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French Canadian Fiddle Tunes
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (13 votes) 

May 23, 2023 - 2:31 pm
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Woo HOO! 

Found a GOLD MINE of Québécois Fiddle TUTORIALS! 

Musique folklorique du Québec - 90 Video Tutorial Playlist


It has GREAT FIDDLE tutorials (I haven't seen elsewhere) by Germain Leduc, André Brunet, Pascal Gemme, Jean Duval, Richard Forest, Sébastien Deshaies, Courtney Drew, Dâvi Simard - plus accordion & flute tutorials! 

Played through normal speed, then slow with close-up fingering - time-stamped chapters & important info (in French) in the video descriptions!   The narration is in French, but not essential to learn these tunes. 

Germain Leduc

André Brunet: 

Pascal Gemme: 

Jean Duval: 

Sébastien Deshaies

Courtney Drew: 

Dâvi Simard

These last fiddle tutorials clearly show how Dâvi Simard plays the tune, BUT the note detail is shown on the accordion - good intro if you don't already learn music played on other instruments!

#81: Reel d'Henri Roy - #83: Valse du père de Maurice Beauchamp - #85: Polka de Maurice Beauchamp - #89: Reel gigué de Maurice Beauchamp 


I only listened today, but found many I'm putting on my list - GREAT, FREE TUTORIALS, everyone can get a taste of playing Québécois! 

...had no trouble using 'googly' to translate text (important info in the video descriptions), BUT I tried YT auto-generated English subtitles for an André Brunet video - it was totally possessed by some demon, so I suggest learning without the 🤖 (unless you're an exorcist)! 🤣 



June 4, 2023 - 8:02 pm
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I can't believe I decided to learn 2 wonderful tunes that AREN'T on that list of great tutorials I recently shared! 

Found them on the album, "Violon du Québec (Musique du monde - Music from the World)", by Pascal Gemme! (Playlist of 16 tunes) 

There is just AMAZING fiddling by Pascal here & a FABULOUS collection of enchanting rhythms - each very different from the next!  There are so many of these tunes I want to learn. 

La Valse Des Cerfs-volants - sheet music & midi at The Session


Reel Carnaval - sheet music, Trad Tune Archive


😊 ...keeping me busy.


March 26, 2024 - 9:04 pm
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Brian Pickell is a Canadian Composer of beautiful tunes!  He's from & I believe still lives in Ontario, is a multi-instrumentalist, and with other band members they play many different genres. 

No matter from where influenced, Brian's tunes (and some others I have in mind) seem to stand on their own - not sure if they really fit a specific Canadian genre... I don't know enough from listening only a couple years & reading The Canadian Encyclopedia: Fiddling.  If folks feel strongly one way or another, let me know.

Anyway, stumbled upon Brian's music looking for a tune to reconcile with the snow/Spring. 


"End of Winter" (Brian Pickell) - it's a JIG (link's to the dots)!  ...but not really an Irish-sounding jig (to me), which is really enjoyable.  "Holding Aine" (Brian Pickell)  is the 2nd jig.



LOVE THIS ONE!  "Pierre's Right Arm" - Reel written by Brian for band member 'Pierre Schryer' - who gives a close-up tutorial! 


March 26, 2024 - 9:05 pm
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"Sourgrass And Granite" - Brian Pickell dedicated this waltz to Julie Schryer, more at thesession.org.  Duncan Cameron made THREE tutorials - one melody, one harmony AND another one for a plucked harmony!  Wish the video res was a little better.


The Harmony Tutorial 


Plucked Harmony! 


March 26, 2024 - 9:07 pm
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Maybe Brian Pickell's most beautiful tune, "Muriel's Waltz", seems just irresistible to me (started playing it last night)!  The 2nd tune, Valse des jeunes filles (aka. "Waltz of The Little Girls") comes partially from a trad French tune.  Played by The Trad Ensemble - Halifax Institute of Traditional and Early Music.  Links are to printable sheet music at The Session.


Three more great tunes by Pickell, played by Mark Sullivan - "The Fossil Beach", "Hommage a Jean-Paul Loyer", and "Trip to Long Point"


Brian Pickell had a tunebook available, "51 Fresh Canadian Fiddle Tunes" - the link shows the list of Titles for these tunes, but Brian's site is no longer active & I can't find anywhere to purchase it... not even 2nd hand. 

