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October 30, 2022 - 2:39 pm
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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I have been playing now over 3 years, just lately I have seriously been thinking about the time and effort I have put in and is it worth it, I enjoy playing but am never happy with anything I do, as probablly most of you are not either, so this ģot me thinking about what motivates others to keep going especially when the effort required for little gain is so intense and takes up so much time.


October 30, 2022 - 3:41 pm
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I think its ok to just play the tunes..or pieces of music for enjoyment without critique or purpose.

What I enjoy the most and what pulls me to pick up any instrument most of the time is to just play something.  

I have to be more focused and actually get my mind in a practice type setting when getting ready for a class or something.  Its more about individual notes or sections im having trouble with.   

But I allow myself time to just play most of the time.  Even if its the same thing for several days.  A more method approach may show results quicker but as long as I at least am able to play It keeps motivation up.  In that process Ill hear or pick out things to work on and try to do better.


October 30, 2022 - 7:55 pm
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What motivates me the most is that playing is something that is uniquely mine.  Everything I learn by playing (and practice until my fingers are sore and my arm aches) makes me a better player.  Which again is something that is unique to me.

Is it enjoyable to play?  Yes.  Especially when I get it right.  Is it frustrating?  Absolutely, sometimes even when I get it right.  What it isn't, is dealing with others over things they want but which exclude me except as the way they get what they want while they take all the glory and praise.

That's not what this is about.  Playing is my achievement.  My accomplishment.  I'm a winner because I got up off the couch and did it.  It's not a team effort and when I succeed it's because of me.  Ditto for when I fail.  There is no "perspective."  No "good enough."  It's either succeed or fail and it's all on me.

My triumphs are worth something to me.  To keep that going I will willingly pick up my violin and play.

my own little world

October 30, 2022 - 8:07 pm
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This question was posed in the fiddle club I’m in, some people said the expense they put into learning motivate them, others their weekly lessons.

For me, if I know someone is going to hear me helps keep me going, work harder. That’s why I try to do videos, gives me something to practice for. I enjoy playing for me, but yet another practice session playing for my dogs can feel a bit pointless, so I do struggle the majority of the time. The fiddle club I recently joined has monthly virtual sessions, so that helps make me want to be ready to play the tunes and not just be a listener. I’m in it for a year, so I do want to make the most of it.

But mostly I try to remind myself how excited little kid me would be to know I’m doing this. I always wanted to learn and now I can play. I’m doing it for myself and my own enjoyment. 

World's Okayest Fiddler
☆•*¨*•.¸¸¸.•*¨* •☆•*¨*¨*•¸¸¸.•*¨*•☆

Katie L

October 31, 2022 - 8:00 am
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I think what motivates me is the fact that I am improving and that every time i get a note in tune it’s a triumph or if I realise I’m doing something right.. Also the fact that similar to rdp, I am making my own unique sound. I’m motivated by finding out what I can do and my own style. I like how everyone makes a different sound and has their own posture, bow hold etc. Also I’ve never wanted to learn an instrument or read music and the more I learn the more I want to learn. I think there is a video on vibrato where Nicola benedetti says something along the lines of ‘ you will come up with something that is unique to you ‘ I found that quite exciting ! Also encouraging comments really motivate me. I was looking at the music for Kreutzer Etude No 4 and realised I could read it that motivated me a lot . I think the fact that you can come across some music and just play it some well is amazing and I’d find that very motivating . I also think because non of my friends of family play the violin I think that motivated me. That’s a bit weird not sure why that would motivate me. But I think you are great Stringy and you should feel very motivated just because you are a great player and even I can see improvement! 

Fort Lauderdale
October 31, 2022 - 10:29 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

@stringy - Have you ever played with others or in an organized group of any sort?

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


October 31, 2022 - 11:12 am
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@stringy -

This is really a VERY personal subject 

The music I listen to is what motivates me and, personally, I think 3 years is just the beginning of starting to master anything in life. 

About playing - I weigh everything on a 'happiness' scale.  My decisions are based solely on which way the scale tips the majority of times - and I've only had a few fleeting moments where I came close to thinking I wasn't getting more from playing my instruments, than not. 

I can only tell you this forum & YouTube opened a window in which to view the 'multi-verse' of bowed string instrument music for me, and I see myself on a endless journey through it, maybe more of a treasure hunt.  Discussions here, the way others view things, what others accomplish, try or have struggled with, are all treasures shared. 

