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How Much Summer Heat, Sun and Humidity Can Your Cello, Viola or Violin Take Outside In The Summer Before They Are Damaged (ie Glue Getting Soft, Varnish being damaged or Pegs Being Affected)?
I would like to mute my bowed string instruments and play outside, but Summer sun, heat and humidity concern me. What are the time restraints for playing outside in the Summer without the sun, heat and/or humidity damaging your bowed string instrument?
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June 11, 2020 - 7:48 am
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I would imagine that when the devil went down to Georgia his instrument really heated up. Maybe not as much as that other place he is going.

Brora, North-east Scotland
June 11, 2020 - 10:14 am
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I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


June 11, 2020 - 3:09 pm
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Another data point.  It took a 16 minute application of a hot iron and a lot of effort with a thin putty knife to remove a violin fingerboard (nothing was wrong with it, I am making a plug mould for a carbon fiber violin).  So a properly prepared hide glue joint can survive a lot of heat.

immediately adjacent to it was a completely loose neck joint, what was likely only held on by the back plate button since new.  

Success is the progressive realisation of a worthy ideal. —Earl Nightingale.

Sacramento, California

June 11, 2020 - 7:31 pm
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BillyG said
 But, to get back to the violin's experience - never had an issue in over 5 years with string pegs slipping or even radical tuning changes OTHER than when sudden and dramatic changes occur in either or both temperature and humidity.  I've generally found that yes, if tuning drift occurs - it is pretty much equal across the instument - so it may (overall) end up a tad flat or sharp overall (not important unless playing along to a backing track - but even then - as the great Ivan Galamian wrote - 

One should be able to play in tune on a violin which is out of tune. The performer who has acquired such a skill will never be shaken out of his assurance and authority in public performance by a recalcitrant string.

LOLOL- indeed !!!   Words to be appreciated....  I believe we have both said this before "Let your ear be the guide" ( or words to that effect )



Adjusting to tuning drift can be surprisingly automatic and subconscious -- especially if you don't play an open string for a while. I remember one concert in 2017 or 2018 where my G string gradually drifted flat. I kept on playing in tune, and I didn't notice I was adjusting because I never had to use the open string... until the last few bars of the last piece when playing a big, ringing chord that included the open G string. It was at least a quarter-tone flat by that time.

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