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Found it!!
The entire 1963 audition for Lawrence Welk
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (3 votes) 

January 28, 2022 - 10:58 am
Member Since: November 9, 2021
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I found the cd(I didn't have it marked so I went through a dozen cd's, playing each one) so here is the full audition recording of my grandfathers 1963 music for the Lawrence Welk show. I uploaded it to youtube but am waiting for the image for the video to get done processing(apparently). Pierre, I think you will like the last tune. It is the fiddlin tune that is both my and Thomases favorite and one that he did many variations of back when he performed for Rubinoff(the composer of the song and a famous violinist back in the day)in Maine. That song is what got Thomas to start liking fiddlin. 



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Jim(Thomases Dad)


January 28, 2022 - 3:01 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@JimandThomas - 

Extremely enjoyable! 

The Ragtime at the end, was a fabulous surprise! 🤗 

Really glad I could hear ALL of it - amazing once he got warmed up. 

I'm guessing, unlike today with our Smartphones, there must be a lot of pressure to not make a mistake for the recording vs just playing live.  I'm sure it was a big deal if you needed a 2nd take, back then. 

The sound quality of this recording is excellent. 

You are very lucky to have this memorabilia! 

I have an old recording of my Grandparents playing some music and talking, back in the 30's, but the quality is terrible.  I believe it was made on a record & my Brother had it copied to CD for us.  I'm still grateful, since my Grandfather died when my Father was just a teenager. 

Thank you for sharing this! 


- Emily 


January 28, 2022 - 3:37 pm
Member Since: November 9, 2021
Forum Posts: 275
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LOL. I have a recording too of my grandmother singing to country and western music from the radio in the background from 1945. I think she dipped into my grandfather bottle of rum....honestly! It is about 3 hours long and she is singing all sorts of old tunes.

Jim(Thomases Dad)

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