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shoulder rest over pacemaker
looking for shoulder rest advice with new pacemaker
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February 24, 2023 - 5:25 pm
Member Since: February 28, 2022
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My faithful Kun shoulder rest for my 4/4 violin sits right on top of my new pacemaker. 

I'm not past the healing period yet, but a very gentle test makes it plain I'm going to have to do something to accommodate   the pacemaker.

Anyone out there who's overcome this issue and cares to share ?

Thanks :)


February 24, 2023 - 5:51 pm
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Welcome to the forum, 

Sorry no experience with that issue.

Good luck on a solution. 


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Albert Sammons

February 24, 2023 - 5:53 pm
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Maybe a taller chinrest and no shoulder rest?


The Bumblebee Flies!

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February 24, 2023 - 9:51 pm
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@nomad -

I currently don't have a pacemaker, but maybe see if a shorter length of sponge could be held in place with a couple rubber bands. 

I've seen a violinist tie a bootlace, or narrow strap, in a loop slipped around the back of their neck & lower bout of their violin.  The violin was supported in the normal playing position, but without a shoulder rest (worked great). 

You can always consider holding your violin differently - depending on what type of music you like to play.  Some fiddlers choose to play against their upper arm, lower chest or waist, and even on their lap like a cello - instead of against the neck! 

If one of these becomes of interest, I can probably find more info - hopefully others will have more suggestions to help you resume playing comfortably. 

- Emily

my own little world

February 25, 2023 - 11:03 am
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I was going to suggest some added sponge, as well. You might need a shorter shoulder rest to add it onto, or just switch to using a sponge to get it comfortable. I don’t see one on Fiddlershop, but on Amazon there are some larger sized sponge/foam shoulder rests that might be more comfortable for you, and have the height needed. 

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February 25, 2023 - 11:57 am
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The Bumblebee Flies!

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Katie L

February 25, 2023 - 12:09 pm
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I have a pacemaker and I can see where you are coming from.

I use a Kun and was previously using a Bon musica and both are sort of comfortable.

I bet you will feel better once healed but in the mean tim can you put a towel where it digs in ?

katie L


February 25, 2023 - 1:50 pm
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I am sure I have seen something similar to what Emily describes but I cant remember where. It was like a cradle as i remember it, and sat on the shoulder with no pressure on the chest, I am sure fiddlerman himself would know the thing I am thinking of.


February 25, 2023 - 2:02 pm
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20230225_185714.jpgImage Enlarger

Heres a quick drawing, the pad would be only about 3 inches and would be made of alluminium so could be bent it would rest right on top of the shoulder, the arms would be either wire or a long thin strip of alluminium with violin feet on the end. it would be really easy to make one if you know anyone who can metalwork.


Or take a look at the faxx violin shoulder pad, cheap and does the job you want.

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February 25, 2023 - 2:27 pm
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@stringy -

You might be referring to the SureTone rest I have for violin.  It's a light piece of plastic, curved like a dish to not dampen violin resonance, it's non-slip, attaches with rubber bands to lower bout & tail button - and unlimited adjustments can be made with the velcro'd, wedge-shaped foam disks that are provided with it. 

I like it. Think I'd like it even better if my violin was made of wood.

A fairly new company, this product was slow to ship when first introduced, but I'm sure that's improved - they also have one for Violas now. 

The "SureTone" would be a great option, just not as readily available as an off-the-shelf sponge. 

...or an old bootlace: 


This is nice because it won't rub on the back of your neck, but she shows her shoulder rest still attached & I've seen others not use one with this method.


February 25, 2023 - 3:13 pm
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@nomad -

If you wear a collar on your shirt, this is the video tip I was thinking could be perfect - until you heal: 


- Emily

Gordon Shumway
London, England

March 1, 2023 - 2:20 am
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Sorry, I have been away a lot and haven't read the thread, but if you have a pacemaker, I'd suggest a big (car) sponge instead of any other shoulder rest.


Fort Lauderdale
March 2, 2023 - 2:48 pm
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Gordons idea is not a bad one. Those car washing sponges are big and fill a lot of space without too much pressure in a few spots. Obviously anything that touches the back of the violin will affect the sound and the sponge more so than other rests since it makes contact with such a big part of the instrument.

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March 20, 2023 - 12:22 pm
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Hi all,

I've read thru all the posts, and every single one was helpful, giving me
different things to think about and investigate.

So, thank you everyone!!!

@ELCBK - Emily - the video link was particularly helpful, though I decided
against the strap approach, it helped me to see how that worked.

I want to also shout out to viostrap.com , they answered a query from me, and
offered to take a return if I tried it and it didnt work.

I didnt try it, but still, that was kind.

So ....
I've been busy in my violin research lab ;) and this is working for me.

DISCLAIMER: This works FOR ME. This is not a recommendation or medical advice !!! Any use is at your own risk.

Looking back, I wanted something
- cheap
- detachable
- easy to transport
- non-damaging
- secure
- easy to assemble
- not around my neck
- still position in a way I can play
- approved FOR ME by my caridologist

My cardiologist (not to mention staff) was a little bemused, BTW - I'm the first
person any of them ever saw carrying a violin into a cardiology appointment :)

pool noodle foam, cut into 3 pieces;
( $1.25 for a noodle, probably enough for 3 or 4)
Cut to fit and also cut at an angle to align with the shoulder rest;

some elmers glue;
some rubber bands

Glasser CF violin, not sure how suitable this would be for a wooden violin.

The shoulder rest goes on normally , with the chest side foot screwed down as
low as possible.
The foam piece fits over the rest and a long ( or doubled up ) rubber band is
slipped over the ends of the foam .... voila !

This lets me use the Kun, which helps security by the way it sits on my shoulder.
The violin sits nearly the same as before.

Gluing the little side pieces to the main piece makes it a lot easier to

I missed the St Patrick's day deadline for the green foam :)

P3200033.jpgImage EnlargerP3200034.jpgImage EnlargerP3200035.jpgImage EnlargerP3200036.jpgImage Enlarger

sp_PlupAttachments Attachments
March 20, 2023 - 12:58 pm
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Great job, @nomad!

You will receive a DIY badge, when the badges are up an running again. 



The Bumblebee Flies!

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March 20, 2023 - 2:47 pm
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@nomad -

LOVE your ingenuity - glad you can play comfortably, again! 

Also, VERY happy to discover a kindred Glasser fan - I have a violin & viola! 

Thank you for sharing this! 

- Emily


March 20, 2023 - 8:36 pm
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@nomad  Pool noodle foam looks like a great idea!  Cushioning, but with some firmness to it.  And cutting it to form-fit your shoulder rest makes it secure.  Glad you found a good solution smile 

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March 21, 2023 - 12:08 am
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Very cool,

Necessity is the mother of invention. 


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

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