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Testing violin sound
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October 16, 2016 - 11:49 am
Member Since: October 16, 2016
Forum Posts: 28
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Which one sounds better

  • 1(50% : 3 votes)
  • 2(33% : 2 votes)
  • 3(17% : 1 vote)
  • They all sound the same(0% : 0 votes)
Total Voters: 6

Hello. I am trying to test some violins. I realize that the recording is bad and it'd be hard to notice a difference between violins, if there is any, by means of a recording which is notoriosly lacking in quality. On top of that, one of the violins I will test has at the moment two strings, A and D, so I will only play those strings in the other two. Still, I hope that some of you may hear a distinction, however slight, in the sound of the following three. It'd be interesting if there were a consensus among members of the forum. I will post pictures of the three instruments and their origin later on.

Violin 1  

 Violin 2  

 Violin 3  

 Violin 1  

 Violin 2  

 Violin 3  

 Violin 1  

 Violin 2  

 Violin 3  

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October 16, 2016 - 2:22 pm
Member Since: March 15, 2014
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IMHO I would say 2 is the better sounding.

1 sounded to bright and 3 seem to lack  projection

With violins there is no fretting over the music.

my own little world

October 16, 2016 - 3:03 pm
Member Since: July 23, 2015
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3 seems to be the most muffled sounding. Between 1 & 2 I liked the sound of 2 the best.

World's Okayest Fiddler
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Brora, North-east Scotland
October 17, 2016 - 10:54 am
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Hmmmm - so hard to tell - but based largely on the first test - I'd prefer number 3.   Out of interest ( and scientific curiosity ) were the same strings used across all 3 instruments ?  ( and I don't mean the same type of strings, I mean the VERY SAME STRINGS - swapped over between instruments ? )

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October 17, 2016 - 12:03 pm
Member Since: October 16, 2016
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BillyG said
Hmmmm - so hard to tell - but based largely on the first test - I'd prefer number 3.   Out of interest ( and scientific curiosity ) were the same strings used across all 3 instruments ?  ( and I don't mean the same type of strings, I mean the VERY SAME STRINGS - swapped over between instruments ? )  

I'm afraid not. I thought of doing so, but it'd take more effort and I didn't think it would make enough difference to change the order of preference.


For reference:

Violin 1 - Unknown cheap steel strings

Violin 2 - Dominants

Violin 3 - ProArte.


The ProArte strings may account for the muffled sound that was mentioned earlier.

Brora, North-east Scotland
October 17, 2016 - 2:37 pm
Member Since: March 22, 2014
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LOL - Thanks @LizaA !

I have to say - in the first test alone, I did ( and still do ) prefer the 3rd one ( the ProArte as it happens ).

But - I'm quite open minded about the other two tests and I have some difficulty choosing....   I can hear a difference - but - for me - not an awful lot to choose between them when I consider all the possible factors influencing what I'm hearing.... LOL.   It's a real difficult thing to "home in on".   Bowing is always different no matter how hard we try, the bowing position / wander across the strings is different... and so on...  so - I'll leave it to those with a better ear than me to help make the decision !!!

In defense of my inability to make a decision I should say that I have 3 acoustic violins I've played with ( not just played "on", I really do mean played "with" in the sense of swapping strings, shifting sound-posts, making minor changes in bridge position both vertically and laterally, changing string tension (by moving away from standard tuning by dropping or raising the open-string notes by a whole tone) to mention but a few things! ) - so I know that with even some small adjustments, I can make what WAS a good sounding string, sound not so good - but- with everything else left the same - put on a different set of strings - and "it's just right" !

I'll listen a few more times to all before I vote......    roflol

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


Honorary tenured advisor

October 17, 2016 - 6:29 pm
Member Since: January 19, 2014
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I don't think you can do a fair violin comparison test like that.  Are we trying to tell the difference between the violins or the strings?  The only way to compare the violins is to have the same type of strings, with the same amount of use on each violin. Otherwise, mostly what we're hearing is probably the difference in the strings. 

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

my own little world

October 17, 2016 - 8:41 pm
Member Since: July 23, 2015
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Ah, yeah, if they aren't the same strings that changes things. I take back my answer, lol. Throw the same strings on all of them, and that could really change which one shines.

World's Okayest Fiddler
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Fort Lauderdale
October 19, 2016 - 6:17 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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For my taste in order 2, 1, and lastly 3

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Fort Lauderdale
July 17, 2018 - 1:04 pm
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Just listened to your demo after seeing your post on taking an audition.

You should go for it. Considering everything that you have told us, I believe you have a good chance to get into the school. Hopefully they school wants to teach and form you. Afterall, this is the purpose of school. :)

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

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