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Live Looping with DAW?
Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 Topic Rating: 5 (10 votes) 

June 29, 2021 - 12:57 pm
Member Since: June 10, 2020
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I wasn't going to snoop anymore until I actually got into PreSonus Sphere, but couldn't help myself. 🙄😆 

Been once again, reminded of why I was originally interested in an Acoustic/electric instrument - Live Looping! 

Really nice 5 String Violin & Live Looping performance, "Summer Particle", by 5 String Theory. 


For me physically, not a great option to use pedals at the moment - so, brings me to ask, what is possible to do Live, without pedals in DAWs? 

Studio One 4 from PreSonus - The Amazing Power Of 'Live' Mode (Studio One Expert). 

PreSonus Live Mode

PreSonus Studio One 5.2: Arrange Live on the Show Page! (PreSonus Audio Electronics with Lukas Ruschitzka).  "You can even control your arrangement from Studio One Remote."

Studio One 5.2 - Live on Show Page

Ableton has "Ableton Live Looper", it's a plug-in that might also be compatible with PreSonus  - not sure if it does more than what the current PreSonus already has (can dig deeper, later). 

Simple description/guide to Ableton's Looper

How to use Ableton Live Looper

Btw, I read up a little about how people set up Ableton for live looping prior to Ableton's Looper plug-in... it was crazy! 

Here's possibly something good for iPhone users!

Live looping on iPad-“looper” L7 by Audiokit - Dan Baker

For iPad Pro - GarageBand: a beginner's guide to Live Loops (20 Tips!). 

GarageBand Live Loop


Most of you would probably prefer to use pedals, so I'll leave it at that. 



...all just to add a little color. (lol)

- Emily


June 29, 2021 - 4:08 pm
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@elcbk are you asking what to use other than a looper pedal or how to utilize the show features in studio one?  Im no help on either but was asking so i can better understand your goals within studio one.  Im thinking it may be easier if youre wanting to play to backing live to just make mp3 backings and have a playlist ready.

didnt know about all the new cool features in version 5.2 !  i dont think ill ever use those features but its great info to know its there.  ill need to experiment with those and see what it can do.


June 29, 2021 - 5:06 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Was looking for closest alternatives to live pedal effects, hoping I can be happy with PreSonus, now that I found these videos (found them last, of course) - guess my search wording wasn't good enough - geez. 🙄

I see plenty of video tutorials how to use it. 

The Studio One 4, 'Live' Mode video explained a lot for me.

Was trying to figure out if Ableton's Live Looper plug-in offers anything better, but really don't care now, unless I run into problems down the road with PreSonus. 🤔 

Btw, read somewhere they recently fixed issues some people were having with 5.2 (?) so, good to know!  Certainly don't need software problems when I can't tell if it's me doing the "something wrong". (lol) 


So... seeing single quotation marks, for the 1st time in a long while, I had to read up on if I was using double ones too often.  Turns out I only have to be concerned if I'm British!  (lol)

"I deeply apologize to all my Friends in the UK!" 🤭

- Emily


June 29, 2021 - 5:31 pm
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@elcbk  you can apply effects to an audio channel as you record.  Effects like ampire pedals work just fine,  even for violin...sounds almost like an overdriven guitar.  They include classic amplifier models and different effect pedals you just select from the effects tab and drop onto the track.   Not sure if thats what you mean.  you can also loop an audio track and record takes..you dont need anything additional to presonus for that.

are you planning on doing a live internet type thing? 

Greater Chicagoland

June 29, 2021 - 5:40 pm
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btw - PreSonus Studio One 5.3 came out today!

The old curmudgeon!


June 29, 2021 - 6:17 pm
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JohnG said
btw - PreSonus Studio One 5.3 came out today!


yeah.... i upgraded the other day since we have a couple more ver 5 users here..thanks @JohnG 🤨  figured what the hey.  smoothest upgrade..I waited till they had all the bleedin edge features patched..😏😁  it was a 500Mb download and didnt break anything..cept some cash. 


June 29, 2021 - 7:29 pm
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@ABitRusty -

So, the pedals you're talkin' about aren't real foot pedals, right?  I just assumed PreSonus already had effects available for me to use. 

Hadn't thought of Live Streaming - my Brother would love it if I did.  Everything I think of is basically just for my own creative freedom.

Gee, that 5.3 must've been what I read they were fixing. 🙄 

Looks like I better brush up on all the notation symbols. (lol) 


I'm really looking forward to learning this while Kevin's gone for 2 weeks (end of July) and no Kids will be over - so undisturbed! 

Just Being Contented Smiley - Emily


June 29, 2021 - 9:48 pm
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@elcbk no the pedals are virtual.. but since you said you cant use a real looper for a time this seems perfect.  If youre not going to be playing live at a gig or maybe a youtube live stream or something like street jelly, im not seeing a use for the "show" functionality of presonus.   you still have to make songs...its just you insert those into a type of playlist that you can loop from what i understand of it.  you can loop a song or even sections of it from within the song.

as far as "fixing"  the initial release of version 5 had some bugs they had to work out   havent heard anything on 5.3 till @JohnG said something..usually the incremental versions are patches to the bigger releases.  who knows though..its software.


