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How Do You Deal With Getting a Suitable Rosin For Mixed Strings
I just put new strings onto my cello, Belle, tonight. My rosin worked fine on her old strings, and with my other cellos. But my new C and G strings have issues with this rosin. My new D and A strings are not as good, but okay.
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March 6, 2019 - 2:32 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
Forum Posts: 5448
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I just put new strings onto my cello, Belle, tonight. I think I need a new rosin for those strings though. That rosin just comes right off my bow onto the C and G strings, and I have to stop and wipe them off. Not too much rosin on my bow. It was fine with my other cellos and with Belle right before these strings were installed. 

I have Pirastro Chromcore strings for the C and G, and Pirastro Passione for the D and A strings. The rosin is okay for the D and A strings, but also need wiping off after a song. I am going to check with Pirastro, and maybe they can recommend one that works with both types of strings. But, if there are any cellists out there, what do you do when one rosin does not work with all strings in a mixed set of strings? It is driving me bananas. 

PS This post was in “Learning Cello”, I thought it was better here. I have removed it from “Learning Cello”.

The Bumblebee Flies!

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March 6, 2019 - 2:36 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
Forum Posts: 5448
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I emailed Pirastro with my rosin issue. They said the cherry red cellisto, which I was using, was too soft for my strings. They are sending me Evah Gold rosin to try. How great is that? I sent them my address, as requested. Cool. Was not expecting that. Probably won’t be a whole piece, but I can try it before buying it. That is cool. @Fiddlerman must have trained them on customer service. 😂 If I like it, I will check out Fiddlershop first as a place to buy it.

I also have Jade rosin, but I find it too dusty and that stickiness goes through that cloth. Just not a fan of the Jade. It is better than the Cellisto Cherry Red, but Jade, also, is not as good on my new strings as it is on my other strings.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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