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Lexington violinist teaches kids to tell musical stories
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November 26, 2014 - 8:09 pm
Member Since: March 14, 2012
Forum Posts: 1760
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From the Boston Globe:

Anwell Tsai is an accomplished violin soloist who has performed with many regional symphonies, so he knows a thing or two about classical music. Tsai, founder of Lexington based Playful Tunes, wants to change the way people think about early childhood music programs by using real instruments, technology, and social awareness.


When the work's all done and the sun's settin' low,

I pull out my fiddle and I rosin up the bow.


November 29, 2014 - 11:03 am
Member Since: December 25, 2013
Forum Posts: 878
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Very cool!!  Instrument Zoo - We had an instrument petting zoo that used to come to the schools.

Here is an experience - but families have to buy the tickets. http://www.indyartsguide.org/e.....etting_Zoo

I guess it comes down to volunteers and funds to keep the instruments functioning.

Violinist start date -  May 2013  

Fiddler start date - May 2014

FIDDLE- Gift from a dear friend. A 1930-40 german copy, of a french copy of a Stradivarius.  BOW - $50 carbon fiber. Strings - Dominants with E Pirastro Gold string.

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