It's not all roses... but for the most part, I've been excited about what I've experienced and what possibilities lie ahead - I hope you can find that, too. 

- Emily



October 31, 2022 - 11:40 am
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Thanks all for the replies, some great answers and insights, Katie thanks for the compliment by the way )

Fiddlerman , no I haven’t played with others with the violinmainly because there is no one near where I live, I have played guitar many times in a group, and banjo as well, in fact I more or less learned guitar by being in a group, but I take it you mean with fiddle, I will be honest though, not sure I could do it with violin anyway, it’s hard enough just playing in tune. Guitar doesn’t feel like an instrument it’s like an extension of my own body, I don’t have to think at all when playing it, maybe I thought fiddle would be the same). I have no intention of stopping playing, I was just wondering about others ideas on motivating, perhaps because I am bored with playing scales and the like constantly, turns it into somewhat of a job.


October 31, 2022 - 5:48 pm
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stringy said
Thanks all for the replies, some great answers and insights, Katie thanks for the compliment by the way )

Fiddlerman , no I haven’t played with others with the violinmainly because there is no one near where I live, I have played guitar many times in a group, and banjo as well, in fact I more or less learned guitar by being in a group, but I take it you mean with fiddle, I will be honest though, not sure I could do it with violin anyway, it’s hard enough just playing in tune. Guitar doesn’t feel like an instrument it’s like an extension of my own body, I don’t have to think at all when playing it, maybe I thought fiddle would be the same). I have no intention of stopping playing, I was just wondering about others ideas on motivating, perhaps because I am bored with playing scales and the like constantly, turns it into somewhat of a job.


I get this, I really do.

Creating something every day is very hard to do.  Professional artists burn out all the time (you can tell they're at that point by what they're producing - usually it sucks compared to what they used to create) so it's not unexpected when amateurs burn out too.  Back in my younger years when I was doing a lot of custom woodworking, some days it got to the point where I didn't want to go out into the shop and turn on the saw.  I didn't want to design anything either.  It was a chore more than a joy and I haven't built anything in over a decade partly because of that.

The point in all of that is you cannot force creativity.  If you're at the point where playing is a chore, then take a break from the daily routine.  That doesn't mean stop, it means stop trying to push yourself so hard.


October 31, 2022 - 7:05 pm
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When I first started taking lessons, I was very focused on how much time I practiced, and what I thought I should accomplish.  Not that goals are not important, but I approached it more like a job (a job I was failing at)—and I was frustrated, and was not enjoying what I was doing. 

My perspective changed when I stopped comparing myself to others.  And also, when I stopped defining all my efforts to work through challenges as failures—because they all fell short of my expectations.   

I learned from my time in the military to measure success in a very succinct way:  Action→ Impact→ Results.  

So, with the violin, I would look at it & say, okay, I’ve practiced 10 hours this week (Action) and got through this such-and-such page of music (Impact), and. . . it still doesn’t sound that good (Result).  “Result” always seemed to fall short, and full of mistakes.  The Result always seemed to be a failure.

I changed my perspective.  The Result does not always fall right in line with the Action & Impact.  The Result is more allusive, and takes more time, but it still comes. 

Maybe the result of working on this piece is that I can play trills better now.  Maybe the result of practicing this other piece is that I just enjoy playing it and not that I need to share it with anyone else.

And you need mistakes--if you're not making mistakes, you're probably not learning anything.

With this violin thing, I’ve learned to be a lot more in the present.  I practice the piece I’m working on right now.  Not that I don’t think about what I want to work on next, but I spend most of my violin thinking & practice time right here, right now. 

I can put a piece aside if I don’t want to work on it anymore. If I don't want to practice scales, I don't. No guilt, no “but I should play this. . . “ etc.,     

My violin journey is approaching 10 years now.  I don’t regret any of it, even the time I was most frustrated and wanted to break my instrument.  I’m enjoying my journey now, & I’m not worried about the destination. 

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


November 1, 2022 - 5:12 am
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I'm having some trouble with viola-motivation too right now, so thanks for your input everyone. I think I should just find something new to play – just for the fun of it, and not think about anything. I'm running in circles with the same tunes and not getting anywhere, maybe it's time to look at something else.


November 1, 2022 - 7:29 am
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I'd go nuts & completely lose interest if I didn't try new things every week! 

I have a huge arsenal of tunes that I have memorized that I still rotate through - to develop more, try to play better, or just play to remember. 

