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Retired in retirement.
Life's ups and downs.
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September 30, 2023 - 4:00 pm
Member Since: August 23, 2020
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Hello Colin hope you are well. And hope your missus isn't too bad.

Your story touched me, your devotion and obvious love really did move me, I am a fully grown man and considered extremely tough were I am from but your tale almost brought me to tears. Really hope you get many, many more years together as I am sure you will if there is any justice in this world, kindest regards to you and the missus.


October 3, 2023 - 5:05 am
Member Since: September 27, 2021
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Thank you so much @stringy for your kindness and good wishes. I've got a few minutes spare; Bron is comfortable on the sofa watching a movie on TV; I've got her settled with glass of water mug of tea and hot water bottle for concentrated heat; it's warm with the central heating switched on.

Kind regards, Colin.

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January 19, 2024 - 5:41 am
Member Since: September 27, 2021
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It's quite a while since I posted. Bron and I are much the same; we've now settled down to a routine allowing me a bit of free time.

I'm still practicing playing my violins which I very much enjoy mostly in about half hour sessions because longer than this my concentration tends to wander. It's bitterly cold here in Yorkshire; UK it being winter with snow on the ground so it takes a while to warm the studio before I can start playing. I'm trying a number of tunes;

Scarborough fair.

Amazing grace.

Lara's theme.

Fools rush in.

Ode to joy.

Sound of silence.

I'm enjoying struggling and won't give up practicing playing my violins. I still have lots of household and garden maintenance to keep on top of and although it's taken over a year I've kept having a go time permitting to restore a vintage Howard Bulldog petrol rotavator; this is now in use and a great help in rotavating the meadows; I'm on top of all the heavy work so 2024 is looking pretty good and once the weather picks up I'll spend more time in the studio.

Bron isn't at all well so she comes first every time; anything else can wait; I'm now doing more baking to help out; buns; cakes and even pancakes are now easy; I've done the dishes; ironing and supermarket shopping for years in fact early this morning I visited three local supermarkets; Bron's settled and comfortable watching an an old movie so I thought I'd update my blog before dinner time.

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I thought I'd never complete this restoration; this Howard Bulldog rotavator is at least 60 years old.

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I'm pleased now its finished and with Bron being so ill I think this will be my last machine restoration

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I've converted most of our rear garden into three wildflower meadows; here I'm trying out the rotavator for the first time; it's still hard work but easier than digging by spade on the steep slope.

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My first apple pie it's 10" diameter; we enjoyed scoffing it. I made it from scratch using a Be-Ro recipe and bramley apples.

My plan for this year is to look after Bron as much as I can and spend more time in her company; carry on with bungalow and garden maintenance and also spend time in the studio practicing violin playing whilst learning to use my recording gear; if only Bron was well but she's been ill for around 40 years; life is so unfair at times she deserves so much better; we are virtually on our own; being detached we see little of neighbours; friends live a long way away and no family; in spite of this we're happy and content looking out for each other. I'm now 76.

Good job this is a blog or I'd be in trouble for rambling on. Time now to make a mug of tea and spend some time with Bron before dinner then this afternoon I'll heat the studio and enjoy a violin practice.

Kind regards, Colin

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January 19, 2024 - 9:03 am
Member Since: December 26, 2018
Forum Posts: 5448
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It is always a pleasure when you drop in and give us an update, @Retired. I wish things were easier for you. I am pleased you and Bron have each other. 

I am also very pleased you are still finding time to do you violin. 

We are in a bit of a freeze where I am too. The windchill does not help. Not a lot of snow in my specific area. Other places have received 4-6 feet of snow and getting more from lake effect, lake effect is weird. I am glad the wind is not aiming it as us, but we do have that cold. 

Again, I am pleased you have popped in to give us an update.


PS: Stringy, I accidentally did the shout out to you first. I changed it to Retired, but you will most likely see a notice about being mentioned here, anyway. Sorry about that.

The Bumblebee Flies!

Please ignore any typos. My typing ability on a real typewriter did not transfer to these device key pads.


January 24, 2024 - 6:36 am
Member Since: September 27, 2021
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Thanks so much for your kindness @Mouse Things are improving; Bron's Parkinson's medication is now helping; the dosage was increased from three tablets daily to six tablets daily taken two at a time 30 minutes before a meal; her hand no longer shakes much to our delight. I feel more relaxed and settling into a new routine allowing violin practice for around 30 minutes daily; I've just enjoyed a practice.

Our snow amounted to very little indeed in fact it was more like dandruff from the sky but we've had a great deal of rain and terrific winds; lots of storms keep sweeping through with lots of flooding. The most snow we usually get is up to 6" deep but tends to linger well into April. The wind chill really drags the temperature down.

It's nice to spend time in the studio again. With summer to look forward to I hope to spend more time practicing; violin's are just an extremely interesting hobby to me and addictive.

Kind regards, Colin.

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