members launch Traveling Fiddle on world tour

A violin has started a journey across the United States and perhaps the world, thanks to member VinceKnight (Dennis) who proposed the idea in the forum on January 7th. The idea took off figuratively and literally.

Dennis’ concept is simple: a violin will be sent from member to member. Each person who has temporary custody of the fiddle will play it, shoot photos and video of himself or herself, modify it by replacing strings or other parts, if they deem necessary, and sign the instrument before sending on to another member.

The Traveling Fiddle has begun its world tour and is now in the capable hands of member FTUFC (Fred).

The fiddle’s progress around the world will be plotted on a map right here on Follow its journey on the Traveling Fiddle page.

About KindaScratchy

I'm a novice fiddler and mandolinist. I've played the guitar for many years and also play the recorder, fife, flute, and, more recently, tin whistle. I work in the communications field and, in addition to music, I enjoy photography, writing, gardening, golf and travel.
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