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Heavy bow?
At 69 grams, is it too heavy?
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April 8, 2022 - 9:18 am
Member Since: August 12, 2021
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I got my new Violin at Christmas (Stentor Messina), it came bundled with a bow. To be honest, I was going to get one separately but the first violin (one below the Messina) came damaged so it had to go back.  That meant I had to spend a bit more and it was cheaper to get the case and Violin (and the bow) than buy a case and the violin. So hence I ended up with this one. I know that bundle deal bows are not going to be great but it was meant to be an upgraded bow from my Stentor student 1. 

So since having it the bow just hasn't felt right and so I went back to the old one.  After weighing them I realised the original is 65 grams and this one is 69 grams - which seems really heavy for a violin bow? It also doesn't seem 'balanced' very well, it's really heavy  at the frog end.

I think I know my answer is probably to get a new bow at some point!

April 8, 2022 - 9:26 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
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Yep. People prefer different weights, etc. I prefer a heavier bow. Maybe, after I get more control, I can switch to a lighter weight bow. 

If you prefer the other bow, why not use that one?

Make sure you have a violin bow and it is not a viola bow. I am sure you can tell, but, just in case you didn’t check because you just figured they included a violin bow, make sure the corner at the frog end is a squared corner. If it is a rounded corner and if it is shorter than your other bow, it is a viola bow. It is most likely a violin bow, but just mentioning in case there was a mistake when the company packed it up for you, and you didn’t notice 😁


The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


April 8, 2022 - 11:46 am
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@Fashionandfiddle -

Both of those sound heavy, especially for light, quick, strokes! 

Since I started with a 5-string Violin, I thought a little heavier bow might help me with the low C string - so I tried a viola version of my CF bow.  It weighed close to your heavy one & tip heavy also - terrible for my wrist! 

I could tell right away that the balance and weight were too uncomfortable for me - didn't even try it on my instrument.  You may not know, unless you've had carpal tunnel syndrome or surgery to remove ganglion cysts from around tendons, that potential trauma to hand/wrist, especially from repeated use, is something that should really be avoided. 

My bows are all close to 60 grams or lighter.  Was thinking of trying maybe up to 64-65 grams for my new 5-string VIOLA, definitely NOT more. 

I'd much prefer to add a little arm weight than have to pick up excess.

Sacramento, California

April 8, 2022 - 7:41 pm
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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It is very heavy for a violin bow. The average violin bow is around 60 grams, give or take a gram or two. The average viola bow is around 70 grams.

That said, most of the weight that you feel in your hand actually comes from the balance. A top-heavy 55 gram bow will likely feel heavier than a bottom-heavy 70 gram bow.


April 8, 2022 - 11:20 pm
Member Since: April 29, 2019
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I had pull my AWS scale out for this one.

Out of all 4 of my bows I have a range from 59.83 grams clear up to 68.14.

3 are carbon fiber and the heaviest is brazil wood and I would think it would be lighter than it is because its not really a beginners but as AndrewH said the majority of the weight is at the frog but its still well balanced.

61 grams seems just right for me I've been using the fiddlerman as my main bow for a long while its 59+ grams but I wouldn't go any lighter than that as I have to really watch my bow pressure when I'm down bowing or it wants to get a bit squirrely with string bouncing.   

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