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My Journey with My Violin Since May 1716.
A probably unusual way to learn improvising via baroque play-alongs.
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Berlin, Germany

May 10, 2019 - 9:45 am
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GregW said
Very creative and great playing.  I enjoyed listening to you!


Thanks, using a beech rod for making a bow was actually crazy back in summer 2015. Crazy seemed also the effect after staining and oiling it with almond oil: It hardened the beech quite a bit. Fairly elastic now. And makes my sound very different from usual bows. I feel like I mostly control that bow, but now and then it surprises me and these are the moments I more and more use to develop my style. Yes, daring crazy things and increasingly having fun doing it shaped the character of my last recording.

My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Berlin, Germany

May 10, 2019 - 10:05 am
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bocaholly said
I finally caught up with that last sound sample, Demoiselle. Lovely :-)


That recording was from late March. I had just terminate my WIFI at home and then my laptop went crazy and didn't let me log in. Struggling with an insane laptop at the public library, that's what I went through for weeks. And that's why I loaded up this video so late on Youtube.

In the meantime my laptop lets me in sort of inofficially, explaining to me, that it's going to delete everything I create whenever I switch it off. But I'm smarter: The little bitch deletes everything I put on the desktop or into ordinary folders. But it never deletes GARBAGE! So I trash all my documents because they're actually save then. Since my trash folder is my daily official working folder. There's all my stuff! LOL

Even funnier: Whenever I want to delete something .... I assume you can guess what I do ..... : I certainly put it out of the trash and leave it on the desktop. The next time I switch one I can be sure it will be gone!!

Thanks, stupid little laptop.coffee1

My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Boca Raton, Florida

May 10, 2019 - 11:29 am
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Honorary advisor

May 10, 2019 - 12:39 pm
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So I trash all my documents because they're actually save then. Since my trash folder is my daily official working folder. There's all my stuff! LOL


You might want to get a thumb drive, or SD card, to back up your work on. Items in the Recycle Bin are NOT SAFE. It sounds like that is your only option, but it is not a safe option. If your PC does and update, even a small one, it could end up using some of the space used by some of your Recycle Bin content.

Items in the Recycle Ben will likely degrade over time, as the space that held the original content gets uses by more and more newer items, like from program updates.

I wish I could help you with you laptop issues, because it sounds like you need to do a complete reformat and reinstall of your operating system. You probably have a nasty virus that has done too much damage to save your current setup.

If not a PC virus, then a system file went bad, and that can, and dose, happen sometimes.

I would have to know more about the technical details of your laptop to walk you through some things that might help, but it would be a long and tedious process, for both of us. It is much easier for me to fix a PC when I am doing the work on it directly, from here in my own apartment.  ;)


Berlin, Germany

May 13, 2019 - 1:00 pm
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Don't worry, I use actually two USB sticks, so there's nothing in the trash which wouldn't be safe on two sticks already. The trash is just to start working right away, without looking for a stick in the first place.

I'm mainly typing books via OpenOffice, so I'm not afraid that anything may be degraded. I don't think the trash bin will change an E to an F for instance.

The laptop first let me work just in the "protected mode" which was even nastier because I had no WiFi and had to use the computers of the library. Getting into that protected mode really took like for ever -- switching on, re-start, re-start again.... But after weeks trying the program let me in without log-in. Each time it says like, "Sorry the log-in failed, you can work, but everything will be deleted."

I can now work and it works okay.

I think it's damage to the setup -- just a software issue. Life without computers would be better, but I couldn't type and print thousands of pages. Making books via handwriting would be insane .... all that correcting and writing again and again ....

But I hear your warning: If I make a new recording of my playing I will not edit the copy in the trash, but get a copy from a stick. Degraded sound quality is really not what I want.


My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Berlin, Germany

May 13, 2019 - 1:10 pm
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I bought a kitchen scale a couple weeks ago. Since I know the weight of my self-made bow:

24 g = 0.85 oz

I think that influences my sound a lot and therefore I have those data in my signature from now on. It's really crazy light-weight.

My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Boca Raton, Florida

May 13, 2019 - 3:48 pm
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@Demoiselle, are you using a toothpick strung up with dental floss?

Seriously, I think violin bows weigh in around 60 grams... really light ones maybe 10 gr. less than that. 24 grams... that's amazing. What is the stick made of?

Fort Lauderdale
May 17, 2019 - 10:27 am
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Maybe your kitchen scale is defective. Seems crazy light as you wrote. Personally I need more weight in a bow to feel that I can play with no pressure and still produce a good solid soft sound.

"The richest person is not the one who has the most,
but the one who needs the least."

Berlin, Germany

May 23, 2019 - 10:21 am
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bocaholly said
@Demoiselle, are you using a toothpick strung up with dental floss?

Seriously, I think violin bows weigh in around 60 grams... really light ones maybe 10 gr. less than that. 24 grams... that's amazing. What is the stick made of?


Fiddlerman said

Maybe your kitchen scale is defective. Seems crazy light as you wrote. Personally I need more weight in a bow to feel that I can play with no pressure and still produce a good solid soft sound.