BUT, every week I sample new tunes!  Maybe I'm really attracted to just part of one, or maybe I learn the whole piece, then decide if it's worth memorizing well. 

Granted, most of my tunes might not be considered much more than mere motifs or etudes in the Classical Music World, but they all evoke emotional response from me - usually catchy melodies with intriguing note patterns & rhythms. 

I forgot to mention how incredibly motivating the Online Fiddle Hell Workshops have been for me - and could be for you, too! 

There are many Fiddle Hell threads as well other Festival threads in the Upcoming Events Topic Section.  This November's Fiddle Hell is Live in Massachusetts, but next April's will be Online again!  

Search out upcoming events in your area for this year & 2023 - maybe next Spring, or plan for a trip that includes one in your travels! 

Festivals are so much FUN - the ENERGY surrounds you, plus they can help you learn/progress!

Workshops are exciting/intense (in a great way) - like several lessons in one shot!  Questions are asked/answered, problems can be identified/overcome, plus so much more learned - can keep you motivated & leave you working at your own pace for months afterwards. 


There's NO PERFORMANCE PRESSURE in a workshop - these are friendly, relaxed, environments where you learn what you want to. 




...just more food for thought. 😊 

- Emily


November 1, 2022 - 8:56 am
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This thread kept me awake last night because there's something in it that demands a response and that's not going to be easy to put down in written words.


I guess that response begins with asking ourselves what the purpose of playing is.  Or, more simply, why do we play?  Is it to master the most arcane musical score to the highest attainable level?  To be the best of the best of the best?  Or is there something else that had us pick up the violin that first time?  Some ephemeral whisper in our secret selves that told us that we could do this?  Mere desire?  Something more or less than any of that?

I truly believe that most of us aren't trying to learn to play just to master Paganini's Caprice No. 24, or something equally as challenging (or even more challenging).  I also truly believe that somewhere in our learning we all fall prey to the idea that we "must" do this.  We "must" learn that.  We "must"...

And that's wrong because I'm certain that few if none of us chose to do this because "we must..."


So, we return to the question; why are we doing this?  If it's to abuse ourselves mentally and physically, there are better/faster ways to do that.  If it's to push ourselves to the point of familial/social collapse, there are better ways to do that too.  So what's the point?

To me the point was to exercise my brain and body by giving it a challenge.  Something difficult but not unattainable.  I'm never going to climb Everest.  Never going to be President of the USA.  Never going to surpass Elon Musk in net worth.  And I'm certainly not going to win the FIFA world cup.  Or any of the other unreasonable and unattainable things I could come up with to add to the list.

But, what I can do is make me better.  A better person.  A better person more attuned to who I am.  Someone who consistently strives, and who knows that I won't always succeed, at being better even if only by a little bit because of that effort.  Someone who knows that the measure of that success isn't done on a daily or even weekly basis.  The measure of my success is done by seeing who I am today and knowing I'm a better person than I used to be.  The icing on that cake is when others recognize that I'm a better violin player but that's not the end goal.  Or it shouldn't be.

I am a better person than I was a year ago when I picked up a violin in my two hands for the very first time.  Not because I can play that violin, but because I understand more about the world, and the people in it, than I used to.

It's not whether I can play.  It's that I do play.  It could be golf, soccer, basketball pickup games in the park, or whatever else it turned out to be, it's that no matter what it is, I play.  Descartes said; "I think, therefore I am."  For me that's not good enough.  For me it goes something like:  "I play, therefore I am greater than someone who only thinks because I can put thought into action and make it work." And that's what I believe is the point.  To get out and do.  It's the doing that makes it worth the effort.


Then there's the tl;dr more simplified version:  It's called Playing, not Working.  Don't turn the former into the latter and instead try to make the latter more like the former.

Fort Lauderdale
November 1, 2022 - 2:45 pm
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Understood stringy,
I would still try to find a group to play with, IF possible. Doesn't have to be great or even good, it's just a lot of fun, no matter what you contribute.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Gordon Shumway
London, England

November 2, 2022 - 10:03 am
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Fiddlerman said
I would still try to find a group to play with, IF possible. Doesn't have to be great or even good, it's just a lot of fun, no matter what you contribute.  


But you've played banjo in a group. Well, that's a start.

Pubs is the answer.

There's a couple of you up in Scotland. Mad Bill is understandably nowhere near anything but puffins, but I don't know where you are, Stringy.


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