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The poll section is quiet...
...so I thought I'd throw this in.
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March 5, 2014 - 7:22 pm
Member Since: February 14, 2014
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What is your opinion on finger tapes?

  • Okay to start with, but ditch them quick(38% : 9 votes)
  • Only use them if you absolutely have to(38% : 9 votes)
  • They're perfectly okay to use(17% : 4 votes)
  • Awful, avoid them at all costs!(8% : 2 votes)
Total Voters: 24
Fort Lauderdale
March 6, 2014 - 11:05 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Good poll idea. Thanks :)

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Honorary tenured advisor

March 6, 2014 - 2:45 pm
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Excellent poll question and something I was already thinking about.  I'm the one vote for avoid them at all costs. A few days ago someone posted a video showing a guy playing  the Star Wars theme, (I think.)  Fiddlerman said that one should never hold the violin the way this fellow did, with his chin in a position that allowed him to look straight down the violin neck.  Looking at the video, it was apparent that the reason he was doing this was that he had stickies on the neck of his violin that he was using as visual position queues. I did some thinking about that, since I too was trying to visually see where to put my fingers to play notes, albeit without the stickies -- and missing as often as not by 10-15 cents.  So I decided to try to play without looking at the neck at all, just to see what would happen. Surprisingly, my intonation improved almost immediately, and when my fingers missed the mark, they immediately adjusted themselves to the correct pitch without my looking at the neck at all.


While I realize that visual queues may be somewhat helpful in violin playing, it seems that one might be better off by "seeing" with one's ears more than one's eyes.  For the piano or guitar, visual locations are very helpful because you either hit the key; put your finger behind the right fret, or you don't. The visual queues there are easy to see and the targets are pretty large. With the violin, missing by a couple of millimeters makes a noticeable difference in pitch and you just can't see that small a target accurately enough with tape or without. I'm becoming convinced that tactile landmarks like the base of the scroll or your hand touching the upper bout, as well as the feel of how far your fingers are spread (muscle memory), combined with really listening to the pitch is the key to success on fretless instruments.  I say toss the tape. 


A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort. ~Herm Albright

Fort Lauderdale
March 6, 2014 - 8:29 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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Uzi said
.........Fiddlerman said that one should never hold the violin the way this fellow did, with his chin in a position that allowed him to look straight down the violin neck..........

Just want to make clear that looking straight down the violin neck is great, no problem. It's the holding of the violin with your chin clamping it between your chest and chin which can be problematic. It can put stress in the wrong place causing temporary and even long term or chronic pain. I have worked with many who have had this problem.

If you can hold the violin with your jaw bone, relaxed and turn your head so that you are looking down the fingerboard, you will be fine. :-)


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Michigan, USA


March 6, 2014 - 9:10 pm
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My limited knowledge of music tells me that using sticker's on the fingerboard are only as good as one's instrument is in tune and that the sticker's be positioned in the exact location. If the instrument is out of tune and one has no ear for intonation, then the song will be played out of tune.

Just my opinion.

Byron Bay Australia

April 3, 2014 - 5:19 am
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The whole forum has been a bit slow of late. We seem to have list a few regulars as well.

Come on guys, "post it, and they will read" :)

Seen it all. Done it all. Can't remember most of dunno ..... What was I saying???? facepalm

Fort Lauderdale
April 3, 2014 - 8:09 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Yes please !!!!!!!
I've been thinking the same thing John.
Our visits haven't dropped much either. We used to top 2000 unique visits per day but now just under.

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Tennessee, USA

April 3, 2014 - 3:47 pm
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Sorry, I know I'm slacking.  I've been super busy!

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April 3, 2014 - 7:41 pm
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I'm going to answer before reading any of the replies.  My teacher insists on using finger tapes.  I really did like them at first and thought they were sure handy.  But I've been playing for a bit over two years now and am ready to ditch them!!!  I've even taken them off before (they were worn out!).  She said she really wants me to keep using them for now since I still hit a wrong note every now and then, and put them back on.  I'm ready to get rid of them again and am perfectly satisfied if I hit the wrong note occasionally.  At this point, they are embarrassing to me. 


