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Milo of Croton Left Hand Development Method
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April 27, 2019 - 10:40 am
Member Since: December 23, 2017
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A brief history lesson.  Milo of Croton was a 6th century Greek wrestler who won 6 Olympic laurels by the use of an unusual training method.  He carried a bull calf throughout the day, and his muscles grew in pace with the bull.  As such, he is generally considered the father of progressive strength training.  He did not die well, as he caught his hand in an olive tree when he attempted to retrieve an axe and was eaten by wolves.

It is possible to obtain a tuning app where frequency tolerance is available to a tenth of a herz.  Assuming a wimp like me starts cello training at a finger friendly a=432, it is possible to increase the tuning frequency 0.2 herz per week and be able to play at the manly a=440 in about a year.DA98C925-0977-4283-9595-8C1815F5CE9E.jpegImage Enlarger46238C43-955D-480D-9302-AF8544F86F59.jpegImage Enlarger

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. —Earl Nightingale.


April 27, 2019 - 10:14 pm
Member Since: December 23, 2017
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Below is a statue on the demise of Milo.  No clue about the inclusion of the lion.16DF8DB0-6C05-4253-8C28-2B53AB3E7E40.jpegImage Enlarger

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. —Earl Nightingale.

Boca Raton, Florida

April 30, 2019 - 9:45 am
Member Since: July 8, 2018
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@Irv I've gotta admit that my first reaction to this post was dazed but then two things happened:

1) I tried tuning my cello (with it's already very user friendly action) to A=432 and it was even more plesant to play for a longer practice session. I was suspicious that my finding might just be me talking myself into feeling a difference. But I went back and (well, my thinking is in my head, so can't know for sure) I really think there is a difference in comfort and stamina.

2) It's a bit of a pain in the neck, setting my tuner back and forth between 441 for violin and 432 for cello so, yeah, I think I will try to crank up the pitch of my cello progressively... and no, not in 1/10 hz steps... I don't have that kind of patience coffee2


April 30, 2019 - 11:27 am
Member Since: December 23, 2017
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@bocaholly and, apparently, the few others.  Sorry (I guess) for puzzling your cranium. I always remember my youth in the days of the Kennedy administration when I think of Milo.  In about our only involvement of physical education in school, we were given annual physical tests such as how many sit-ups we could do in a two minute interval (among other exertions).   My abdominal muscles were sore for weeks after that test which left me wondering what gain had I achieved from that national “datapoint.”

During the same interval, we were periodically paraded into the corridor and told to put our face across our forearms as we braced ourselves against the wall.  After pondering the consequences of that possibility for the five minutes of the drill, I raised my hand to inquire as to the next portion assuming survival of the initial atomic blast.  There was no such drill.  That night, my parents wrote a note requesting that I be offered reading time in place of the drill.  That went over big, but was ultimately successful.

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. —Earl Nightingale.

Boca Raton, Florida

April 30, 2019 - 12:49 pm
Member Since: July 8, 2018
Forum Posts: 694
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Those duck and cover drills had me terrorized for a decade! 

Funny how associations go... Milo training method - sore abs from gym skills testing -  Kennedy era - duck and cover drills ... pfew, quite a trip there, @Irv !

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