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Se fue Mendoza
From my first live public concert in 19 months!
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Sacramento, California

September 26, 2021 - 10:38 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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Last night I played my first concert in more than a year and a half, and there's already video from it on YouTube!

This is the piece that opened the concert, by Colombian-Canadian composer Juan Diego Diaz. Whoever recorded the video was seated right next to Diaz in the audience (maybe a family member?) as you can see during the applause at the very end.

Unfortunately there's both a conductor and another violist directly between me and the camera. You can occasionally see my bow to the conductor's right, and my elbow behind another arm to the conductor's left.

This is slightly different from the version I've posted on this forum before. There were a few revisions made since the 2014 video: mostly changes to articulation, but also one passage where the violins were changed to col legno.


September 27, 2021 - 1:01 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@AndrewH -

This is really GREAT! 🤗

Thanks for pointing out the 'col legno', too - was very effective.  

I tried to find the other performance you spoke of, to compare, but I couldn't find it. 

Thank you for sharing this performance!



Must admit, I'll never be able to watch another Orchestra play - without wondering who's hiding behind the Conductor! 

- Emily


September 27, 2021 - 5:14 pm
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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Beautiful, great performance.


September 27, 2021 - 7:14 pm
Member Since: July 13, 2017
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@AndrewH Really nice performance. You've got to quit being so shy and hiding behind the conductor beg 

Question, who defines the bowing? It really looked synchronized and pretty neat!

Bob in Lone Oak, Texas

Sacramento, California

September 27, 2021 - 9:28 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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Just the camera angle! I had a clear line of sight to about half of the seats.

Bowing is always decided by section leaders. There's normally a first draft bowing emailed out before the first rehearsal, and sometimes a revised version emailed out later. It's not just for visual effect, the main idea is to have a consistent sound within each section.

Fort Lauderdale
September 28, 2021 - 3:13 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Happy for your Andrew. It's nice that things are getting back to the "New Normal"!!!
Thanks for the post. This piece is new to me.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Sacramento, California

September 28, 2021 - 8:50 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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Fiddlerman said
Happy for your Andrew. It's nice that things are getting back to the "New Normal"!!!

Thanks for the post. This piece is new to me.



It's a fairly new piece, composed in 2011 and performed only a few times. Two performances of it are on YouTube: ours from the past weekend, and a 2014 performance in Vancouver by the University of British Columbia orchestra.

Fort Lauderdale
September 29, 2021 - 10:08 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

That would explain it. I took a total of 3 years leave of absence before giving up my tenured position in 2011. Before that, we played an incredible amount of repertoire. With the common classical repertoire I would imagine we covered most of it every 10 years. MSO played a great deal of modern/contemporary work as well.

Great piece.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

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