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What are you practicing just now? Especially cellists :)
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October 16, 2020 - 8:04 am
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Is there anyway to have a heart to heart with whomever you have for your next instructor and explain all of this? Maybe, that instructor will make a point to be the permanent fill in, and pick up where your actual instructor left off?

The Bumblebee Flies!

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Gordon Shumway
London, England

October 16, 2020 - 11:29 am
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This is one of the pieces we are doing. Yes, it's a pig in places.


October 16, 2020 - 11:49 am
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Like I said before, you are so far beyond me! LOL I would not even attempt this! I bow to you (bow like a ship’s bow, not bow like a cello bow). 

The Bumblebee Flies!

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Gordon Shumway
London, England

October 16, 2020 - 12:15 pm
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Oh, I can't play it! Some bars, I just play the first note in the bar.



October 16, 2020 - 1:30 pm
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I’m practicing this. Great piece for doing vibrato. 😊 I might post a video to critique corner when I’m ready with this one. 


October 16, 2020 - 2:26 pm
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@Ilona -

 I hope you can somehow get a message to your teacher - even though he's sick he still might be able to let you know what he intended to have you work on.  Or maybe ask your current substitute to message for you? 

I liked the video (like the music, too) because it shows his vibrato well.  Fiddlerman's tutorial says don't do "side-to-side rolling the finger" type vibrato on the violin, but I can't do anything else with my pinky - and reaching across to my 5th string is an issue, also. 

Good luck!


@Gordon Shumway - I REALLY like that piece!  I've been looking for more Latin American & Spanish music. 


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b8/9a/52/b89a52749fb8794b080d01d5cc64b1c0.jpg- Emily


November 2, 2020 - 7:15 am
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I have a new piece to practice! Yay! Lied ohne Worte by F. Mendelssohn.

Here is the video where Jacqueline du Pré plays it. Jacqueline du Pré! I’m playing the same piece as her, can’t believe! Well, I have to work hard to make it sound the same. 😄
I like this video because I can see all the time what she’s doing. There is also more great videos of this piece, but very often they shows a pianist just when I want to see a cellist!

Ps. My own teacher is still away, I have had three substitute teachers now... One of them helped me by choosing this new piece so that I can get forward again.


Fort Lauderdale
November 3, 2020 - 10:56 am
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I haven't heard that in forever.... Thanks for sharing.
There are so many great works out there and we tend to forget.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


December 5, 2020 - 4:30 pm
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I will get my own cello teacher back next week! More than 2 months have passed and I have had 5 substitute teachers... 

If I look back to the end of September now, I can see that I have made tremendous progress during this time. I’m so eager to show it all to my teacher, he’s not going to believe. 😄

I’m still working with that Mendelssohn’s piece, I’m almost done with it and I decided that it will be the goal for my one-year anniversary in the beginning of January. I will make a video and post it to my facebook site, so that my family and friends will see how much I have learned during this year. 😍

I got also a new piece last week, Arioso by J.S.Bach. My latest substitute teacher had three suggestions for what I could play next, and I chose this because I thought it was the most beautiful melody. It doesn’t feel difficult at all, so maybe I will have these both pieces for my anniversary. 👍🏻


December 12, 2020 - 5:20 pm
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@Ilona -

Did you have your lesson, yet? 

3 Cats At Christmas Smiley- Emily


December 13, 2020 - 2:38 pm
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@ELCBK Yes, I had! I really liked my last substitute teacher, but it's so great to get my own teacher back. At the same time, I'm little confused too. He started kind of push me really hard right after he came back. I don't mean he does it in a bad way, I actually like a lot when he's not asking if I can do something but just says let's do this. I don’t always believe in myself, but when someone pushes a little I can do almost whatever. He's probably noticed it...

He gave me a new etude. It's pretty much a bowing exercise, and I think it's just what I need. Playing it will also force me to keep my left hand thumb in the right place. (Not so much under the neck of cello, but on the side of it.) This etude is not easy, it's actually quite advanced. But if he believes I can do it, I will do it!

