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Changing Rosin
What should you do if you want to change the rosin you're using
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Mississauga, Ontario Canada

October 18, 2022 - 6:04 pm
Member Since: August 28, 2021
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Hi All:

I upgraded my violin (locally - a trip to Florida wasn't in the works 😢), and the proprietor of the shop added a couple of 'thank you''s to the package. One was a new cake of rosin (Kolstein Dark) that the owner said was really good. I am currently using DAddario and want to try the new rosin. Any insights into what I should do to my bow for best results?

Thanks very much for your comments.




Paper (And Polymer) Money Is Art


October 18, 2022 - 10:23 pm
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@IntelJohnny -

Congrats on the new violin! 

I only wipe my bow down with a soft cloth & apply the new rosin. 

Did you mean "Holstein"? 

I have used the Holstein Premium - currently I'm using the Holstein Reserve.  I like them both, very much - each for different reasons. 

- Emily


October 19, 2022 - 12:21 am
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Grats on the new fiddle,

I normally do not even clean mine in any way  just apply the new Rosin and start playing.

I've seen some folks mix there Rosin use a base of one type and a final coat of another.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

Gordon Shumway
London, England

October 19, 2022 - 4:48 am
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I usually give the bow a few wipes with a dry microfibre cloth until the worst of the old rosin appears to have come off.


Mississauga, Ontario Canada

October 19, 2022 - 8:12 am
Member Since: August 28, 2021
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Hi Emily, Gordon and Mark:

The rosin is "Samuel Kolstein Violin/Viola Rosin (Dark)" (auto correct did try to change Kolstein to Holstein (subliminal suggestion perhaps?). It's a very large (in my experience) cake of rosin - looks like it'll last me two lifetimes!

I've got a few microfibre cloths laying around that I can use to try and wipe the off any of the old rosin, so I'll give that a whirl.

My teacher is going to have a big surprise next lesson - the back and the sides are quilted maple and the top is very fine grained. Looks and sounds awesome! The luthier told me to play it, play it and play it to break it in and mature the sound.

Laundry be darned - I'm just playing it this weekend.




Paper (And Polymer) Money Is Art


October 19, 2022 - 8:34 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@IntelJohnny -

Very exciting! 

Can't wait to hear what you think of that rosin, because it's the 1st I've heard of it (I don't get around much). 

Also, can't wait to hear you play your new fiddle! 

...got a name yet? 

- Emily


October 19, 2022 - 6:39 pm
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When I changed from my dark rosin to my light rosin, I just added the new stuff right on top of the old stuff.  Kind of mix-and-match.  It seems to work without issues and I have to use the light stuff when it gets too humid and the dark turns to goo on the strings.

I just recently switched back to the dark rosin the same way.  Still no issues.


October 19, 2022 - 7:58 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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holstein rosin here or bernardel depending if home or out.  I keep one on the desk one in case.  probably a bad way to do it...it seems to work fine.

Mississauga, Ontario Canada

October 19, 2022 - 8:20 pm
Member Since: August 28, 2021
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Emily et al:

I'll tell you all about the rosin when i figure out how to start it! There's a protuberance of the company logo on the top of the rosin. I started the old stuff with a coin, but this one's going to be a little different. I might have files bigger than a nail file, but where they're hiding, is a mystery.

As for getting around, I understand. I think I've grown roots over the last three years. That's why I was thinking about a trip to Florida to check out the wares at Fiddlershop and maybe a hockey game if the Panthers were playing, but as I said, the trip wasn't in the cards 😩!


Paper (And Polymer) Money Is Art

Fort Lauderdale
October 24, 2022 - 11:25 am
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Congrats on your new violin John,

You really don't have to do anything special with your bow. Not even wipe it clean. Eventually the new rosin is all you'll be feeling when you play. The old stuff is in the hair but gets worn away over time. Just apply the new rosin as you would do when adding rosin at any time. If you get too much of a build up on your violin, you probably have too much rosin on your bow which only means that you should rosin less often and not as much. 😁

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