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A photo of a poster in my lounge room
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Byron Bay Australia

July 1, 2014 - 7:45 am
Member Since: April 22, 2012
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This is a photo of a poster that I have in my lounge room.

Its a reproduction of an advertisement for violin lessons in France.

Its a nice poster and I like it but the artist definitely was not a violinist :)

The violin and the pose are so wrong. What mistakes can you see?


Violin-Lessons-2.jpgImage Enlarger

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Seen it all. Done it all. Can't remember most of dunno ..... What was I saying???? facepalm


July 1, 2014 - 10:05 am
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Looks good to me. 

I'm impressed that she plays without shoulder or chin rest!   Those were the good old days!   Such gadgets would only contaminate the spirit of the picture much as they do today.

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July 1, 2014 - 10:12 am
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mistakes ?  um, that you are looking for mistakes in a painting  wink

There is no shame in playing twinkle, youre playing Mozart

Byron Bay Australia

July 1, 2014 - 10:55 am
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Barry said
mistakes ?  um, that you are looking for mistakes in a painting  wink


Its an advertisement. Much like an advert for McDonalds. 

Its a nice pic. If I didn't think so, it wouldn't be hanging in my house :)

But my point was that the 'artist' was not familiar with their subject.

As I said, I like it and it's staying right where it is.

Seen it all. Done it all. Can't remember most of dunno ..... What was I saying???? facepalm


July 1, 2014 - 12:43 pm
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Well, it's kind of art deco style, which always has some abstraction/simplification.  The lady's face isn't really realistic either, and the bow appears to just be a dowel or something.

But the details that are shown are interesting.. The top of the instrument having an angle that at least suggests the angle the string make going over the bridge, for example. 

And notice the E-string tuning peg is adjusted vertically to allow easier wide vibrato and access to the "low 1" spot on the E.  So I would guess the artist did have models, but intentionally abstracted a bit to streamline the image to give the eye the impact they wanted.

I wouldn't call it mistakes, more like artistic license.

Classy bit of art, in any case.  I like it.

"This young wine may have a lot of tannins now, but in 5 or 10 years it is going to be spectacular, despite the fact that right now it tastes like crude oil. You know this is how it is supposed to taste at this stage of development." ~ Itzhak Perlman

California, the place of my heart
July 1, 2014 - 4:00 pm
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I like that poster.. if I had it.. I would display it on my wall.  Thanks for Posting John. It is very artful to me. 


giggle.. I think she must have velcro fingertips right.. for that special bow hold ... (wink)   And Grandma what a big F hole you have.   :)

Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato


Honorary tenured advisor

July 1, 2014 - 4:22 pm
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Well I think the missing chin rest is less of a problem than the lack of strings and bow hair.


July 1, 2014 - 11:42 pm
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When you come to a fork in the road, take it.

Michigan, USA


July 2, 2014 - 12:30 am
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Who am I to criticize or find mistakes in true art ?

To me it's of the period and tastefully done.


July 2, 2014 - 9:13 am
Member Since: December 25, 2013
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Cool poster!  Well I see mistakes but then I have taken lessons from a Suzuki teacher.  Don't they make robots!!  We really need to hear the lady play for the final decision!

I was watching a movie the other night and said to my family - "She is not a violinist her bowing is horrible" - before I could stop myself!!

Violinist start date -  May 2013  

Fiddler start date - May 2014

FIDDLE- Gift from a dear friend. A 1930-40 german copy, of a french copy of a Stradivarius.  BOW - $50 carbon fiber. Strings - Dominants with E Pirastro Gold string.

Fort Lauderdale
July 2, 2014 - 10:33 am
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I like the poster but if it were a student posting to "Critique Corner" I would suggest not using the tips of her middle two fingers on the bow and to keep the left wrist a bit straighter. I would also suggest not lifting the first finger so high.
Leaning her head to the side works fine as long as she doesn't tense up and having the violin out to her left side that much usually doesn't work well for the bowing arm but you never know. ;)

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but the one who needs the least."


July 2, 2014 - 10:59 am
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Me thinks:  this is a person out in the woods listening to the symphony of life and replicating the sounds on a violin. Nothing is more beautiful or rewarding.

Coleshill, Warwickshire

July 2, 2014 - 5:39 pm
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some strings and bow hair wouldnt go amiss. Maybe the violinist qas as bad as the artist

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

July 2, 2014 - 7:37 pm
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As others pointed out, strings, bridge and bow hair are missing, but I believe that's just because the art is an abstraction. Shoulder rest and chin rest are missing, too, but that could be a function of the period.

There is a suggestion of strings and a bridge, however. In light of that, the suggested bridge is aligned with the top of the F hole, not the notch in the middle of the F hole, so that could be a mistake.

Her bow isn't quite parallel to the non-existent bridge, but I'm impressed by the extension of her pinky. Wish I could extend my pinky like that. :)

When the work's all done and the sun's settin' low,

I pull out my fiddle and I rosin up the bow.

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