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Prokofiev, Piano Concerto No. 3
From last month's orchestra concert
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (1 votes) 
Sacramento, California

October 16, 2023 - 1:40 am
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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I just found over the weekend that the pianist from our Sept. 23 concert posted a video of his concerto performance on YouTube. This concerto was a real workout for the whole orchestra, not just the pianist! You can see the top of my head and sometimes my bow over the piano lid just to the conductor's right, at least when the conductor isn't stepping toward the right side of the podium.

There's a great viola section moment at 24:15. (Unfortunately a bit covered up by the piano -- it sounds like the video was taken with a smartphone, and phone camera filters tend to tilt the balance toward the piano.)


October 16, 2023 - 4:53 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@AndrewH -

Thanks for sharing this! 

I see what you mean - the Violas really shine thru better starting around 26 minutes in. 

...noticed Orchestras have musicians in the very back elevated on stage (in general) - be nice if someone thought to take that a step farther & elevate everyone around the piano - like done for choir or audience seating. 

Anyway, appreciate the video - wish I'd been there, in the audience!

Katie L

October 16, 2023 - 5:17 pm
Member Since: December 8, 2020
Forum Posts: 1088
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Amazing . I can’t believe everyone knows that they are doing !!

Sacramento, California

October 16, 2023 - 6:21 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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ELCBK said
@AndrewH -

Thanks for sharing this! 

I see what you mean - the Violas really shine thru better starting around 26 minutes in. 

...noticed Orchestras have musicians in the very back elevated on stage (in general) - be nice if someone thought to take that a step farther & elevate everyone around the piano - like done for choir or audience seating. 

Anyway, appreciate the video - wish I'd been there, in the audience!



At the 26 minute mark it's not really a viola moment.. it's louder because there are a lot more people playing the melody! At that point it's second violins and flutes in the top octave, with violas and cellos an octave below (though the cellos split off into a harmony line halfway through the phrase). It's not obvious in the video because the second violins are outside the camera frame at that point except for part of one person's violin.

Unfortunately risers for the whole orchestra would probably be a real headache to store because orchestral musicians take up a lot more space than singers. Some concert hall stages have built-in risers for the whole orchestra, but I've only seen that in venues for major orchestras, probably because that kind of stage can only be used for concerts.


October 16, 2023 - 6:41 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
Forum Posts: 8088
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@AndrewH -

Thanks for pointing that out. 

I hope someone else got a better recording of the performance.

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