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Rhode Island

January 30, 2022 - 3:03 pm
Member Since: January 29, 2022
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My name is Katka. I'm a complete beginner to the violin. 

I'm 38 yrs old and took something like 6 months of school lessons when I was a child. (So other than the odd fact that I could remember how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb and can stumble my way through sheet music, I'm a beginner)

It didn't work out but in retrospect; being a bit immature, having a new bow that likely never saw enough rosin and playing on a secondhand 4/4 as a 7 yr old child....yeah...that wasn't going well. 

Fast forward over 30 yrs and I've thought from time to time about taking it up again (except that one stint in my 20s where I wanted to learn bagpipes....being an asthmatic that would have been crazy) but never seemed to find the time. Now my kids are almost grown (except the youngest; he's 8), all of a sudden I have tons of time. 

I started with a VSO but honestly sent that back so at the moment I am without a violin. I was surprised to learn though that I have 4 or 5 music shops (not counting guitar center) within a 30 minute drive including an actual luthier. I think I'm going to look locally and I'm definitely more interested in buying rather than renting. (I feel like buying is more of a commitment to continuing....) 

I look forward to one day being able to play the folk music that I love and maybe even some modern stuff. 

January 30, 2022 - 3:15 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Welcome to the forum, Katka. I am so pleased you dove right in and introduced yourself.

We are very happy to have you join us. You have my email address if you need anything, so feel to use it. You will find people here to be very friendly and willing to help. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


January 30, 2022 - 3:26 pm
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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welcome to the forum, nearly everyone here are at different stages of beginner so you are not on your own, saying thst though there are some on here who are very good, and we even have one orchestra player, feel free to ask any question everyone is more than happy to help if they can especially the maestro,. or as he prefers to be called, ..?..Sir


January 31, 2022 - 12:02 am
Member Since: September 30, 2014
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Welcome to the forum, 

And have fun finding and learning to play the fiddle.



Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


January 31, 2022 - 9:45 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Katka -

So glad you've joined us here at the Fiddlerman Forum! 

Hope you'll find your new musical journey exciting & FUN! 


Are you are still looking for a new Violin? 

If you live here in the USA, I can't speak highly enough of the Fiddlershop. 

I'm VERY biased about 5-string Violins - after 2½ years, I STILL 💖 mine! 

Have you considered one? 



- Emily

Rhode Island

January 31, 2022 - 10:20 am
Member Since: January 29, 2022
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My husband and I talked and he thinks I should look around here for a quality used one before buying online. I am pushing to go down to the Luthier, even if it might cost more.
While I'm sure it wouldn't happen, I have nightmares about accidentally getting a viola online and having to learn alto clef. 


January 31, 2022 - 10:57 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@Katka -


A lot of Fiddlers here have been lured to the "Dark Side". (lol) 

Anyway, the Dark Side can be very beautiful! 

On Violin.




Confused Head Scratching Emoticons

I still look at Alto Clef notation like it's really the Treble Clef - just the notes have a problem, they all slipped down ½ step from being a whole octave off! 

...I'm expecting a 5-string Viola - any day, now (very excited). 

- Emily

Rhode Island

January 31, 2022 - 1:30 pm
Member Since: January 29, 2022
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good to know! I want to try one one day, just not right now lol 

My journey started for 2 reasons: Two years ago, I picked up keyboard but it was a pain in the butt taking out my old vintage casio keyboard....then the plug broke, courtesy of my now 8 yr old son. My note reading is dismally slow. 

So this year at the usual new years resolution time, instead of thinking : "I need to lose weight" (which is what I should be doing lol) I thought: I want to read notes not so slow. I was going to buy a recorder but my 17 yr old daughter said "no Mom, that's for 4th graders, try a real instrument." Granted, I'm a mild asthmatic so that was probably good advice.  I knew the flute was a no go because I could never figure out how to get my sister's to make any noise. So violin it is!

She is currently teaching herself the mandolin :D I think I started a trend. 


January 31, 2022 - 1:49 pm
Member Since: November 10, 2018
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*Nightmares about viola? not possible!*

Welcome @Katka. A long road but plenty of enjoyment in sight :--)

Vermont, Massachusetts or somewhere in between

January 31, 2022 - 2:08 pm
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Welcome @Katka, sound a littleike my beginnings.  I started with a used viola from my daughters violin teacher then moved up with a Fiddlerman Masters.  

