Thanks, everyone, for the warm welcome,



March 10, 2022 - 12:10 pm
Member Since: October 11, 2021
Forum Posts: 383
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Age is relative but unlike unwanted relatives, you can't tell it go home after the holidays.

I'm 63 and I started playing 4 months ago.  I also have zero background in music except for listening to it on the radio.  Which means I can relate to your beginnings very well.

I'm also self learning but following a Suzuki tutorial on youtube.  The tutorial sessions are fairly perfunctory but they follow the progression of the Suzuki program and I'm learning the techniques which, so far, have allowed me to start playing non-Suzuki pieces and have them actually sound like music.  Sort of.   laugh

This is the You Tube Channel I'm following for the Suzuki lessons  She has a lot of videos so you'll need to do a lot of scrolling to find the Suzuki Book 1 vids.  I bookmarked each one individually and saved them in their own folder on my PC.  I just click on the "lesson of the week", or the next one when it's time to move on, without having to scroll scroll scroll... again when the time comes.  (In the beginning I was able to do a lesson each week but now each one takes longer because the pieces are more complex and longer than the earlier ones.)

The tutorial does work.  I started learning Bach's minuet No. 1 this week which means I'm only about 5 pieces from being done with Book 1.  I think I have 9 more lessons to go for those 5.

The Suzuki books are available on Amazon and they're cheap.  You also don't need the combo book and CD package because the CD is on YouTube.


And, now that I've told you my musical life story, it's time for me to add my voice to the others and say



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