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Anyone practicing?
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July 2, 2024 - 4:18 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Anyone here actively practicing much Pizzicato? 

How about Left Hand Pizzicato?

I don't think I've done any pizzicato in the last year - and I've only ever worked on LH Pizzicato a few times with each finger on all strings (then got sidetracked). 😔  Pizzicato, along with a few bow techniques like 'Richochet', 'Col Legno' & 'Chops' all add percussive elements to what we play... and 'LH Pizzicato' has got to be THE most impressive thing I've seen a violinist do! 

I just don't think about pizzicato unless I see it used... well it happened again today!

Rachel Barton Pine was the first violinist (years ago) to get me fired up because of her LH pizzicato, but there are other impressive pizzicato effects, too.  Been thinking I should try to make it a little part of my normal practice (even though my practice changes week-to-week, sometimes day-to-day). 

Dmitry Rotkin is the most recent violinist to get me fired up!  He plays many different genres of music VERY well - has great videos on YT (most don't include pizzicato & not all are on his own YT Channel).


"Mad Fingers Pizzicato" - composed/played by Dmitry Rotkin. 



July 2, 2024 - 4:20 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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10 Levels of LH Pizzicato - TwoSet Violin.  Jeez, some of these examples seems the composer just decided to torture the violinist - don't feel like it really added anything to the music. 🤨 



I'd like to practice a little of all these on a regular basis, so it becomes a natural-feeling tool to grab from my little bag of playing techniques. 

I've been quite impressed with some 3-string Balalaika playing, and in fact, the very 1st time I saw LH Pizzicato - on a banjo! 

So, do any of you folks (who also play plucked-string instruments) ever use any of these techniques?

Gordon Shumway
London, England

July 2, 2024 - 4:57 pm
Member Since: August 1, 2016
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The main problem with pizz is switching from pizz to arco and back and holding the bow in the right hand. Bowing at the frog is also an essential skill.

Remember that for RH pizz, the left hand must always play fortissimo, no matter how quiet the music.



July 2, 2024 - 5:18 pm
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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I have done a bit of left hand, but I always tend to think I am wasting practice time as I probably will never use it, and could be doing other things. 

I think it sounds amazing on the 24th caprice though, to be honest I think there is a massive difference between a bit of it with the left hand compared to someone like vengerov who turns it into an art form in its own right, and makes it a bit off putting

If you thjnk about it you use it all the time without thinking when playing Irish music, whenever i do a cut or roll I alway end to pluck, as well, if you watch some of these good fiddle players you can see them do it. Of coourse its not exactly what you mean, but still a form of it.


July 2, 2024 - 6:03 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Oh yeah, the 'Roll' can be VERY percussive! 

I tend to use my bow attack to articulate rather than my LH fingers. 


I do feel pizzicato has a place in enhancing music, like any other playing technique - also not impressed when it seems out-of-place.  I really dislike a whole tune strummed & plucked (without any bowing), even for comping - but I've heard it done.  


So, no one is actively practicing any - on a regular basis?

Sacramento, California

July 2, 2024 - 6:06 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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I've rarely used left hand pizzicato. Occasionally it's been useful in orchestral music for one or two notes when there isn't enough time to get the bow out of my fingers, or to free my right hand for a page turn. But I encounter those situations less than once a year, so usually left hand pizzicato just isn't something I think about.

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