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Cape Breton Strathspeys & Reels
Cape Breton
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (20 votes) 

July 22, 2021 - 3:54 am
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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Suppose it's no surprise I'd find it humorous that I'm addicted to a very upbeat Strathspey about a morbid and misfortunate situation. 

...kinda makes it creepy - like thinking "Ring Around The Rosie" is a great children's song. 🙄 

This slow Strathspey is Scottish/Northumbrian - "The Auld Man's Meer's Deid" (The Old Man's Mare's Dead) played by the MPK Christian Celtic Band. 

Here's a little history and sheet music from The Traditional Tune Archive.  

💥 But this sheet music DOES NOT MATCH THE VIDEO TUNE (or the other 2 videos by different groups I've seen).  This sheet music is also identical to what's at thesession.org - so even more disturbing!

The Auld Man's Mare's Dead

Am I missing something here about this sheet music?

Just going to forget about the sheet music and enjoy playing this tune by ear!



...can't help but think there's something 'tongue in cheek' about this tune. 

🤔 does this count as a Critter Tune? 

- Emily


July 23, 2021 - 1:39 am
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I'm really in trouble now! 

I thought this quirky tune was going to be a piece of cake when I saw the sheet music... of course, I don't want to play it like the sheet music. (lol) 

I want to play it like the video!😏 

I could be losing my mind, but the sheet music I provided (which is also the same as on thesession.org) does NOT match ANY of the several videos I have watched of this tune!  There is also a Reel called "Puir Mans Mare is Dead, Da" - it doesn't match either.  Didn't scrutinize it enough to be able to tell if someone took liberties to mix both tunes to come up with the videos.  I'll note this in my previous post.

Listening closely, there's MUCH more in "The Old Man's Mare's Dead" than I first thought 🤔 along with one or 2 ornaments there's more changes in the vocal part that I want to capture in playing. 

I've got the tune up to where the vocal starts, so think I'll have to get the rest down, tomorrow.  This slow, Scottish Strathspey just got elevated to 'Top Priority' on my OWL, until I get it all figured out! 

This is all a part of fun fiddling!



Anyone want to join me in this endeavor? 

I'd be glad to share what I've got so far.

...suppose I should make time to get acquainted with PreSonus. 🙄

- Emily


July 24, 2021 - 6:09 am
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Ah ha!  "The Auld Man's Meer's Deid" didn't get the best of me, after all! 

Maybe down the road, when I'm better at transcribing music, I'll see about adding this to the version on The Session.

After all this said, I just found a bare bones video - perfect to learn from. 

A little late for helping me 🤣 (and there's no different part for a vocal) but "Mrs_Peeps" gets it's not played like that sheet music!  In her comments it's mentioned of "John Turner" playing this (and I did watch his video 1st) - maybe he's the source of this version. 🤔



Thank you Mrs_Peeps!

Fun tune - I'll record it, soon. 😊


July 30, 2021 - 9:09 am
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(In ref to Post No.27)

I'm VERY excited! 

Is it okay to boast a little? 

I just got a reply back from Tim Macdonald & Jeremy Ward about the tuning they used! 

Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite

It's A = 415 Hz... Baroque Tuning!  



😁... just going to give myself a little pat on the back - on the right track with ear training! 

Uh oh - am I going to mess up my brain, messing with different tunings this early in my fiddle learning? 😳😬🤯 

- Emily


July 30, 2021 - 10:22 am
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high five and exploding fist bump on that @elcbk !  glad you shared what they said because it helps and congrats on ear training progress!  I think most people regardless on youtube whatever when you inquire about what they did are more than happy to help and share what theyre doing.  Its pretty cool when you follow someone and they respond when you interact to learn stuff.  thanks again for sharing their response!


August 25, 2021 - 8:34 pm
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@ABitRusty -


This is so much easier to play in this tuning -

you can tell it was meant to be! 

Been debating whether, or not, to change out my strings before recording any more videos, then decided this would be a good time to try "Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite" in Baroque tuning - A=415 Hz. 

Kinda hated the thought of messing with my violin tuning - the strings have been staying in tune so well, but really glad I did! 

Still have a little to work on, near the end of Tim Macdonald's & Jeremy Ward's video, but I'll probably have it figured out pretty close, tonight. 

...my 1st deviation from standard tuning is not 'cross tuning', but I'll get there soon enough!

- Emily


April 19, 2023 - 9:00 am
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@ABitRusty , @stringy , @Ford Glass & anyone else who might be interested! 

...hope you catch this!

So much has happened in over a year & a half since I 1st posted this tune! 

SOME BIG NEWS!  ...kept me up all night because I was so excited! 

Just saw Tim MacDonald sent me another reply in the video comments (below) - some GREAT info on playing 18th Century Scottish music with a Baroque violin, Baroque bow & gut strings! 

He also talks about chords, tuning, pertaining to history & info on strathspeys! 

Tim was VERY generous!!!  Too much info for me to share in a post here, so PLEASE check out the video comments in Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite

I will link this in one of the Baroque topics, also - in case anyone has any questions. 

Tim MacDonald and Jeremy Ward play beautiful music together - really worth following them! 


It's been a while, but I should see if I'm able to play this tune better, now!  I never did really resolve splitting this thread up right - see also the Strathspeys Thread

Here's the OP:

ELCBK said
Suppose it's no surprise I'm hooked on another slow, Scottish Strathspey! 😔

Just can't help it - they're SO bouncy & full of life!

Want to share my newest infatuation, "Lady Dalrymple of North Berwick's Favourite", here played by Tim Macdonald & Jeremy Ward (check out their Baroque Bows).

Great history and sheet music for this tune, played in Am, here: 
This Tune at Traditional Tune Archive

I found a "Lady Hamilton of Dalrymple" Strathspey at thesession.com, but it's in Gm and I'm not sure if it's a variation or completely different strathspey.


Btw, don't know if it's even possible for me to try to split off the Scottish Strathspeys from the Cape Breton ones, but I have thought about it. 

Pros & Cons? 😊 
- Emily 


April 19, 2023 - 3:43 pm
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Very informative exchange @elcbk and thanks to Tim and Jeremy for response.  Theres alot of helpful info and insight in your conversation on their channel.  thanks for pointing it out!


April 19, 2023 - 8:04 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Glad you checked it out! 😊

I haven't read the paper on strathspeys yet - hoping to get to that tomorrow. 

Very interesting about the Baroque bow - back to thinking I want to try one! 

Here's MORE of Tim & Jeremy's playing "Niel Gow's Third Collection of Strathspey Reels (ca. 1792)"! 

The Niel Gow Sesessions - 55 video Playlist of Tim MacDonald & Jeremy Ward

...love watching the bowing.

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