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What was the best vacation you ever had???
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Byron Bay Australia

August 1, 2014 - 7:25 pm
Member Since: April 22, 2012
Forum Posts: 1575
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What was the best vacation you have ever had......... And why was it so good?

For me it would be the recent Pacific Island cruise that we went on. It was the most laid back, relaxing trip ever.

We have traveled quite a bit in the past through North America, Great Britten, Europe, and Asia and it was all great fun and we have seen and done some great things. But at times it was hard work and exhausting.

But the cruise was a very different thing. No luggage restrictions. Take all the bags you like. Even take your fiddle. After going through the departure process you go aboard and find your cabin. When you get there you find that your bags have found it before you did and are sitting there waiting for you.

A short time later your 'hotel' casts off, bound for the Pacific Islands. From here on its full on relaxation. It's 24/7 entertainment, food, drinks, and enjoyment with the occasional stop at an exotic island where you are again entertained, offered great food and you do the tourist thing. Then you go back on board and take a nap and recharge for the next round. You can do as much or as little as you want.laugh

And, unlike some of my other travels, it's rather safe. You are not likely to be mugged on board. In case of illness there is a small hospital with a qualified doctor.
And the railings are high enough to stop you from accidentally falling off the ship :)

There are no long drives. No sitting for hours in airport lounges. No sitting for hours in an economy aircraft seat. No eating questionable airline food. No little kid kicking the back of your seat for 12 hours.red_cursing

So I reckon that if you want a worry free, relaxing, and entertaining break a cruise is the 'go'. Will have to start thinking about doing it again.thumbs-up

Seen it all. Done it all. Can't remember most of dunno ..... What was I saying???? facepalm


August 2, 2014 - 8:48 am
Member Since: February 11, 2014
Forum Posts: 633
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Sounds really good.  Glad you had a ball.


August 2, 2014 - 4:22 pm
Member Since: July 6, 2011
Forum Posts: 969
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My best vacation was to China visiting my parents' birth place in January. It was short but sweet. We met my cousins and their children for the first time in my life. I have known them since I was a child. I got to see my parent's house (my mom's house is listed as historical house) that I had only heard about. It was especially special since this trip was done shortly after my mother past away (the trip was planned back in June 2013) and we were going to visit my uncle (my mother's younger brother) who passed away one week after my mother passed.  I remembered my brother got very very excited as we got closer and closer (it was about six-hour drive from Guangzhou airport). We also visited a round house that belongs to Tiger Balm's owner.

My parents left home when they were teenagers, my father never made it back; my mother went back with a tour group but did not make it back to her home town nor visit her family until my brother took her home (airplane to Guangzhou, train trip, bus trip, and on motorcycles) then she had a reunion with her family, 62 years after she left her home. Soon after that, her two sister passed.

It's really not a vacation but a family reunion.

California, the place of my heart
August 2, 2014 - 4:52 pm
Member Since: January 11, 2012
Forum Posts: 4180
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Sounds very very fun John.

I would like to take a cruise.  I have had small vacations or trips over the years... to the East Coast of the US. Washington Dc, Maryland, Virginia.  And trips to Vegas and day trips to SF.

I am in need of the kind of vacation where I can bring my violin.  I am looking for a small beach hut... and solitude.  I need to not have to do anything.. except drink coffee, drink wine... and read and play violin. (hum.. maybe bring my bicycle)

My vacations often have left me exhausted.  I remember good times but I don't recall peacefulness.

I think I could even do some sort of mountain retreat as long as there is a river nearby. I think I would be fine on a solitary retreat without electronic (email, facebook, ) for at least 48-72 hours.   :)  

So I don't really recall a favorite/best vacation in the past decade.  But I do recall summers in Fort Bragg California.. as a child..in a safer world.  I could get up in the morning at 10 or so years old.... leave from camp... walk the beach all morning collecting sea glass and shells,  and show up cold and soaked for lunch.... I played in the creeks leading into the ocean.. Wages Creek I believe. I recall playing on large sand dunes, with berry bushes, riding mini-bikes, and fishing.  It was a good time. Simple times, no worries, no cares. 

I ramble....

Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato

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