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Online Jam
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August 21, 2020 - 8:53 am
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I havent checked so someone may have shared this already.  Checkout the playlist tab on fiddle hell youtube channel.  This is Jay Ungar and Molly Masons jam from July 12th of 2020.  Alot of these online jam things are good but this one felt like I was sitting there with them.  

Brora, North-east Scotland
August 21, 2020 - 10:03 am
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Great share, and thanks, @ABitRusty - don't have time to listen through it for more than a few minutes right now - but - it's sure gonna fill-in almost an hour and a half later this weekend !  Brilliant !

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August 21, 2020 - 10:11 am
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yeah these are good to like and revist when I can.  The channel this came from has many.  too many to list. I was able to watch this one all the way through.  Great tune choices and not too fast.


August 21, 2020 - 10:27 am
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GregW - GREAT jam/tune source video - thanks for sharing it! 

BillyG - know you're busy right now, but think you should bring back up all the info on your jam coming up.


Robot Alien Dancing Emoticons- Emily


August 21, 2020 - 5:22 pm
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Jam #25 from July 5th, 2020 with Rose Clancy and Clayton March is a great one for Irish stuff. 

The audio and video get out of sync a little here and there but the audio quality is great.  Theres a lot of familiar tunes to play along with (youtube slow down feature :) ) and the funny in between tune banter is great.  It looks like they (fiddle hell) are doing their event all online this year but you have access to the workshops and events for 3 months if I understand it correctly.  Theres a website for it so check the facts.

  has anyone attended the in person event before?  looks like they have it all folk wise.


August 23, 2020 - 11:08 pm
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If you ever find yourself searching for a tune book, I would recommend these.


heres some book sample pages from their website


There are 3 volumes and some companion  cd's that go along.  what I like is each tune is written out fairly straight forward and not linked to any 1 player.  A suggested chord progression is listed for each tune at the tops of measures.  most tunes have some type of blurb written about it in the back pages.  If I had to pick just 1 book of tunes...vol 1 or 2 of this series would be it.  The cds have more of a contra dance flare the way theyre played and are a value all their own.  in addition there is a more performance based set of music cds called a portland selection thats good. 

for something specific on irish..Peter Coopers complete irish fiddler would be it.  best BOOK I have on the subject.  I know youtube is everyones firat source. 

not related but good music...  a transcribed version of the 1st tune is in volume 3

Long Valley, NJ/Hobe Sound, FL

August 24, 2020 - 8:48 am
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GregW said

  has anyone attended the in person event before?  looks like they have it all folk wise.


  Greg - I attended Fiddle Hell last November, and it was a real highlight of my year.  4 days (morning to late night) of non-stop workshops, jams, concerts, and other events.  600 or so attendees, most of them fiddlers.  A full immersion experience.  The Reiner family really has it all together in putting this event on, with many excellent teachers and players.  I plan to do the online event this year, although the vibe and energy of the in-person experience will definitely be missed.  The scope of the event covers a wide range of fiddle styles and genres - including old time, Quebec, Cape Breton, Irish, Klezmer, and more.  Highly recommended.


If I don't have time for a short post, I'll write a long post - (adapted from Mark Twain)


August 24, 2020 - 3:41 pm
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thanks @DennisS the good thing about being online is that Id be able to have a few months to watch more of the workshops.  The only bummer about attending the only one of these type events ( not fiddlehell btw ) is I had to pick a class for each time block.  Kinda hated not being able to sit in on all of them.  

Just watched a bit of Pascal Gemme on their youtube.  Im thinking he will be a must.  something about the Quebcois seems like fun.  We dont really have any of that here so it might be a chance to try some of those out along with an instructor as the tune is taught.


August 24, 2020 - 7:01 pm
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GregW - Angry Bored Emoticons Now you've gone & done it!  I'm now off on another tangent... 

Actually, I recently mentioned "French Canadian & Québécois" music in the Scandinavian thread.  Guess it's time to start up a new thread!

Viewed Fiddle Hell Jam #20 w/Pascal Gemme - it was GREAT!  He's even got a "Cow-spot" Kitty, too (must be cool, right?).  I REALLY like the idea of his "Back Porch" tempo - maybe I'm just starting to get old, but so many of those super-fast reels sound awfully good slowed down a tad!

