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Shove the Pig's Foot a bit Further in the Fire
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (1 votes) 
April 18, 2015 - 5:37 pm
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Cool! Thanks, @fiddlinsteudel ! I definitely will be working on this one.

When the work's all done and the sun's settin' low,

I pull out my fiddle and I rosin up the bow.


April 18, 2015 - 5:52 pm
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April 22, 2015 - 7:53 am
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I have finally decided on a version.  It is actually not very different. Now to practice it and add some drones!!  My tempo is still off!!  I can hear it in my head but can't get my fingers and bowing hand to get it right!!  Baby steps!!  


Violinist start date -  May 2013  

Fiddler start date - May 2014

FIDDLE- Gift from a dear friend. A 1930-40 german copy, of a french copy of a Stradivarius.  BOW - $50 carbon fiber. Strings - Dominants with E Pirastro Gold string.

Fort Lauderdale
April 22, 2015 - 10:36 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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Good job Schaick. :)
Keep working on it!!!

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

April 22, 2015 - 9:00 pm
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Nice, @Schaick ! You're sounding great. I think your intonation sounds good and you've got the melody down. Your timing just needs a tiny bit of tweaking but you're almost there.

I discovered today that Pigs Foot is available in the Old Time Jam Machine. Maybe playing with the backing track there will help with your rhythm. I'm going to give it a try myself as soon as I have the melody worked out.

Good work! I'm envious because I really, really want to learn this tune but am struggling with it. I hope I can post my own attempt at it here eventually.


When the work's all done and the sun's settin' low,

I pull out my fiddle and I rosin up the bow.


April 24, 2015 - 8:22 am
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Thanks at @Fidderman

and @KindaScratchy  The first time I heard Shove the Pig's Foot a bit Further in the Fire was at jam last summer from an amazing fiddle player.  I looked for it on line and found this version -http://www.drfiddle.com/show_tune.php?id=12  Notice no slurs and the comment - "This is a nice slow tune for beginners,"  It is a very easy version to learn.

That amazing fiddler didn't come back to jam until earlier this year and I could hear the difference between what he played and what I as playing!!  That is what prompted this whole discussion.

He was playing it the way Ken Kolodner played it.  And as Fiddlerman pointed out some of the music is not written with the slurs!!  lol!! It is all in the slurring!!  

Funny, last summer I was so new to all this fiddlin' that I could not really hear the difference!!!  Now at least I am hearing it and feeling the difference.

I am so thankful for this website!!!  But now the more I hear fiddlinstuedel's version......

Violinist start date -  May 2013  

Fiddler start date - May 2014

FIDDLE- Gift from a dear friend. A 1930-40 german copy, of a french copy of a Stradivarius.  BOW - $50 carbon fiber. Strings - Dominants with E Pirastro Gold string.

Fort Lauderdale
April 25, 2015 - 7:49 am
Member Since: September 26, 2010
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The beauty of advancing is that you can listen to many versions and form your own. I had never heard the piece and read through the sheet music a couple times before making the video with the intention to imitate the phrasing that you were asking about. Exaggerated a little bit to make it clearer. I normally tend to lean towards smoother articulations but adding more rhythm is great for giving the pulse to the listeners. It's kind of a Cajun fiddling thing. Some violins are too bright to make that kind of bowing sound good as well.
My suggestion is that you play it many different ways for a while before making up your mind. Once you've made up your mind, you can still change it. LOL
fiddlinstuedel has music in his blood. :)

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


April 27, 2015 - 1:54 am
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Fiddlerman makes a great point, listen to all these versions and pull out phrases, licks, dynamics, rhythms, etc. and make your own version. Some versions you may like but has some parts which are too advanced or too simple for your tastes. Plus if you are playing in a jam you'll probably want to have different "versions" available to you. First time through, a simple more true to the melody version, second time through, something a little different, just so you can keep it interesting. 


April 29, 2015 - 7:51 am
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Yes he does!!

Fiddlerman - makes good points!!

and fiddlinsteudel - has music in his blood!!

I played Shove the Pig's Foot a bit Further in the Fire at jam last night using the newer bowing and new B part.  Got through the first time but messed up the second time.  I did have some good feedback and some are going to try and learn it.

That "have different "versions" available" idea clicked in for me last night.  There was a first time attending awesome fiddle player who has played since he was 12.  He was probably in his 50's. His dad made violins and he was playing on a violin his dad made. It was an awesome violin.  I hope he comes back - I didn't catch his name.

LOL!  I got off on a tangent there! Anyway, he was going to start a song and said but I don't know many versions so it will be short.  And I remembered back to this post.  I don't think I am quite there yet - ready to memorize different version but I will certainly hang on to that tidbit of information!!

This fiddle player was awesome at improvising.  I was mesmerized to the point that I would suddenly realize I was really messing up my chord changes.  Meaning - not making any chord changes!!

Violinist start date -  May 2013  

Fiddler start date - May 2014

FIDDLE- Gift from a dear friend. A 1930-40 german copy, of a french copy of a Stradivarius.  BOW - $50 carbon fiber. Strings - Dominants with E Pirastro Gold string.

California, the place of my heart
April 29, 2015 - 1:12 pm
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Sounds like you are having an awesome time at Jam. 

I'd like to see something like this one day. I can't improv, or jam yet... I just hack away at my stuff and projects.


Vibrato Desperato.... Desperately seeking vibrato


April 23, 2019 - 12:33 pm
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good stuff up there in case you havent seen.  

Search tools on the site work great!  Lol.. lumpy-2134droolingfacepalm

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