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Alaska, the Madness; Bloggity Stories of the North Country

Fort Lauderdale
April 4, 2014 - 8:32 am
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Hitting the wrong note and playing out of tune are two different things. I agree with you about taking them off. :-) Just don't tell your teacher I said so ;-)

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April 5, 2014 - 4:38 am
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Lol I guess I meant playing out of tune, not a full on wrong note.  


Opportunity is often missed because it wears suspenders and looks like hard work.


Alaska, the Madness; Bloggity Stories of the North Country

Gordon Shumway
London, England

October 6, 2018 - 11:38 am
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Uzi said
I'm the one vote for avoid them at all costs


I'm the second. I don't agree with the sentiment that they are awful, but I think it's better to find the notes with your ears than with tapes.


Fort Lauderdale
October 11, 2018 - 3:53 pm
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I never used tapes but I've had known beginners who just couldn't get started without them. All I can say is that one should try to get rid of them as soon as possible and avoid them if you are talented enough to hear the correct pitch without.

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my own little world

October 12, 2018 - 11:11 am
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I voted to use them if you have to. I never used them (one reason being I didn't want to mark up my fiddle with stickers, haha), but I know that some people need to. I just think you should try first without them, and then put them on if you find you need them, take them off as soon as your ear and fingers are ready.

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Boca Raton, Florida

October 12, 2018 - 5:27 pm
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Six months in and I'm surreptitiously removing one tape at a time, week by week, without my teacher noticing (at least she's pretending not to notice.) 

I do see some pros and cons, having been so attached to them for 6 months.

- Helped me move forward faster with repertoire & scales than I would have without.
- My teacher's ears suffered slightly less than without.
- Starting to now work on 3rd position and it's nice to have the tape for 3rd finger - 1st position there for starters.

- Because I was focused on the visual crutch, I probably slowed down the process of getting the feel for my hand in relation to the neck and for my fingers in relation to each other.
- Because I could always just look to orient my left hand, it took me longer to understand the advantage of most always having some finger down.
- Can I also blame focusing on those tapes for having exacerbated my left hand tension problem? :-)

The Netherlands

October 18, 2018 - 10:28 am
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I started with tapes on but I wish I didn’t or just for a few weeks when everything is new. Maybe you learn slower without tapes but what you learn is better, more controlled. Well, that’s my idea ? 

@bocaholly, you’re already learning third position, great progress ?

 Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain!!

Boca Raton, Florida

October 19, 2018 - 8:16 am
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@mookje I was excited like a little kid when my teacher said, "time for 3rd position". Turns out, it coincided with a bit of a plateau on other fronts. I should theoretically be mega frustrated but I gather that plateaus are part of the process so I'm trying to stay chill and observe how I work the current situation.

In any case, since this thread is about finger tapes, I think I'm going to hang on to at least the last one for a bit. Otherwise too many moving parts (re-examining body posture and accompanying use of chinrest and shoulder rest, bow stroke, relaxation... all the easy stuff :-)

Gordon Shumway
London, England

October 22, 2018 - 7:39 am
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Fiddlerman said
avoid them if you are talented enough to hear the correct pitch without.  

I must admit, sometimes I have great difficulty. Some things I hear easily. But I have the horrible habit of making a semitone much smaller than it should be.


Fort Lauderdale
October 22, 2018 - 1:58 pm
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Then it could be good to wait Andrew. By the same token, removing them can force you to listen and learn to recognize the semitones. :)

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January 19, 2019 - 4:31 pm
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I originally never wanted strips on my violin. But, on trying to figure finger placement out without the strips was impossible, I put them on and will remove them once a year when I get my violin checked and have my neck cleaned of any marks. At least I have a general idea where the fingers go.

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