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Halloween Party - 2023
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (31 votes) 

November 3, 2023 - 7:22 pm
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@SharonC I decided to outsource some of the more specialized stuff to the North American Dancing Poodles consortium.  Really much easier than trying to motivate the hounds off their beds for non running or eating activities.  Theyre particular about the human productions asked of them.

good catch on that! 🤣


November 16, 2023 - 10:05 pm
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well @SharonC its several weeks late but had a chance tonight to wrap it up.

Nightmare Fiddlin


November 16, 2023 - 10:54 pm
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a621114b9c80be33a5edb1b042d159f5--vintage-halloween-photos-vintage-halloween-costumes.jpg@ABitRusty -



...you beat me to it.  Kevin gets that look on his face, but he doesn't dance. 🤭 

Thanks for sharing this, I really enjoyed it! 

Really appreciate that you've talked about the Unreal Engine software, too.  Have you used the 'Rokoko Vision' before?

Hey, I'm still in the Halloween mood... just got derailed.  No Xmas music allowed in the house until after Thanksgiving. 😈


November 16, 2023 - 11:35 pm
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@ELCBK said



...you beat me to it.  Kevin gets that look on his face, but he doesn't dance. 🤭 

Thanks for sharing this, I really enjoyed it! 

Really appreciate that you've talked about the Unreal Engine software, too.  Have you used the 'Rokoko Vision' before?

Hey, I'm still in the Halloween mood... just got derailed.  No Xmas music allowed in the house until after Thanksgiving. 😈


Just the one time for the goblin "dance?" 🤣

that was even more ridiculous to watch.  Rokoko helps to automate the animation.  Gives you a way to customize animations.   but theres still alot to it if never done before.  Once you upload a video to their servers it creates a skeletal mesh thing you can then import into a site called mixamo.  from there you can attach to different characters and download.  import into unreal and setup some mappings to ikrigs there.

its a process.  

learned a new tune too so theres that i guess 🙂


November 17, 2023 - 6:44 am
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Great tune and playing Greg, never heard that one before did you write it?.

Vid was bob on as well, for animations I used to use poser, I would build the creatures in mud box and max , for which you can import motion capture files to make your creatures do whatever you want, it was great fun but a long time ago, and people wanted work which would take a week for nothing, so I gave it up. I took a look at unreal engine it looks good, won't run on my windows 7 unfortunately though, and can't stretch to a new computer;( maybe when I win the lottery lol


November 17, 2023 - 10:35 am
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Great video, I'm just jealous he dances better than I do!


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons


November 17, 2023 - 7:57 pm
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@stringy said
Great tune and playing Greg, never heard that one before did you write it?.

Vid was bob on as well, for animations I used to use poser, I would build the creatures in mud box and max , for which you can import motion capture files to make your creatures do whatever you want, it was great fun but a long time ago, and people wanted work which would take a week for nothing, so I gave it up. I took a look at unreal engine it looks good, won't run on my windows 7 unfortunately though, and can't stretch to a new computer;( maybe when I win the lottery lol


Thank you @stringy.  I think with your background youd get a kick out of messing with it.  Kinda neat.  Im not aiming for any revenue from it Good thing huh!!? 😂  just make goobey videos from time to time.

Its the 2nd tune of this set stringy.  where i heard it.  was looking for a horror-ish sounding title i havent played before.

@Mark thanks for watching!..  Dont be jealous. 😉  All i did was act like I was reaching for a donut and then flailed the arms around a bit as if a wasp flew up for a visit.  Im sure itll catch on.  


Here it is without all the jazz and just a cell phone video...

Pull The Knife and Stick it in Again


November 18, 2023 - 12:18 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Always loved the name 'Pull The Knife' - definitely gruesome, there's great aliases & interesting info at thesession.org.  Been on my list ever since you convinced me to try the 'Boys of Pleasure'!

When I found out how long it took to create animation, back in the late 80's/early 90's - didn't have the time, or the money for a good enough PC, to invest.  Figured if I waited long enough, technology would catch up.  ...now, I wish 'I' could catch up!  


Hey, seems like a good theme you got going - where's YOUR medieval warrior costume

Btw, thanks for making this a GREAT Halloween Party! 🤗


November 18, 2023 - 7:57 pm
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@elcbk said "..where's YOUR medieval warrior costume? "

i didnt see any tshirt and shorts with sandals in there. 😉

i guess i shouldve left the unreal stuff out.  guess i got carried away and thought it would ve something funny.  I would like to continue experimenting with it.  especially the landscape envirinments.   

"When I found out how long it took to create animation, back in the late 80's/early 90's - didn't have the time, or the money for a good enough PC, to invest.  Figured if I waited long enough, technology would catch up.  ...now, I wish 'I' could catch up!"

I KNOW exactly what you mean.  im deviating way off topic of halloween party but.. many years ago i looked at cost of maya and said no way id ever be able to afford that for a hobby.  its like 3000 a year.  subscription or something.  that is a price im saying i remember which may not be reality...but anyway..when i found unreal for free...and what the possibilities were ..couldnt help but give it a go.

theres another animation type program called procreate dreams that is set to release on nov 22nd or 28th.. it runs on ipad.  I cant draw a stick figure well but am gonna try that one out and see what the fuss is about.

BLENDER is also free and open source.  I think the 3d characters like the goblin in my video can be made in it.  unreal as far as i know doesnt have a scuplting capability.  just all the tools to animate and sequence camera shots and such.

somewhere in all that..ill practice fiddle 🙂


November 19, 2023 - 10:08 am
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@ABitRusty  That was marvelous!  Great playing, and the environment you created works really well with your tune.  That Unreal Engine software is amazing; love the panning effect.  And now I'm going to have to check out the Rokoko as well smile

How did you insert yourself?  Did you record with a green screen?

Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.


November 19, 2023 - 10:50 am
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Thanks @SharonC !  ill share the video i found that showed what to do.  Youll need to export to a .EXR sequence from your video editing software.   that will create MANY individuals files BUT the software will know theyre all linked and part of a video sequence.  

heres a link back to the most important videos i used



heres how to import your green screen EXR sequence into u real


one thing extra thats annoying is the lighting of the import.   you can adjust it so it doeant show up so bright. 

Oh and yes i used the magic mask in davinci to key myself out.   i filmed against a green screen but honestly i dont think i needed to.  magic mask did great with the exception of the tip of my bow.

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