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How Strong is a Fiddlerman Carbon Fiber Bow?
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Fort Lauderdale
February 21, 2013 - 10:07 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Instead of rehairing one of my fiddlerman carbon fiber bows I decided to test it's strength out of curiousity. I was pleasantly please to discover how tough they really are. Not aware that I was shooting a video my wife informs me that we need to leave in 10 minutes which I thought was hilarious so I left it on the video. :-)

Get your Fiddlerman Carbon Fiber Bow here.

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February 21, 2013 - 10:28 pm
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Honey a video.... A VIDEO HUNNNNEEY!! THe World is watching and listening HONEEY..clock10 minutes or not!!


FM, tell "Hunney" we love that she watches over you like you're own guardian angel. How can you go wrong there. You can't!


As for the bow, bring it up to Oregon. We'll go sturgeon fishing with it. If it can pull in a 6 footer, we'll start selling them with reels and eyelets. fish

"I find your lack of Fiddle, disturbing" - Darth Vader


February 21, 2013 - 10:29 pm
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You ROCK!!!!!! > may have to get one of those bows in the future. This is the type of bow one should use? Are others all wood?, what is the strands of > horse > is horse the best? is nylon etc better? > Hey!!! I'm doing a video here Eh!!!! > SWEET!!!!

Fort Lauderdale
February 21, 2013 - 10:32 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

I loved her comment so much that I had to leave it. Figured it might be less boring this way. LOL

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February 21, 2013 - 10:41 pm
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So basically the verdict would be "Not unbreakable.  But def tougher than any reasonable player is likely to ever need."


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February 21, 2013 - 10:49 pm
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Daniel is right. If you tried to play your instrument with that kind of force, i think breaking the bow would be one of your least concerns. Actually, watching it again, I'm glad shards didn't fly off like an exploding IED and take you as a casualty. Honey would then become your MEDEVAC ad we might have to improvise here until you healed up a bit.

"I find your lack of Fiddle, disturbing" - Darth Vader

Midwest, US

February 22, 2013 - 1:32 am
Member Since: April 9, 2012
Forum Posts: 605

Not only did I get a good laugh out of this vid, it helped reassure me that my FM CF bow will be fine after I dropped it a bunch of times trying to adjust my bow grip! LMAO  

......I really need to do those exercises with my warped, wooden bow! facepalmdunno

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Michigan, USA


February 22, 2013 - 4:41 am
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Geeze,,, I wish I had a FM/CF bow, but they are all too heavy for my liking.

Maybe if I order one, and seeing that they are hollow inside, I could drill some hole's through it in order to lighten it a bit and maybe the hole's would enhance the quality of the sound produced.

Ya think ?    facepalm

NW Atlanta

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February 22, 2013 - 7:34 am
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I bought one of these bows right after I found this website and even spoke to our great FM a good bit about the thing.  Coming from a low-grade wood bow, these things are simply amazing!  It almost instantly stopped my "bouncing" problem and makes bowing shifts so much easier.  I never figured a bow would make such a difference.


The funny thing is that last night I was at a local music store and a friend who works there asked if he could test out my FM bow.  After jamming out on an electric violin for a bit (strange hearing ZZ Top guitar solo's on a violin...) he mentioned how impressed he was with the thing and asked where I got it from.  There is a bit of irony when a music store manage asks where he can get a bow like mine. 


"I know a girl who cries when she practices violin because each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her, and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes. Now, to me, everything else just sounds like a lie."

Conor Oberst

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February 22, 2013 - 10:04 am
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I thought you had a private recording studio!


I do love bow!

Michigan, USA


February 22, 2013 - 11:59 am
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@ FinalPatriot:,,, I did buy one of the FM/CF bow's a couple month's ago and after playing it for 10 or 12 hours I couldn't get used to the weight, it was 62 gm and just too heavy for me, I sent it back. I really liked the sound it produced but was just too heavy. I did speak with FM on the phone about it and wanted to find out if he could order or find (in his stock) a lighter bow, somewhere around 58 to 60 gm, but haven't heard anything from him yet.