So there we go again and this feels so good! But 45 minutes once a week is so short time... I would need that twice a week. The last lesson of this year will be next week. I already said that I don't want any Christmas break, I want so much homeworks that I'll be busy during the whole holiday. :)

Gordon Shumway
London, England

December 15, 2020 - 9:26 am
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I've just begun Vivaldi concerto in G Op3 No3 RV310 first movement.



January 24, 2021 - 1:18 pm
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Oh dear how I've been busy!

I have had a lot of homeworks and I'm progressing very fast again.
My teacher gave me a new book, Dotzauer violoncello schule vol. 3. I've already done all the 5th position exercises and almost all the 6th position exercises too. Only one etude left, but it really makes my head hurt so much...🤯 I will need a lot of help with it.
I have also started practicing the thumb position with one piece. The related exercises are coming a little later in that Dotzauer book.

I got a book with Finnish cello pieces as a Christmas present, and I've learned couple of them. When I had my lesson last week, my teacher picked one from there that he would like me to play. Chanson sans paroles by Toivo Kuula. You can listen it here. I don't want to say it's difficult because then it sounds like I could not do it, but I say it's challenging, really challenging...


September 9, 2021 - 1:48 pm
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Haha, last time I wrote to this thread I thought I was busy. Now I could laugh for that, it was absolutely nothing! 🤣

I haven’t written anything in a while, so here’s a brief update on how things are going:

My lessons continue in person, I’m very lucky and have now a 60 minutes lesson every week. I’m also playing in the cello quintet AND in the chamber orchestra! I love it!

I have learned a bunch of new pieces and techniques. I’m working on Henry Eccles’ sonata in G minor and Duport’s etude no. 2. I absolutely love that Eccles, and also enjoy practicing that etude which is everything else than easy. 🙈
I’m also finally going to have the opportunity to take that exam I already talked about a year ago.

And one big news: I will very, very soon get my own cello! In just a couple of weeks! So exciting!


Greater Chicagoland

September 9, 2021 - 4:24 pm
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@Ilona, what exciting news that you are getting your very own cello. You should take a video when you get it and unpack it, or when you get it home the first time. I'm sure all here would be interested in sharing your excitement!

Looking forward to sharing your playing of the Eccles' with us!

The old curmudgeon!


September 9, 2021 - 5:14 pm
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@Ilona -

Such wonderful news! 

I know you've been waiting for a new cello for a long time. 

Was it picked out by your instructor? 

Did he tell you anything about it?




I'm sure it will sound amazing! 

- Emily


September 11, 2021 - 7:13 am
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Thanks John and Emily! 😍

Yes, my new cello was chosen by my teacher. It’s a new 7/8 cello, it’s hand made by some Belgian luthier. The cello is now in Germany where my teacher traveled to look for cellos for his students, they will ship all of them next week. So it will be here very soon! I was able to choose the most important thing, which color case I wanted. 😄 I asked my teacher not to bring anything as boring as black or gray so my choice was, of course, bright yellow. 💛 


December 5, 2021 - 1:07 pm
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Project update. My 2 year cello anniversary will be in a month! What a journey it has been! ❤️

I was talking with my teacher what piece could be a really nice goal for that day, and his idea was Gavotte no. 2 by David Popper. This one! I loooove that, it sounds great and so fun to play. I think it also nicely brings together everything I have learned so far. So my video is coming later. 

My new cello is amazing, I love it so much! It sounds so much better than the old one, and it also feels better. It's a little different in size, but I got used to it very quickly.
There's only one problem. Because the cello is made in Central Europe, it is used to very different climate than we have here in Finland. We have very cold and dry weather right now, and even though I have been very careful and tried to take care of it, it got a little crack yesterday. I knew it could happen, but it's so annoying... Well, it can be fixed and it doesn't have any impact to sound or anything, but I still feel so bad. ☹️


December 5, 2021 - 3:11 pm
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Preludio by Telemann, in b flat major, mainly because I am working through baroque book 2, and this is the one I am now up to.

December 5, 2021 - 3:20 pm
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Well, I am refreshing and “tuning up” with book 1 and parts of book 2 after being awaya for a bit. I was able to get the WC group project cello 3 recorded, just barely. I have a fee notes right! LOL

The Bumblebee Flies!

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