The Online Jams are wonderful... but I think they still can't compare to the real thing.  Kinda like a video chat with my Grandkids!  I've only been to a few large Banjo festivals (years ago) with my Dad (he had my Grandfather's banjo, but never actually played it?) because he liked to chat one-on-one, thoroughly enjoyed the spontaneous jams in the hotel lobby & open concert nights.  Of course he HAD to share this with me and I'm grateful!  I've only been to 2 small fiddle festivals (ages ago, also) - wasn't quite the same.

This Covid-19 crap will be over before we know it - humans are resourceful, innovative and above all, adaptable!   ...ooh, just had a flash back (takes place after a brief meeting with "Plans & Scheduling") - walking out into the Hangar toward one of our 4 Hueys (HH-1H) yelling, "Change #12... Option #5!" (it's a joke)  ...aah, good ol' days in the Air Force (hurry up & wait). 

Thanks again for sending me to "Fiddle Hell"! Laugh Out Loud Smiley Better watch out... 

I've had my eye on a very Spanish/Latin American(?) Mazurka, "Mi Favorita"!

How about a tutorial, Fiddlerman?


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August 24, 2020 - 9:25 pm
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@ELCBK i chatted with one of the organizers over there today.  you can turn on your camera and/or mic and ask questions and such.  you can also post questions within the software so really this will be like an online class.  of course this is my understanding...always check the source and read their website.  seems like a great value considering all thats going on...well regardless..the 3 month time period to review stuff is great.


August 25, 2020 - 1:34 am
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GregW - Thanks To You Smiley

I really appreciate all the info.

There's an amazing number of workshops in many genres & for many different instruments - even CELLO! 

@Ilona  - check out Cello Workshops at the Fiddle Hell Online Festival!


I've got to take a breath!  I'm still working on polishing up the ornaments w/double stops for Tuttles, while not forgetting all my previous tunes!  And, still making my feeble attempt... everyday... to make my vibrato behave. 

These threads/posts sure help keep up my enthusiasm!


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Stroudsburg, PA

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September 7, 2020 - 9:42 am
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Thanks for this @ABitRusty 

Excellent YouTube Channel.

I have the Album 52 Tunes from Fiddle Hell, one of my favorites.



September 7, 2020 - 2:35 pm
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hey Jim @MoonShadows !  long time no see.  They have a vol 2 out now.  got it in the mail last week.  Havent opened it up yet and not sure of the tune list.


September 7, 2020 - 8:50 pm
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Enjoyed the Fiddle Hell Online Jam #39 with Mitch Reed, today. 

Anyone participate yesterday? 




- Emily

Stroudsburg, PA

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September 8, 2020 - 5:06 am
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GregW said
hey Jim @MoonShadows !  long time no see.  They have a vol 2 out now.  got it in the mail last week.  Havent opened it up yet and not sure of the tune list.


Didn't know. I'll have to get it.

Yup...a lot of problems with my left shoulder and left hand this year.



February 2, 2021 - 3:42 pm
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The dates for another fiddle hell this april have been announced.  Checkout the link for the instructors list. very good workshops..one of my favorites was Ellery Klein.  Hanneke Cassel will be part of it this time along with Kevin Burke and Tom Morley among many others.  just about any style and instrument..not just fiddle stuff.



February 2, 2021 - 9:55 pm
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GregW, thanks for the info

I took a couple of classes with Tom Morley online (Zoom) at Strings without Boundaries last summer.  Very nice guy.  

I think in-person participation would be better, but the online opportunity has some advantages—e.g., replay videos from prior sessions if you don’t want to/can’t do live event time, etc.,.  I may do this in April.

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


February 3, 2021 - 12:05 am
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Tom had a very good slow irish session.  it worked well.  of course everyone was muted but him but it still worked.  Jay Ungar and Molly Mason had a class and its like you were sitting in the kitchen with them.  theyve some funny banter back and forth.  Kevin Burke was great ..pretty funny..and a good chance to ask questions if you get the live event which i didnt. Ellery Klien had a couple of good workshops..ill be viewing her workshops again since she is coming back.  good stuff..there is an early discount if you sign up now untill???  cant remember.


February 9, 2021 - 1:24 pm
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Andy Reiner on fiddle Joy Adams on cello...tunes from their common tune list...this is a high quality video worth a few minutes of time ,especially ashokan at the beginning, if you have interest in trad stuff..scottish, irish , old time here.  Andy is an expert fiddler..but Joy is what makes this one unique to me.



February 9, 2021 - 1:49 pm
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@ABitRusty -

This is really great listening! 

I personally think we need more Ceddlers!  

Thanx, Greg.


@Mouse , @Ilona -

Think You'll like this! 


I Love Music Smiley- Emily

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