NW Atlanta

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February 22, 2013 - 12:09 pm
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Fiddlestix said
@ FinalPatriot:,,, I did buy one of the FM/CF bow's a couple month's ago and after playing it for 10 or 12 hours I couldn't get used to the weight, it was 62 gm and just too heavy for me, I sent it back. I really liked the sound it produced but was just too heavy. I did speak with FM on the phone about it and wanted to find out if he could order or find (in his stock) a lighter bow, somewhere around 58 to 60 gm, but haven't heard anything from him yet.

You would hate my wood bow then because I think it's around 20lbs... ;)   I'm 6'1" and around 215lbs so the weight wasn't an issue for me as was the balance.  That's were I noticed the instance difference in my playing.  I really like my wood bow but I think it's more suited as a baseball bat than for playing the violin....



"I know a girl who cries when she practices violin because each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her, and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes. Now, to me, everything else just sounds like a lie."

Conor Oberst

Honorary tenured advisor

February 22, 2013 - 2:51 pm
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This is hilarous! :D Looks like you don't skip a heartbeat when you drop a FM bow or even sit on it teehee.

"It can sing like a bird, it can cry like a human being, it can be very angry, it can be all that humans are" Maxim Vengerov


February 22, 2013 - 6:20 pm
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ah this is a classic lol, thanks for showing just how tough these bows really are!  I've been seriously considering one since my Glasser cheapo fiberglass bow feels like it weighs about 5 lbs and balance is way off as well as my wood bow being a bit warped.  Probably cheaper to get one of these than the repair cost :)

King for a Day, Peasant for many

February 23, 2013 - 12:04 am
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I had FM hand pick one from his stock and it weighs right at 58 gr. Perfect and it's the same weight as the 100 yr old pernambuco bow I have as well. No change in playability due to weight.

The lighter ones are out there, just ring his bell again, he's busy and probably let it slip his mind...

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February 23, 2013 - 12:14 pm
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LMAO Pierre!!!  "Honey we've got to go",,, meanwhile Pierre is off conducting experiments.  Seriously funny Pierre, glad you left that in!

I think I mentioned immediately after having purchased my FM CF how much I loved it!  It's a multi-purpose tool; play the violin, beat the kids, a pointer to direct the kids, beat the rugs, back scratcher, riding crop [no, we don't have horses, lol], table saw push stick, & ceiling fan blade cleaner.  And after having seen the test results, I feel confident being even more aggressive/forceful with its uses; thanks Pierre.

Clearly EVERY household needs one of these!

Adirondacks, NY

February 23, 2013 - 12:45 pm
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Love it.  Where would we be without our wives?  I have a lot of recordings with the background noise of family life - adds to to authenticity I say!


I love my FM CF bow, I show it off a lot.


Mt. Fiddler.

Russia, Tatarstan rep. Kazan city

February 23, 2013 - 5:22 pm
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Hahaha! Nice video!thumbs-up

Thank You, Pierre!

I dropped it million times. Vretically on the tip, vertically on the frog, horizontally and all the other imaginable ways. Just now realized that i have it THE WHOLE YEAR already and it got no significant damages even in my anfractuous hands =)

Hey, Fred, looks like another video:"What You can possibly do with the FM's CF Bow!"roflroflrofl


February 23, 2013 - 8:13 pm
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Naska, you're inspiring!!!  If only I had time to do a video justice, lol.

"Anfractuous Hands",,,, sounds very dangerous  blink

Kent, Washington USA

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February 23, 2013 - 8:21 pm
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Mad_Wed said 
I dropped it million times. Vretically on the tip, vertically on the frog, horizontally and all the other imaginable ways. 

We've just discovered how you got your bowing so fluidly, so well done. blink

Now to count it to a million times gonna be hard... Oh wait, I need to order FM's CF bow first before I can drop it. (has to be a FM's CF bow, right?) LOL.

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