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Hay yall new faddle day here
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February 26, 2019 - 8:38 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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My Fiddlerman soloist arrived today! First off my old fiddle is heavier and sounds..boxy next to my ear compared to the solosist.  I don't hate my old one just wanted a step up and feel I got it.  I Don't know if you'll be able to pick up on it in a recording though but hey I like these comparison type vids. 

I swapped between my old bow and the Holstein bow that came with it a couple of times and you may not be able to tell a difference, but I can.  The Holstein bow is lighter for one thing which you can see about halfway through the first time playing with it.  It almost got away from me.  Up next to my ear I can really tell a difference in sound though.  I don't know if my old bow needs new hair of if its too loaded with rosin, but to me it sounds kinda jagaly or scratchy.. don't know how to describe it.  Its all probably due to rosin.  My old bow is heavier and I might have better control of it until I play with the new one for a while, but I definitely like the new ones sound.  Excuse the closeups of the bows especially at the end.  Don't know why I did that..lol think I was trying to show where some of the hairs on the old one look crooked.  The new bow is permabucco by the way not sandlewood.  It was upgraded when I ordered it.  I also have an upgraded pusch ebony tailpiece with fine tuners.  I'll include my video from the other night if you care about clicking it here to see if you can hear a difference.  I did both recordings with a Zoom Q8N video camera with an X/Y mic module. 

The whole buying process, as anyone who has ordered from Fiddlershop probably knows, was painless.  Cynthia answered a ton of emails and when I asked or suggestions, Pierre gave it and also made some recommendations that I'm glad I listened too.  anyway..I'm happy with my purchase .  Here's how a novice fiddler makes it sound.  I'm going on 2 years in July, I think, so don't judge the fiddle too bad! blink

New Fiddle



Old Fiddle


Fort Lauderdale
February 26, 2019 - 8:48 pm
Member Since: September 26, 2010
Forum Posts: 16439

Fantastic. It certainly projects more. I imagine it's easier to play as well.

Great job on Sally Gardens.

You get a badge. :)


"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


February 26, 2019 - 8:52 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
Forum Posts: 4007
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HOT DANG!  Been wantin one of them!  lol 1st-placeThank you!

February 26, 2019 - 9:04 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Great job! Can’t wait to be able to play like that. 

You can really really tell the difference. I like the sound if both but the Soloist(?) has a much fuller rounder sound. Love it.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


February 26, 2019 - 9:27 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
Forum Posts: 4007
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Youre too kind cid thank you!  Those tunes arent that bad..and Ive been working on them so dont be fooled..lol.  But thank you!


February 26, 2019 - 9:45 pm
Member Since: September 30, 2014
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Grats on the new fiddle.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


February 26, 2019 - 10:44 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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Thanks Mark!  Lovin it!

The Netherlands

February 27, 2019 - 12:39 am
Member Since: July 29, 2018
Forum Posts: 260
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Well done 👍  Congrats on the new fiddle, sounds beautiful! 

 Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain!!

Brora, North-east Scotland
February 27, 2019 - 2:31 am
Member Since: March 22, 2014
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Congrats on the new fiddle @ABitRusty !

Yup, I hear the difference, it's much more lively and responsive.  I'm always amazed by the subtle (and some not so subtle) differences you find between different instruments.  It all comes in to play - strings, fittings, SP, bow/rosin, nut and bridge configuration and so on - and the ultimate - the structural nature of the fiddle itself and its natural resonances...  Sounds nice and "bright" to me compared to your old one, and as time goes by with lots of playing, in all probability it'll likely sound even better.   Have fun !  :)  

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Stroudsburg, PA

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February 27, 2019 - 4:06 am
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"Going on two years". Get out....when I played your video...before I read the whole thread....I thought "this guy's been playing quite a while!" You sounded great. Bravo! Like cid said, "Can’t wait to be able to play like that." My Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and others in my repertoire don't quite sound as good....yet. blink

I definitely can hear the richer tones from the Soloist, and I usually have a hard time telling the differences when I watch Fiddlerman videos. I actually started both videos at the same time and listened to the second one until you were finished showing the Soloist and ready to play. I then stopped the second video and listened to the soloist, so it made the comparison easier for me to hear.

Congrats on the new fiddle! 


Gordon Shumway
London, England

February 27, 2019 - 7:46 am
Member Since: August 1, 2016
Forum Posts: 2455
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Lovely videos, and yes, that Soloist is nice and loud and rich and it sings.

I'll try to work up the courage to record something on my first anniversary. Not before then, lol!


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