If anyone happens to have this book, I think it's out of print - let me know. 


Looked over Michael Burnyeat's "10 Canadian Regional Fiddle Styles" (again)... been thinking most of Brian Pickell's music might be considered 'Canadian Folk'
I had considered 'Ottawa Valley' style, but I usually think of April Verch for this style - not feeling it in Brian Pickell.  Being from Paris (Ontario) places him nestled among the Great Lakes... right between Michigan & New York State - idk, 'Canadian Folk' seems to fit pretty good.  

March 26, 2024 - 9:52 pm
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P.E.I. music traditions are rooted in the Scottish, Irish & Acadian French.  The Eastern side styles seem more Scottish and the Western side styles are more Acadian, so will try to keep focus on the Acadian side in this thread.

Back in post #10, I mentioned P.E.I. fiddling and the

Bowing Down Home - Prince Edward Island Fiddling Traditions

- pretty interesting on 'Styles':

Assigning fiddlers to stylistic groups can be a difficult task. Not every fiddler is pure to type, there are often borderline cases, and some fiddlers have styles that are so individualistic that it is hard to place them regionally. That said, here is a set of categories and parameters that cover the fiddlers in this project reasonably well. Each stylistic region is described in detail on its own page.

This video talks about the project. 


Here's an album that gives me a tastes of the rhythms & style of trad P.E.I. Fiddlers!

The Prince Edward Island Style of Fiddling: This Volume, Fiddlers of Western Prince Edward Island

- playlist of 31 Videos!  There's definitely a bounce!



March 28, 2024 - 11:37 pm
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Pretty strange that the Acadian Fiddle site has info on Acadian Fiddlers in P.E.I., The Magdalen Islands, Cape Breton, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Maine, Massachusetts... but NO one (even in the past) in Louisiana? 🤔

When I think of Acadian P.E.I. fiddling, ONE famous family name comes to mind - 'ARSENAULT'!  


Edward Arsenault's "Acadian Reel" - performed by Tim Chaisson.  Nice view of his left hand!


Edward Arsenault's "The Mussel Reel" - being taught by Natalie Arsenault. 




March 30, 2024 - 12:44 am
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I just want to kick myself. 😔 

Kept thinking I'd shared some videos & info in this thread. 

...but couldn't find them. 

That's BECAUSE I started an identical topic thread (what I was missing) 


...just lost it somehow. 🥴  

French Canadian & Quebecois Fiddle Thread


We need a Canadian Fiddling topic heading -

there's just such a rich history! 




April 23, 2024 - 6:07 pm
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Ha!  Found the name of the 1st tune - "Sarazine"

It's the 10th track on Robin's Sur l'an premier pour danser album (bandcamp)!  

He made the notation available on his site Robin LeBlanc - Acadian Fiddle!

They play a couple notes different in the video & I definitely prefer it to the album version. 


ELCBK said

Found a marvelous, old, traditional ACADIAN tune - it's the 1st of 2 tunes, pronounced in the video, but I don't know how to spell it!  Performed by, "La famille LeBlanc" (New Brunswick). 

Ready, Set, Aim Emoticon

...the 2nd tune is also nice, can't look for sheet music (don't know the names), but the 1st tune is now on my "THE LIST" to learn. (lol) 

- Emily


April 23, 2024 - 7:42 pm
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Did a quick check of the other tracks on the 'Sur l'an premier pour danser' album - here's TWO that I want to remember: 

This is the 8th track - Marche à Bonaparte & air triste à Fériole comme Ivet à Dominique, but it's the 2nd of the two tunes here that really caught my ear (sad look to Fériole like Ivet to Dominique), but I'm familiar with the 1st & like it, too! 


I also like track 21 - Jig triste à mame, a Minor Jig (can't be happy ALL the time). 


La Famile LeBlanc has 2 albums with the girls - playing fiddle, woodwinds & concertina (can also be heard on bandcamp). 

A track I really like - Suite à Firmin Mallet (Ripitchoune / Em à Firmin / Dosithé Fournier), from the 'Perdrais-je mon temps...' album (Would I be losing my time...). 


My current playing includes: "La valse des cerfs-volants" (post 42) & "Muriel's Waltz" (post 45).

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