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The poll section is quiet...
...so I thought I'd throw this in.
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Fort Lauderdale
January 20, 2019 - 9:56 am
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But you decided to leave them off now right?

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

January 20, 2019 - 2:54 pm
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Fiddlerman said
But you decided to leave them off now right?  

Yes, I am leaving them off. After I did the poll, I started thinking about it. I didn’t see where I was improving by looking at the strips. If I hadn’t been able to improve my bowing over the past two weeks, I would not have removed them. Trying to pay attention to bowing and hitting the mark was not going to happen. One thing at a time.

My bowing has improved, as noted by my instructor at my last lesson. When I saw this poll and answered it, I thought about the strips. So, oddly enough, the poll and my answer initiated the step of removing the strips. Which is really odd because it is contrary to my response to the poll. 😁

Well, now I am holding the violn differenty because I am not looking down the neck at the strips. I am trying to look more in the direction I would be to look at my music. The littlw aongs I do are memorized, but, I need to be able to bow in a different position. Due to this, the setup I fell in love with a little while ago is not working. Will need amhigher chinrest and one that allows more support to side, but still has it towards the tailpiece.

I have a Vermeer, Flat Flesch and not sure what the other is, not guarneri (I really detest guarneri). None of them work with the From Deluxe Shoulder rest. I don’t really want to raise the violin higher with a higher shoulder rest, so I will need to look for a newer chin (jaw) rest. Any suggestion, if you can with the description I just gave? I can fit my finger between my jaw and the chinrest now. Not flat-wise. I placed my index finger vertically between my jaw and chin rest. It went in without even touching the jaw. I do not have little tiny lady fingers. 😢 I wear a size nine ring on my ring finger, so the index finger vertically in the space between the jaw and chinrest is too much of a gap. Head has to tilt down. 

The Bumblebee Flies!

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Fort Lauderdale
January 21, 2019 - 4:06 pm
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This one might be too tall but if not:

Let me know. They are unique to our site.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

January 21, 2019 - 4:55 pm
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Fiddlerman said
This one might be too tall but if not:
Let me know. They are unique to our site.  

I ordered the SAS 24mm and the Impressionist today. I lopike the angling option on the SAS. I measured from the top,of the violin to the jaw, with the shoulder rest attaxhed, so, hopefully, I got it right. The next size up was a 28mm. Pretty sure that is too high. I figure if it is just a little short, the Impressionist will fill the gap comfortably.

I saw the extra tall Teka, but think it is too tall. With my position change, it is just a tad short, causing too much neck bend, this SAS is just a tad highigher. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 21, 2019 - 5:29 pm
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I have this one you can try if you’d like.  

We are not using it, it came on a violin we boughtAECECC24-0E6E-4182-8DA3-E7DB7E4AADE6.jpegImage Enlarger

January 21, 2019 - 6:29 pm
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steveduf said
I have this one you can try if you’d like.  

We are not using it, it came on a violin we boughtAECECC24-0E6E-4182-8DA3-E7DB7E4AADE6.jpegImage Enlarger  

Steveduf, looks great. How much? I have three violins and even if the SAS I just purchased, this might work for one of the other ones I use. 

Maybe PM me? 


The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 21, 2019 - 6:49 pm
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Seriously, just pm your address, first class is only a couple bucks.  Pay it forward to someone down the line

January 21, 2019 - 7:10 pm
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steveduf said
Seriously, just pm your address, first class is only a couple bucks.  Pay it forward to someone down the line  

Steve, I think I just sent you a pm. I tried with my iPhone but there was no send option. I switched to my iPad, and I think I sent it. There was a send option on that screen. Let me know if you did not get the pm and I will try again.


The Bumblebee Flies!

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Fort Lauderdale
January 21, 2019 - 8:15 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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Where did that one come from Steve? Looks like our high Stubers that we had for a while. :)
Nice of you to help cid out. Cheers!!!

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

January 21, 2019 - 8:19 pm
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@Fiddlerman I was wondering what kind it is. This is so great! 

@steveduf Thank you, again. You have no idea how exciting that is.

The Bumblebee Flies!

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January 21, 2019 - 9:33 pm
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It came off a post war John Juzek violin I bought on auction a couple months ago. Looks new


January 21, 2019 - 10:42 pm
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I entertained the thought of buying a John Juzek violin a couple of years ago, depending on the label it has denotes if he personally made it or was a work shop violin, the one I was considering was a 1950 ish work shop fiddle, it had a great sounding G string but after that it was not to good so for the price that was being asked I passed on it. I believe it's still hanging in the music shop. It was a couple of months ago.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


January 22, 2019 - 2:38 pm
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cid said
@Fiddlerman I was wondering what kind it is. This is so great! 

@steveduf Thank you, again. You have no idea how exciting that is.  

On its way, sent you tracking


January 22, 2019 - 2:41 pm
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Mark said

I entertained the thought of buying a John Juzek violin a couple of years ago, depending on the label it has denotes if he personally made it or was a work shop violin, the one I was considering was a 1950 ish work shop fiddle, it had a great sounding G string but after that it was not to good so for the price that was being asked I passed on it. I believe it's still hanging in the music shop. It was a couple of months ago.



the one I have is just the run of the mill student variety that needs a lot of  work.  Not impressed by it,  it has those geared mechanical tuners.  I want to remove them but they butchered the pegbox in doing so...

another project... another day 

January 22, 2019 - 2:55 pm
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Thank you very much, Steve.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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