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Light weight bows
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (5 votes) 

April 17, 2022 - 9:45 pm
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ELCBK said
Geez, Jim, you said in your intro - you "just started playing violin after a lifetime of playing guitar"! 

...don't think the average beginner usually thinks of starting off with a Coda bow. 🙄 

Me thinks you have more 'violin time' than you've let on! 🤨😎 

yeah..hey now...Doc..r u sandbaggin' us  roflol

you can still grow into a codabow if not.  most beginner guitarist dont start with a D28. But hey..it certainly doesnt hurt learning on one now does it?


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April 18, 2022 - 7:03 am
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I admit to having a little Violin time but not like you guys.
I (at age 50) went to school for music in NYC and they very kindly said during the interview that "electric guitar" wasn't their preferred instrument. Perhaps I should take up piano, violin or viola.

Sooooooo, with my tail firmly between my legs I enlisted a wonderful teacher who understood my dilemma and we embarked on learning violin for a little better than a year.

Let me just say that violin is a very humbling instrument.
I wasn't aware of the breadth and depth of squeaking and gutterings available!!!

Now in retirement, Ive returned and have begun picking up where I left off.

 A little "Frosty the Snowman" anyone?

For those who asked before, "Doc Ivory" is a stage name I used in my little blues band, "The Black Snake Bluz Band" of which the members still get together for a little music making every now and then.


Happy Monday!



April 18, 2022 - 11:21 pm
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@Doc-Ivory -

We always have some new members just starting to learn & some, like yourself, returning to the Violin/Viola/Cello - or who play other instruments.  Think there's quite a few people here with approx 3-5 years of time playing, but not everyone has the same amount of time available to practice.  We are fortunate to have some members here that have been playing much longer. 

And, YOU have more time to practice, now! 🤗  

I don't think it's easy to just 'pick up where you left off' - maybe you've noticed.  I have trouble if I go 2 days without practicing! (lol)

And, if you find you do need hearing aides - GET THEM, cause I don't think it's worth trying to play this instrument if you can't hear right.  I believe @JohnG said he can even program his to play a track in one ear - very convenient! (?) 

It has been recommended on the forum to start taking your phone or tablet & record yourself.  You can share it in the Critique Corner if you want help or opinions, but you can always just use it for yourself - to check if you are bowing straight/good bow hold, have your left arm/elbow/wrist/fingers in good position, etc... 


...if there's a little more of an 'adult' tune you'd like to learn on your violin - someone here will gladly help you find an easy tutorial, of some kind, to help you achieve that! 😁 

- Emily

Greater Chicagoland

April 18, 2022 - 11:39 pm
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@ELCBK - My hearing aids have a bluetooth device that communicates with them and plays whatever bluetooth device I have connected in both ears (stereo where applicable). Very handy for backing or click tracks.

The old curmudgeon!


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April 19, 2022 - 7:46 am
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I don't think it's easy to just 'pick up where you left off' - maybe you've noticed.  I have trouble if I go 2 days without practicing! (lol)

And, if you find you do need hearing aides - GET THEM, cause I don't think it's worth trying to play this instrument if you can't hear right.  I believe @JohnG said he can even program his to play a track in one ear - very convenient! (?) 


Hey Emily, good morning!

I do have hearing aids. Too many airplane engines and a bunch of Johnny Winter up close and personal did my hearing in. They DO help. I can tell when I'm "sharp" though "flat" is a but more problematic for me.

If I go 2 days without practicing, I'm a mess. LOL!!



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April 19, 2022 - 7:48 am
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JohnG said
@ELCBK - My hearing aids have a bluetooth device that communicates with them and plays whatever bluetooth device I have connected in both ears (stereo where applicable). Very handy for backing or click tracks.


My hearing aids are bluetooth compatible but I'll admit to being lazy and never connected them to any device.

Perhaps it's time I added my Ipod to them for backing tracks.


Fort Lauderdale
April 21, 2022 - 9:19 am
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@Doc-Ivory - The difference between carbon fiber bows and Pernambuco has nothing to do with the weight. In fact it would be easier to adapt a carbon fiber bow to a lighter weight and still maintain the strength and stiffness desired.
Arcus sells an S series bows that is like 49 grams. We sell a pro series bow that is around 54 grams.
The average weight for a Pernambuco bow is 60 grams.
I'm happy you like your new bow though.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Gordon Shumway
London, England

April 21, 2022 - 9:25 am
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Doc-Ivory said
I find that with a heavier bow (when I'm tired from practicing) I get more "bow skate".

For me, (just my opinion), I get less "skate" with a lighter bow and it tracks the strings better. 

I don't really understand why unless possibly your grip on the bow isn't firm enough, or quite right? I assume you've got enough rosin on both.



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April 21, 2022 - 3:13 pm
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Hey Gordon.
Should have pretty good rosin but I will admit to having a very light touch on the bow.
Usually, my bow tracks pretty well but occasionally, it skates and usually toward the end of a practice session.

I think I just get tired.


Gordon Shumway
London, England

April 21, 2022 - 4:00 pm
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Also if your bow isn't parallel to the bridge, it will tend to skate up and down the strings, especially if your grip isn't very firm. This is due to friction (it's applied maths), which will be greater in a heavier bow, assuming the rosining is the same.


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