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I will word this the best way I can. Thomas has a live pianist to accompany him with Czardas in a month, a live cellist to accompany him for Arioso but looks like we will need to use a recorded accompaniment for Schindlers List, via youtube. My question is, when I listen to any of the Schindlers List accompaniment videos, they arent loud enough. I have absolutely no clue what to do. Can someone help me figure this out? I dont know how to hear a youtube video loud enough to record with Thomas playing the violin, do I use a cell phone? Where do I put the cell or devise in relation to him playing and the recording medium we are using.....Now heads up, please treat me in an elementary fashion because not having a cell phone in years and using only a desktop, I am about as knowledgeable as a kindergartner...and even they may know more then me. i sure do appreciate it, thank you so much.
Jim(Thomases Dad)
i use this quite often. you wont find an easier solution
play the video on phone use a bluetooth speaker to listen with. Ive used a couple different types and like this altec lansing.
bluetooth so no wires, plus alot of cell phones dont have an audio jack.
placement of the speaker would be up to you and what works best. anywhere in the room, ive even sat it on the floor by my feet and pointed the speaker up. behind him somewhere..off to the right.. just whatever orientation he prefers.
If you are going to use a video camera and record him playing to the music, experiment with it...behind him off camera would be a start.
@JimandThomas I have a Bluetooth speaker I really like—it has some power to it. It’s bigger & costs a little bit more than the smaller ones, but it sounds like the piano is in the room with me.
Here’s a quick video I've done for you on how to pair your phone to the Bluetooth speaker:
Are you asking how to get a copy of a YouTube recording onto your phone? That would seem like a more reliable thing to do rather than streaming the video through wi-fi/mobile data if this is for an audition.
There are ways to pull videos files from YouTube. They don't prohibited it (if creator indicates that it is for public use--like most accompaniment videos)--they just don't provide the means to do it directly on their site if you don't have a YouTube Premium subscription.
Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.
When you're checking out speakers, be aware that some of the speakers are bluetooth only. I found one called a Tribit that works great. It's about as big around as a soda can and about 7 inches tall. I can run it through bluetooth, or, if you have an older computer without bluetooth you can plug it in using a cord directly from your computer headphone/external speaker jack. I like it best for the loud volume, clarity and bass response. I usually just plug it into my laptop, go to my favorite youtube backing track and play away!
Hope this helps.
Violin ---- the most human of all instruments
@SharonC Thank you. I had no idea what bluetooth was until today to be honest. and no, I dont have youtube premium either.
@Grandpafiddle Thank you as well. When you said "if you have an older computer..." you were talking my language.
@ELCBK It is a large room with a small stage with a piano on it, which is where Thomas will be performing. and although I have talked to the director of the competition a number of times, I have not gotten into depth with regards to my questions because she is wicked busy with everything else and the last thing I want to do is inundate her with a barage of questions....i have contacted her a number of times over the past couple of weeks.
Jim(Thomases Dad)
@JimandThomas -
I think it's important that people understand this is about 'how to easily use a recorded accompaniment when performing LIVE, because I doubt you'll have much time to set anything up (hope I'm wrong).
Hang in there! I think good suggestions so far - give this a little time to see if you can attract some input from people with actual experience in competitions. I haven't been here long enough to know if competition performance has been much of a discussion anywhere. 🥰
@Fiddlerman -
Suggestions? Or know what people are using in this situation?
@elcbk said..."
I think it's important that people understand this is about 'how to easily use a recorded accompaniment when performing LIVE',"
I assumed the topic was .."Recording with accompaniment How to record a recorded accompaniment" from the title and gave the easiest method.
If this is truly about playing a live event and using recordings as accomp.. thats another topic and I would ask the event organiser or contact about available PA hookups. Unless its a bring your own playback device type of event.if its that. depending on the size of the room, what i linked probably wouldnt be loud enough.
JimandThomas said
@SharonC Thank you. I had no idea what bluetooth was until today to be honest. and no, I dont have youtube premium either.
@JimandThomas I can copy a YouTube accompaniment video and post it in a way so that you can easily download it to your cell phone (or other device) via a link I would provide to you. If you find that you need help with that, let me know.
Characterize people by their actions and you will never be fooled by their words.
@jimandthomas it sounds like the venue will be on the larger size. I am imaging a school auditorium. Chances are it will have some speakers and a mixer or something that you can give to the sound person working the equipment and let them worry about the tech stuff. another item to check on.
One option if they dont have equipment is to check with a local music shop for rental of a guitar amp. explain the situation so they know whats best. have them show you best settings. you wouldnt want to overdrive a backing.
worst case you can buy one of the bluetooth speakers suggested.. maybe gain access and test it out before hand. I know easy to suggest that.. in reality its probably not an easy thing to schedule but a thought.
And make sure if youre going to operate the speaker and playing track that you practice THAT so you can figure out quickly what to do when it doeant work. Because something wont work correctly. it always happens. If you go the bluetooth route make sure that everything is charged up, but also take a power cord or charger in case you forget and leave it on while travelling from home to venue.. 😉
@JimandThomas -
I don't think Best Buy has the kind of amp you want - and won't be one Thomas will use later for his Electric violin.
6 Easy Ways to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3
Make sure there is lead time on the mp3 recording - Thomas can't just jump right into it.
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