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Centrally mounted chin rest for Yamaha YEV 104
Centrally mounted chin rest for Yamaha YEV 104
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March 12, 2023 - 5:19 pm
Member Since: March 12, 2023
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Good afternoon all,

Wonder if anyone can recommend a centrally mounted chin rest for Yamaha YEV 104 please? I struggle to play with chin rest on the side and hence would need an alternative to the chin rest that comes with YEV 104. I had hoped to use Wittner centrally mounted chin rest (the one I got on my acoustic violin) but then this video on Youtube states that the standard Wittner centrally mounted chin rest does not fit well because the tailpiece of YEV 104 was too thick/ tall.

I wonder if anyone had encountered this issue and would appreciate if someone can please share a solution!!


March 12, 2023 - 5:42 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Welcome to the forum. I will be sending you an email shortly. It would be great if you could introduce yourself to the forum. 

Afraid, I am not much help with your question, I suspect you will get help fairly quickly,

I can say that I prefer center mount, but have found some styles of side mount to have enough center section to make them quite comfortable.

I actually like the Holstein Freedom, even though the center section is narrow. Kind of the opposite of what I usually prefer. So, I think that the shape and softness of the curves will matter, also. 

Have you contacted Fiddlershop? Seriously, do the contact us and tell them what violin and ask about a center mount that will fit that EV, or a side mount with enough center mount, and will fit the EV. Explain the issue with the chinrests fitting the EV, and see if they have some suggestions for you.

I have a Yamaha EV but my chinrest is attached and I cannot replace it with a center, but the part that goes over that center is quite comfortable. 

None of us here, except Fiddlerman, of course, are affiliated with Fiddlershop, nor are we under any obligation to suggest them, I just like their business practices and products. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

March 14, 2023 - 5:11 pm
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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@jpadayatty Maybe you can get the barrels(?) for a vila chinrest and use them instead of the barrels that came with the violin chinrest. I use them on a violin chinrest that I have on my viola. The violin barrels are too short for the viola. I received barrels for a viola to use instead. 

I believe, it was because I like the Holstein Freedom chinrest, which is a violin chinrest, but I wanted it in my viola, too. This might be a solution. They are longer than a violin barrel set. 

Again, ask Fiddlershop if this could be a solution for you. That is where I bought my Holstein Freedom chinrests. I think the section of the chinrest that has the two metal sections with the tubular screws along the side edge if the tailpiece end of the chinrest are barrels. I may be using the wrong term. 


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.

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