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Suggestion for a string set
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January 2, 2023 - 12:56 am
Member Since: September 3, 2012
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Hello Everyone. i am a violin beginner who has been learning violin under a teacher about 2 years. Recently i started to feel like i can make a decent sound on my violin.

when i talk about my violin.it was decently hand made with oil varnish  in USA by a student luthier. That is why i could have bought it for a relatively cheaper cost.i am currently using thomastik infeld alphayue. which is very bright and powerful.

my luthier this month in 2023 bought Several brand new Strings .


1.Peter Infield



4.Dominant Pro 

i really like to try out a set out of this.i had tried Dominant previously on a different violin,which was a neural string set but the two strings broke and discolored due o my sweats. The alphayue set was very durable and it lasted about 6 months without any discoloring.my luthier  suggest me to  try either rondo or PI.and the rondo set is bit expensive than the PI. which strings should i try it on ?.usually i would like a focused warm tone. Your help is highly appricated 


January 2, 2023 - 1:47 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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@vibaviattigala -

So nice to see you back! 

I also like warm & focused sound.

I have fallen in love with the Rondo strings this past year!  They respond very well, settled in quickly and stay in tune.  I have not had any problems with discoloration or corrosion from my fingers on them.

Yes, they are expensive, maybe worth trying 1 set.  If they last much longer than your other strings, they would pay for themselves.

I have not tried those other strings you listed. 

- Emily


January 2, 2023 - 1:59 am
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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im using a rondo set now and like them.  Ive had them on for about 8 months or so i guess and they still seem to be holding up well.   

i dont think i would classify them a warm though.  It will depend on your violin on how bright they sound.   What I like about them is they seem balanced across all 4.  no one string seemed too bright or too warm compared to the others.  And they seem pretty focused to me. 

If your wanting a more warm or at least less bright..the dominant pros may be a better choice of the two.  you really just have to try a few sets to see what your violin mates well with to be honest.  

Sacramento, California

January 2, 2023 - 3:47 am
Member Since: November 5, 2017
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All of those except Dominant are more expensive than anything I've tried! But my orchestra stand partner and my viola teacher both use PI. I think it fits what you're looking for.

To my knowledge, I haven't yet heard Dominant Pro or Rondo strings in person.

If you're looking for warm, focused strings at a somewhat lower cost than those, maybe also consider Vision Solo or Kaplan Amo. I've used both and currently use Kaplan Amo strings. Both are in between Dominant and Dominant Pro in price.


January 2, 2023 - 3:45 pm
Member Since: October 11, 2021
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As an additional alternative to what AndrewH mentioned you might look at Larsen Tzgane strings.

They're warmer than Tomastik dominants and I've gotten good use/durability out of my current set.  A bit on the pricey side though.


January 2, 2023 - 5:34 pm
Member Since: February 10, 2019
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tzigane are my favorite strings

. the rondos came on a violin i bought.


January 3, 2023 - 12:41 am
Member Since: September 30, 2014
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I agree with ABitRusty

tzigane are my favorite strings,

They work good on my main fiddle, Obligato's are good for it also.

On my second fiddle it requires a very brighter string, Kaplan Vebo, etc.

GL on your string quest.


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


January 3, 2023 - 3:46 am
Member Since: October 11, 2021
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I thought I'd add a bit to my earlier post since others have chimed in about the Tzigane strings.

My E string has discolored up on the neck at each finger position on the string.  It's a kind of blue-ish color which hasn't affected the string as far as I can tell.  I use the fine tuner for the E string to ensure that I don't over tension and/or break it so the fact that the string is still intact after about 8 months even with the discoloration could possibly be attributed at least in part to that.

The D string has some signs of "stretching" in the winding where it bends over the edge of the nut toward the peg.  I don't know why it did that and the string settled in and held its tuning without any other issues.

Speaking of settling in; it took a long time for the strings to settle.  I live in SoCal where the humidity is usually very low and constant.  My violin stays in its case when not in use and I practice daily about an hour.  I'd say that the time for the strings to settle to the point I wasn't having to tune every day was about 2 months.  Once they did settle in, I didn't need to tune more than once per week as the strings were usually within 3-4 hz of perfect on the tuner.

I will mention in closing that I'm going to try a different set of strings this time around but don't let that put you off, the Tzigane's are very nice strings.

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