June 29, 2021 - 11:49 pm
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@ABitRusty -

I see what you are saying. 

I'm more focused on the Studio 4 Live Mode video (did you watch about the quantize feature?) - thinking similar in the 5.3 version.  Didn't know if it might have to be done in "Show Page" for 5.3 - pretty sure NO! 

The Show Page video was just the only recent video I could find with something about Studio One Live Looping. 

...actually thought 5.3 might just be all the fixes for 5.2. (lol) 

Thanx for the help!


June 30, 2021 - 10:29 am
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ELCBK said
@ABitRusty -

I see what you are saying. 

I'm more focused on the Studio 4 Live Mode video (did you watch about the quantize feature?) - thinking similar in the 5.3 version.  Didn't know if it might have to be done in "Show Page" for 5.3 - pretty sure NO! 

The Show Page video was just the only recent video I could find with something about Studio One Live Looping. 

...actually thought 5.3 might just be all the fixes for 5.2. (lol) 

Thanx for the help!


quantize is a feature all DAW's will have and is needed due to latency issues.  You can use input quantize so as you hit a key or pad on midi controller the daw will decide what beat is closest to when you hit and line up on that.  you can tell it to quantize to eighth, quarter, sixteenth...etc.   you can also select a range of notes or the whole track for that matter and quantize after the fact.  you can also select individual notes and move them around.  there is also a humanize feature thats adjustable to help make midi not sound so robotic...which will happen if the notes all fall exactly on the beat.  humans are always just a tad early or late.

Fort Lauderdale
July 9, 2021 - 4:39 pm
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Looping is so much fun. I've done it for myself but never really recorded anything. It's a powerful feeling to be able to make so much music just by yourself. 😁

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."


January 4, 2024 - 11:30 pm
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Amazing that it's been 2½ YEARS since I started thinking about this topic! 

Loved watching Alexey Kochetkov's video on "Live Looping" (OP) again!  I'm now in a MUCH better position to appreciate his skill and the equipment he is using.   




I'm close to getting what I want (Emily's Journey Down The E/V Road! Blog), but it's not by using DAW... not saying I won't get there - just not needing it for 'live looping', yet.  

I'm so grateful Alexey Kochetkov promotes the 5-string Violin! 


January 5, 2024 - 12:24 am
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aside from ableton.. daws arent really for live looping.  its not what theyre good at.  at least in general terms.  I know presonus and others have some looping features and its possible.  think it was version 4.5 introduced a show feature... but still not like a looper pedal setup.. they can loop though.. i use that to work on sections after recording something from youtube.   i make a track of a song i want to play to then loop it.  not what youre after though.  

gotta know the tools and what theyre. best used for and as youre discovering.. takes using them to find that out.


January 7, 2024 - 1:46 pm
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@ABitRusty -

Great points! 

I've considered the situations, locations & other reasons I might want to loop - hope I'm about done acquiring tools. 

Was only easy to rule out any 'dedicated' home playing/recording space - that ship sailed years ago... about the time grandkids entered the picture. 😊


January 7, 2024 - 2:17 pm
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yeah one size does not fit all on those subjects.   I tried abelton and looping type stuff.  Have a ditto guitar looper. just not what i was wanting to do.  I think youve got a setup now that will allow either!  Its been fun discussing over time. 😀


February 20, 2024 - 12:04 am
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Besides my options of a physical looper pedal, I've spent more time looking at reasonable options for LIVE LOOPING using Windows/Android & will share a couple videos...

BUT, I also found some cool LIVE LOOPING stuff for macOS, iOS & iPadOS users!

I had been looking more into mapping midi controls with recorded sounds to loop with - when I ran across these! 

I'm a Windows/Android user, but if YOU are a Logic Pro DAW user, OR are thinking of becoming one - you'll be interested in THIS video about Live Loops.  It's included with Logic Pro & especially GREAT if you are interested in looping with yourself playing the violin/viola/cello, and... you don't want to deal with a looper pedal! 


Loopy Pro looks like a ton of fun!  It's an app you can use with your iPhone or iPad for LIVE LOOPING your acoustic bowed string instrument!   

It's also a DAW, sequencer, sampler AND loop station.  I like the screen graphics it uses.  I LOVE the idea of 'vocal effects' added to singing! 

THIS is something to consider that is MUCH less expensive than 'Logic Pro'


🤔... I was originally thinking of running a vocal thru my Spark amp's effects, using a mic (just to experiment, but I don't have a mic yet) - maybe they will come up with something similar to Loopy Pro for ANDROID!  

LOOPIFY - LIVE LOOPER APP (for Android).  Doesn't have anywhere near the same bells & whistles, but it's FREE! 

Loopify App Playlist of Video Tutorials


I'm probably going to stick with PreSonus Studio One 6 for my DAW, so not checking any others (I took a peek at a few). 

Thought I shared this somewhere (?), guess I meant to! 

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