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Hi all
Just started my violin journey 3 weeks ago. I have a teacher and the first thing he did was rip my tapes off, probably a good idea. Been doing the normal open string exercises, onto first finger on A string this week. I knew it was going to be hard but I feel like I have to be a contorcinast just to reach the g string let alone try and play a relaxed note.I have played ukulele for a few years I guess that was hard in the beginning. I think the worst thing is not being able to play anything that sounds remotely like a song. And that everybody including myself cringes when I play it.Even the dog doesn't know what to make of it.
Anyway nice to be part of your community and if anybody can remember these difficult times and give me a bit of encouragement it will be hugely appreciated.
Thanks Phil.
Honorary tenured advisor
Honorary advisor
Everything! And I mean everything you are experiencing is normal for learning violin.
The violin is the most difficult instrument in the orchestra. And the most rewarding.
You have an excellent teacher!!!!! Get rid of those tapes as soon as you can! I am sure that's what he was thinking. They are little more than a nuisance. And they hinder vital skills to develop your ear, which you need to work on as soon as possible. So keep this teacher! He knows what he is doing.
The discomfort as you play and as you reach strings is normal but will not last long. It will get better and your teacher will make sure you are using good posture so you won't hurt yourself.
Playing scales slowly will help with fingering so do not neglect your scales.
It sounds like you are doing well!! Practice EVERY day
And keep playing!
- Pete -
Fiddlerman said
Welcome to the forum Phil,Had you been playing a bit before visiting this teacher?
I personally never had tapes or marks on my fiddle and turned out OK.I suppose this teacher also tested that you could hear the difference between a note that is too high or too low. 😁
Sending encouragement now as requested 👍
I hadn't played much but every tutorial apart from yours used tapes so I just thought it was the norm. I don't think it would have helped much anyway it's easy to be a little bit off the tape.
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