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Learning online with a teacher in Ukraine
How I met the best teacher.
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July 16, 2023 - 12:58 am
Member Since: July 16, 2023
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Hello all! 


I am a Marine Veteran in my 40s and had an interest in music since I had the rare oppertunity in school as a kid to take music for a short time.


I spent several months last year volunteering in Ukraine and noted that especially in Lviv every tenth person walking around seemed to be carrying some form of Instrument.


I got more curious and when I came back to the US I looked into seeing if it was possible to pick the Violin up over video chat. I work in software and work with folks throughout the world so I was curious to see if this was possible. Initially I tried it with a teacher in the US but I just did not gel with that person.


So,  found a really nice lady in Lviv and started taking lessons, the initial challenge was the eight hour time difference but I figured that it was a nice idea to offer some form of additional income to a teacher in what is a Country enduring such a horrific invasion.


From the first lesson until now, she has been the most patient and encouraging teacher imaginable. I look forward to every lesson even if it's at 0600 in the morning at the weekend or similar.


Sometimes the air raid sirens go off on her end, sometimes the power has gone out. We've pushed through it and at times I've just recorded what I needed to work on and just sent it to her and she would provide positive feedback and never allow me to tip her etc.


About 15 lessons in and I went back to Ukraine to volunteer with an NGO and got to meet her in person and she obtained a loaner Violin for me to use and we had lessons as time and commitments permitted.


I'm back in the US again and we continue to have lessons but I cannot imagine any other teacher at this point.


I never plan on being great or anything close to it. But for me learning now is a joy, I've made a new friend and learning is just something I'm so happy that I took up.


July 16, 2023 - 1:59 am
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@barred -

Welcome to the forum! 

Cool story! 

So, of the music you've been learning, what's your favorite? 

- Emily


July 16, 2023 - 4:29 am
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ELCBK said

@barred -

Welcome to the forum! 

Cool story! 

So, of the music you've been learning, what's your favorite? 

- Emily


I wanted to learn folk, and I found it. I'm from Ireland originally and just fell in love with Ukraine and her music.


July 16, 2023 - 4:37 am
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This means so much to me because it is her music, her culture, her history. I'm seriously honoured to have the oppertunity to learn from a life long professional violinist and put up with my cat scratchery.


July 16, 2023 - 4:41 am
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barred said

ELCBK said


@barred -

Welcome to the forum! 

Cool story! 

So, of the music you've been learning, what's your favorite? 

- Emily


My first mission was to learn how to play 'La vie en Rose'. Rather daring mission but something I'm trying to get to through the basics and love of the Instrument.


Back story there regarding a promise I made to my first love back when I was young ( In Ireland) who died unfortunately and and I promised her to do something exceptional for her by her grave and I'm working on it now. I just want to play the best I can when I get back home. 

So I learn each and ever day.



July 16, 2023 - 5:41 am
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@barred -

That's GREAT you are learning 'La vie en Rose'!  

...also freaky, because I was looking at some French music last night & ended up reading more about Édith Piaf's life (she made the tune famous with the French lyrics in the 1940's). 

So, you are living in the US, but you are originally from Ireland?

Is that your Teacher in the video?

I'm self-taught, so right from the beginning I relied on video tutorials - like the ones made by Fiddlerman, as well as others - I like so many styles of music (including Eastern European). 

I recently watched/listened to a video with some interesting fiddling, a folk tune from the Maramureș - the fiddler played a stroh-type violin (with the horn). 

Every Classical violinist I've heard from the Ukraine plays beautifully - Kateryna, A Ukrainian Refugee, New Fiddlershop Violin Thread & Showing Support For Ukraine With Music Thread


July 16, 2023 - 6:12 am
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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Hello welcome to the forum, that's a great tntro, glad you found a good teacher as well.

Where abouts In Ireland are you from, I have family all over there, chances are you could be from near to them, :)


July 16, 2023 - 7:54 am
Member Since: July 16, 2023
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ELCBK said
@barred -

That's GREAT you are learning 'La vie en Rose'!  

...also freaky, because I was looking at some French music last night & ended up reading more about Édith Piaf's life (she made the tune famous with the French lyrics in the 1940's). 

So, you are living in the US, but you are originally from Ireland?

Is that your Teacher in the video?

I'm self-taught, so right from the beginning I relied on video tutorials - like the ones made by Fiddlerman, as well as others - I like so many styles of music (including Eastern European). 

I recently watched/listened to a video with some interesting fiddling, a folk tune from the Maramureș - the fiddler played a stroh-type violin (with the horn). 

Every Classical violinist I've heard from the Ukraine plays beautifully - Kateryna, A Ukrainian Refugee, New Fiddlershop Violin Thread & Showing Support For Ukraine With Music Thread


Edit Piafs music gave me comfort as a kid, she is a timeless classic. There is a bio movie about her by the same name 'la vie en rose'. Thank you for the welcome and the links, I shall listen to them later today.


July 16, 2023 - 7:57 am
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stringy said
Hello welcome to the forum, that's a great tntro, glad you found a good teacher as well.

Where abouts In Ireland are you from, I have family all over there, chances are you could be from near to them, :)


I'm from Raheny on the Northside of Dublin city. Thanks for the welcome.


July 16, 2023 - 8:04 am
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ELCBK said

@barred -

Welcome to the forum! 

Cool story! 

So, of the music you've been learning, what's your favorite? 

- Emily


As much as I love classical music, I have a deep interest in folk music from all parts of the world. It's the music of the local people and their history/culture wherever they may be.


July 16, 2023 - 8:13 am
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Nice area, that there, I will be honest though, I think a lot of the  northsides a bit rough and rundown now, it's a shame, mind you the temple bar is turning into a real tourist mess as well, last time I was there it was full of tourists looking for their heritage and drinking guiness lol, and musicians playing oasis stuff in all the bars. Anyway welcome to the forum, look forward to seeing more posts from you, lot of very nice and helpful people on here;)


July 16, 2023 - 8:33 am
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stringy said
Nice area, that there, I will be honest though, I think a lot of the  northsides a bit rough and rundown now, it's a shame, mind you the temple bar is turning into a real tourist mess as well, last time I was there it was full of tourists looking for their heritage and drinking guiness lol, and musicians playing oasis stuff in all the bars. Anyway welcome to the forum, look forward to seeing more posts from you, lot of very nice and helpful people on here;)

 Northside of Dublin has a mix of gold and bad places so to speak, but we all are super proud of our area.

My first job was with Dell computers on the Southside. I was an engineer and one day security asked me if I could help break into a Car on the basis that I was from that place. The shock and horror of it all. Job done anyway, with a sense of resentment. Its sad to this day that because your from one side of a city that you are treated as a lesser than thou individual.


July 16, 2023 - 9:57 am
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hi barred and welcome to the forum!


July 17, 2023 - 12:06 am
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Welcome to the forum and your journey with the fiddle,  sounds like you have a great teacher.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

Sacramento, California

July 17, 2023 - 10:15 pm
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One of the nice things about living in the 2020s is that we're no longer limited to the pool of teachers available locally. I'm also taking lessons across multiple time zones (not quite as far as you, I'm in California and taking lessons from someone in Massachusetts) because I found a much better fit than anyone local.


July 21, 2023 - 9:16 pm
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AndrewH said

One of the nice things about living in the 2020s is that we're no longer limited to the pool of teachers available locally. I'm also taking lessons across multiple time zones (not quite as far as you, I'm in California and taking lessons from someone in Massachusetts) because I found a much better fit than anyone local.


Yes indeed, it's truly makes the world a smaller place for the better. 

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