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Camera for recording
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (2 votes) 
Coleshill, Warwickshire

November 16, 2012 - 4:10 pm
Member Since: December 15, 2011
Forum Posts: 1731
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For recording i need a new digital SLR camera.
Anyone got any recommendations.

I have a limited budget and need to be able to take pictures with it too. Ease of use when videoing and good quality sound is a 'must have'

I am amazed at how old people of my age are.....

Kevin M.
Nicholson, Pa

November 16, 2012 - 5:29 pm
Member Since: September 10, 2011
Forum Posts: 1973
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Terry, one thing to look for is, what format does it save the video in.  Most newer cameras save in MP4 but then you need software to work with MP4s.  I don't believe you can upload MP4s to Fiddlerman, which means we couldn't see your smiling face.

Michigan, USA


November 16, 2012 - 5:53 pm
Member Since: January 21, 2012
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Terry,, here is a link that will supply you the information on different video format's for Youtube.




Hope it help's you to decide.

November 16, 2012 - 8:01 pm
Member Since: March 14, 2012
Forum Posts: 1760
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For work I've got the Canon Digital Rebel T3i.


I'm very happy with the HD video capabilities. The sound is surprisingly good, though you have to be careful shooting outdoors because you can get quite a bit of wind buffeting and not realize it.

The reason why you won't realize it is because there's no headphone jack, which is a limitation, I think, because you can monitor your sound input. It does have a jack for an external mic, but without the ability to monitor the sound, it can be chancy. I've had mixed results using an external mic, so mostly I just use the built-in mic.

I'm going to make my own wind screen by taping a little piece of foam over the mic. Hopefully it won't muffle the sound too much. Without a wind screen, you'll have to shelter the camera from the wind with your body, a building, etc.

If you're only shooting indoors, the above shouldn't be an issue.

The Rebel saves video in .mov format.

The still image quality is excellent. I've very impressed with it. Be sure to get a Canon lens with it; third party lenses just don't have the same quality optics and you probably won't be happy with the results.

If you do any serious flash photography, you'll want an external flash, but the built-in flash isn't bad. It does a good job with fill in bright sun, and gives nice even light in low light situations...not that hot, washed out look you get with some built-in flashes.

When the work's all done and the sun's settin' low,

I pull out my fiddle and I rosin up the bow.


November 16, 2012 - 9:33 pm
Member Since: February 24, 2012
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Diane, I have the same camera and love it!  The picture quality is wonderful and the sound quality is very good, but because, as you stated, the mic is omni-directional so sensitive to surrounding noise, I attach a clip-on mic to my collar and plug it into the camera; it helps a lot and it's cheap and easy.  But yeah .mov format which needs conversion.

Terry; strangely The Flip was my fav video camera (they don't make them anymore) but it was such an incredible little camera with astounding quality and it cost a whopping $130 USD.

Kevin, I think Youtube allows .mp4 uploads right?

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