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What make a violin bridge a good bridge?
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August 24, 2011 - 2:20 am
Member Since: July 6, 2011
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Are there any standard for a good bridge, thickness, hight, wood, size of holes, etc?

Laguna Beach

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August 24, 2011 - 2:43 am
Member Since: June 16, 2011
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Here's some good info about violin bridges:



Sofia Leo
Springfield, Oregon

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August 24, 2011 - 11:25 am
Member Since: April 6, 2011
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Don't know if anyone is interested in the fine points of violin setup, but here's a link to a chapter of Michael Darnton's forthcoming book that goes into technical details about setup (including bridge cutting) that you might find interesting. I love this stuff, but I'm a bit of a geek smile

Mary in Springfield, Oregon http://www.thefiddleandbanjopr.....dpress.com


August 24, 2011 - 11:59 am
Member Since: July 6, 2011
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MGN and CatMcCall, Thank you so much!

CatMcCall, I love that book -- Michael Darnton talks about parts in great details! The book provides all the information I wanted! When I saw your 6-foot violin, it inspired me to make one of my own, but of course, time and $ wise I couldn't afford it yet. The luthier that I went to said he used to give 6-month lessons on how to make violin and I told him I would be interested if he started another class.

Sofia Leo
Springfield, Oregon

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August 24, 2011 - 3:20 pm
Member Since: April 6, 2011
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pky said:

MGN and CatMcCall, Thank you so much!

CatMcCall, I love that book -- Michael Darnton talks about parts in great details! The book provides all the information I wanted! When I saw your 6-foot violin, it inspired me to make one of my own, but of course, time and $ wise I couldn't afford it yet. The luthier that I went to said he used to give 6-month lessons on how to make violin and I told him I would be interested if he started another class.

You can pick up a kit for about $50.00 on eBay, or slowly acquire the wood, etc. over time. It's not a fast project, but it is very fulfilling.


Here's a link to more of Michael Darnton's upcoming book. There is a lot of information on the 'net or you can buy a variety of books but the "best" ones (according to the "real" luthiers) are quite expensive. Like any other hobby, you can spend big $$$ or get creative with tools and supplies and spend less.

Mary in Springfield, Oregon http://www.thefiddleandbanjopr.....dpress.com


August 24, 2011 - 9:49 pm
Member Since: July 6, 2011
Forum Posts: 969
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CatMcCall, Thank you for sharing. I'm not ready to start yet, but am very interested in the structure of violin. I don't have time and $$$ to  afford this hobby just yet:) But I will read the books to learn more about violin. Thank you so much!

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