Brand-new digital kitchen scale. No, my bow is really extremely light. If I compare modern baroque bows to original paintings from the 1600s and early 1700s I get the impression, those original bows from back then where very much lighter. Besides people today are too lazy to use a clip-in bow, but it is the clamping mechanism of the modern bow which makes is so heavy. Medieval violin bows look even lighter than my one does: they look thin like twigs and it seems they used even less hair. I use between 30 and 40 hairs for a rehairing. In Constantinople they had a rule for court musicians to use under 30 hairs. I think it was 24 hairs. The romantic period is not the kind of sound model I want to follow. I want the opposite of what people consider classical music norm. I want to be far from that normality. There's entirely too much standardization these days.

Today I threw my frog on the kitchen scale: It weighs 2 gr / 0.05 oz. I made it out of an oak strip and oak is relatively heavy. But it really feels like a 5 cent piece in my hand. It is thinner than a modern frog and has no metal parts of course. The rod of my bow is a bit shorter than the shortest 1600s bows offered by an Austrian bow maker. I made it out of a beech rod. But the beech somehow changed: the staining and oiling with almond oil made it harder. It feels very different from untreated beech rods, very peculiar that. I stained it several times an then the oil hardened more than usually. Looks like a lucky accident, without knowing what I did in summer 2015. Beech is no good material for bow making at all. But though my bow got okays from a luthier and my teacher in 2017.

Oh, by the way: I joined the Berliner outdoor folk session last Friday, with violin and guitar. Tomorrow I'll go there again ....

My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Berlin, Germany

August 14, 2019 - 12:54 pm
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Some may have asked themselves, how I manage to use my new guitar for barock stuff and whether it would work. Here is how I join the guitar to my violin. It wasn't a good day, just an example. I'm mostly practicing on my violin by improvising to my own guitar background, like in this case Pachelbels Canon in C.

What I find much more interesting is singing and playing the guitar at the same time. So the following one was totally life. It is my beloved Passacaille d'Armide, which I did with several instruments months ago. I see it as a new possibility, because I can sing without playback now. Of course I could have used the piano in the open stage years ago. But I don't like to sing to a big wooden box, not really facing the audience. I really see myself sitting on the edge of the stage in the future ....

Second example: La Folia/ Folie d'Espagnie. I still have to practice a lot on guitar, but I definitely thing, this is my way to go.

It happens easily that some guitar player comes along, asks for my guitar and then I take the violin. I've seen that in the folk community recently: there are many guitar players which are really good. Plus, I definitely think I should be able to give back by playing the guitar at times for someone. Not just expect guitar players to accompany my violin. I have been pondering the keyboard question for many years: a keyboard is just not right for me. I don't want electricity in my music.

My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Berlin, Germany

November 25, 2019 - 1:50 pm
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It was weeks ago but actually I'm very happy with this way too slow Gavotte. I played it that slow because I couldn't do it faster on guitar.

Tenor recorder with subject, violin adds improvised second voice -- that's how I want it. That could be the Sound oft my Future Band......

Sounds now like Kind of air.   

I'm still practizing to this guitar Background. I love to habe a guitar in the Background!

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My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Brora, North-east Scotland
November 26, 2019 - 2:34 am
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Nice sound from the mix of instruments....  TY 

I seriously recommend not copying my mistakes. D'oh - guntohead.JPG

Please make your own, different mistakes, and help us all learn :-)


November 26, 2019 - 7:42 am
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Sounds good, the sound of the tenor recorder still amazes me at how good it sounds. It sounded nothing like that when I tried years ago to play one.

Thanks for posting,


Master the Frog and you have mastered the bow.

Albert Sammons

Berlin, Germany

November 28, 2019 - 9:27 am
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BillyG said
Nice sound from the mix of instruments....  TY 



The trouble is, it's all me. Looks like I'll have to clone myself.


My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Berlin, Germany

November 28, 2019 - 9:58 am
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Mark said

Sounds good, the sound of the tenor recorder still amazes me at how good it sounds. It sounded nothing like that when I tried years ago to play one.

Thanks for posting,



I have been infected by certain CDs with recorder suites and sonatas since the very early 2000s. Especially I listened to this one over and over again.

Purcell / Dieupart: Suites For Recorder


Today I can still hear how strongly I've been influenced by this CD. Whenever I hear a recording of me playing the tenor recorder it reminds me of this CD. Although it's the cheapest tenor recorder I've seen on the market: Yamaha, not really bad, but just plastic.
I think people will have to throw quite some money at me to make me by a really good wooden recorder....

My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

Berlin, Germany

November 28, 2019 - 9:59 am
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By the way, I have another violin revolution this November. It reminds me a bit of the big violin revolution in November 2017, when I found out that I never suffered of overflexing my fingerboard hand, but just had to change the way I held the violin. I think this time I profit from the aftereffects of 2017 after my fingers slowly got stronger and more relaxed. So I had allowed myself to start changing positions (only on E-string) which I managed so-so until the end of November. It was not relaxed enough. Plus I was able to march up and down the E-string in C-major, but as soon as the chord changed and forced me to involve F# I got lost. I told my hand the shift back from G to F# would mean getting back home to the first position but it didn't really trust me. My hand was afraid and confused. The day before yesterday I finally convinced my hand that F# is no reason to be afraid. Very interesting: I know exactly what to do and that it should be easy, but my hand can't trust me. We don't really fully control our limbs. They partly have their own ideas and fears.

My violin is a 3/4 violin, made for right-handed players, though I play it left-handed. As I felt she was the best in the shop of all 3/4 violins I tried and the luthier agreed. I prefer Obligato strings together with Eudoxa E string. Self-made bow, weight: 24 g / 0.85 oz

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