January 31, 2022 - 2:15 pm
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Katka said
My husband and I talked and he thinks I should look around here for a quality used one before buying online. I am pushing to go down to the Luthier, even if it might cost more.

While I'm sure it wouldn't happen, I have nightmares about accidentally getting a viola online and having to learn alto clef. 


@Katka First, my disclaimer, I am administrator of the forum, but I am in no way connected to Fiddlershop. Given that, what I am saying is based on my own personal experience.

If you do decide to purchase online over going to a luthier, you can't do better than Fiddlershop, in my opinion.

I purchased a Concert Deluxe Violin, a Concert Deluxe Viola, then I traded in my Concert Deluxe viola for a Soloist Viola. All arrived perfect.

But, if you decide on a luthier, that is perfectly fine, we do not require anyone to purchase from Fiddlershop. Fiddlerman created the forum to help us learn, share, etc. I just wanted to set your mind at ease about purchasing online, if you choose to purchase from Fiddlershop. I do not know about other online stores, and they are not discussed here, for obvious reasons 😄. I was hesitant to purchase online, but I have done it 3 times on Fiddlershop without an issue.

There are benefits from both routes, Fiddlershop or a local luthier. Whatever suites you best and makes you comfortable and confident is what you should do.

It is totally up to you. We are so pleased to have you join the forum. Don't forget about all the lessons and videos Fiddlerman has provided in the menu bar before the forum starts. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


February 5, 2022 - 12:12 pm
Member Since: June 24, 2020
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@Katka Welcome to the Forum!  However you chose to acquire your violin, you'll find support here for your musical journey! smile

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.

Rhode Island

February 7, 2022 - 1:07 pm
Member Since: January 29, 2022
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Oh I meant mainly buying used on Ebay, not from a reputable business. At first I wanted an antique one but I've realized that they are sometimes quite bad. (I like antiques so that was a bit of a letdown) 
I'm still looking, its fun to look but I do hope to find one I like soon!

Fort Lauderdale
March 9, 2022 - 2:18 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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Katka said
My name is Katka. I'm a complete beginner to the violin. 

Welcome Katka!!!

I'm 38 yrs old and took something like 6 months of school lessons when I was a child. (So other than the odd fact that I could remember how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb and can stumble my way through sheet music, I'm a beginner)

That must have felt good. Like riding a bike I guess.

It didn't work out but in retrospect; being a bit immature, having a new bow that likely never saw enough rosin and playing on a secondhand 4/4 as a 7 yr old child....yeah...that wasn't going well. 

Fast forward over 30 yrs and I've thought from time to time about taking it up again (except that one stint in my 20s where I wanted to learn bagpipes....being an asthmatic that would have been crazy) but never seemed to find the time. Now my kids are almost grown (except the youngest; he's 8), all of a sudden I have tons of time. 

Bagpipes is one instrument that I never thought about playing. Looks cool as heck though.

I started with a VSO but honestly sent that back so at the moment I am without a violin. I was surprised to learn though that I have 4 or 5 music shops (not counting guitar center) within a 30 minute drive including an actual luthier. I think I'm going to look locally and I'm definitely more interested in buying rather than renting. (I feel like buying is more of a commitment to continuing....)

Let me know if you need help finding something.

I look forward to one day being able to play the folk music that I love and maybe even some modern stuff. 

Look forward to following your progress.


"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

March 13, 2022 - 1:10 am
Member Since: March 8, 2022
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@Katka :As a fellow beginner,  I say "Welcome"  - this seems like a great site with lots of helpful info and people.  

Hey, I also thought bagpipes might be cool to learn, they have such a unique sound... but I admit, there are several instruments I would love to be able to play, sigh...

@ELBCK - love the sound of the viola too, very rich  (also, the cello).  If I could just devote my time to music maybe I would get good enough at the fiddle that I could try to add the viola too (and piano and...).  LOVED the 2 videos you posted - beautiful!  Now see, that's me - I hear a good blue grass or Irish fiddle tune and say, oh, yes I would like to play that!  Then I hear a beautiful classical modern piece and say, oh, THAT's what I want to be able to play!!!  hahahaha!! dazed


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